*Read...... ^__^*
The ride to the airport was a silent one for the Maraj/Samules family. Nicki was driving so she wouldn't get motion sickness. Safaree stared out the window through his LV shades. And the kids were quiet from sadness. Nicki and Safaree had told them months ago that today was coming and kept reminding them but as all kids do it went in one ear and out the other.
Safaree and Nicki stayed up all night talking about different things. The past, the future. The kids were a big topic. How Safaree was going to handle being a single parent for the next four months. He said he could manage but Nicki had made arrangements for both their moms to pop up from time to time. Of course Safaree had no idea of these arrangements. She trusted Safaree but the mother in her wanted to take extra precautions.
Nicki looked over at Safaree. She would miss him a great deal. All the late night talks and great laughs they shared. His warm embrace she would miss the most. She knew she was always safe with him around. Nicki reached over and grabbed his hand to hold. Safaree looked up and gave Nicki a half smile then went back to staring at nothing in particular out the window. Nicki slowed down due to traffic. She looked back at her children. Zaria was rocking her LV shades like her dad. Daria had a scowl on her face and Ethan looked like he was losing his best friend. Nicki turned around quickly to keep her emotions in check.
Pulling up to the private entrance to the airport Nicki pulled out her ID to show the security guard.
"Hello Ms. Maraj." the guard greeted.
"Hello Frankie. The car behind us has my luggage in it." Nicki said looking back at Candi and Lauren through the side mirror.
"No problem. You know the way. Have a safe flight." he handed her back her ID and she pulled off.
Nicki pulled up 50ft away from the plane and put the car in park. The only noise you heard was from the planes taking off and landing.
"Say something baby." Nicki said.
"Let's hurry up and get you on the plane." He hopped out the car quickly. Nicki let out a loud sigh and followed. Nicki got the kids out of their booster seats so she could give them one last hug before she left. She bent down to there level.
"Mommy is going to miss you guys." Nicki said holding back tears.
"Mommy you only have 120 days until you comeback."
"Mommies smart girl. How did you know that."
"Daddy helped me count this morning because I was sad." Zaria hugged her mother.
"It's okay baby. Keep counting down the days, mommy will count too okay."
"Okay mommy." Zaria let go.
"Come here Toot." Nicki reached her hand out to grab Daria's pulling her closer. "Aren't you gonna hug mommy?" Nicki said knowing Daria was mad she was leaving. Nicki hugged her getting no embrace back. Daria moved away from Nicki quickly.
"Daria Rea-" Safaree started to scold her for her attitude but was cut off by Nicki.
"Safaree let her be." Nicki watched as Daria stood next to her sister and held her hand.
"It'll be okay Daria." Zaria hugged her sister which made a tear escape and stain Nicki's cheek.
"Ma'am you have to board if you want to be the first on the plane." A crew member explained to Nicki.
"Mommy please don't go." Ethan threw his arms around Nicki's neck. That was the straw, Nicki clutched him tight and cried. She didn't want to leave them but she couldn't just uproot them from school to take half way around the world.
"Mommy has to go but she'll think of you everyday baby." Nicki said meaning every word.
"Mommy please." Ethan was crying just as hard as Nicki.
"Ma'am." the guy said.
"Can't you see she's talking to her kids? Back away man." Safaree said irritated with the man.
"Mommy has to go Ethan." Nicki said rubbing his back.
"No." he held on tighter.
"Safaree-" Nicki managed to mutter. Safaree came and in one swoop pried Ethan from Nicki. Ethan began kicking and screaming. Nicki turned so she wouldn't see the hurt in Ethan's eyes. Lauren helped the girls into their seats. Nicki hugged Candi and Lauren and they headed back home. That just left Safaree for her to say goodbye too. She heard the car door close and seen him round the corner from behind the car. She could hear Ethan's screams.
"I shouldn't go Safaree." she was still crying.
"You have too." He wrapped his arms tightly around her. She gladly welcomed him. "Everything will be alright Nicki.
"Let them know I'll call every night and we can Skype too. I don't want to leave them, I don't want to leave you." Nicki said.
"You aren't leaving forever baby." Safaree was trying not to let his true emotions show. A part of him wanted to put her back in the car, drive her home, put her in their bed with their kids and watch movies like they always did but he knew he couldn't be selfish. Nicki had trained hard for this movie roll and it wouldn't be fair to her nor her fans if he were to be selfish. Nicki pulled back and removed his sunglasses.
"Tell me how much you love me."
"I love you to the moon and back. If i were to ever lose you it would be like taking my oxygen away. You are me and I am you." Safaree brushed her hair from her face. Nicki kissed him like there was no tomorrow. When they finally pulled apart Nicki knew she had to go. This was a commercial flight.
"I love you Safaree. Take care of our kids and yourself." She gave him a brief kiss slid on her Sunglasses and walked away quickly.
Safaree go tin the car and sat there until she got onto the plane then drove off.
Nicki sat in her seat and watched the tail lights of her car disappear. She said a silent prayer for her family then watched as the passengers began to board the plane. Nicki hoped this would be a smooth flight, no questions, no autograph's.
Shanghai, China
When Nicki arrived she was the last one to get off the plane. Her security guard Neil met her at the plane and helped her down the stairs and into the car. It was 2am and she was happy because all she wanted to do was sleep and forget about the scene she left in New York. Riding through the streets of Shanghai she looked at all the closed shops and the young people taking advantage of the night life.
They pulled up to the villa she would be residing in for her stay in China. It would be a couple of days that she would be in a different city in China where she would stay in a hotel and at some point she will be going to L.A. to shoot two or three scenes. She still hadn't decided if she wanted to let Safaree and the kids come see her because she didn't want to put her children through any emotional turmoil especially like this morning.
She was met at the door by a small woman. She looked to be in her early sixties.
"Hello Nicki." Nicki smiled at the pronunciation of her name, Neeki. The Barbz are gonna cackle when I tell them.
"Hello.." Nicki stopped wanting the lady to give her a name.
"I am Jun." she offered her hand which Nicki shook.
"Hello Jun. Is this your property?" Nicki asked stepping inside.
"Yes. I hope you find it pleasant to live in for your stay." She watched Nicki look around the first floor.
"I'm sure I will."
Jun showed Nicki to her room and then briefly showed her around the house.
"Well I can see you are tired from your long flight so I'll leave you be. The refrigerator is stocked as well as the cabinets. Of course you will have to go get your own groceries after you run out."
"I understand."
"Alright Ms. Nicki."
"Please just Nicki."
"Nicki have a nice night."
"You do the same." Nicki walked her to the front door locking it. She turned out the lights downstairs and headed back to her room to call Safaree. He picked up on the first ring.
"Hi gorgeous."
"Hi handsome." She sighed hearing his voice.
"How was your flight."
"It was like any other flight. How are the kids?" She asked putting the phone on speaker so she could disrobe.
"Ethan has been crying off and on and the only time it's off is when he sleeps. Daria has been quiet and Zaria has been talking my ear off about you and what you are going to bring her back." Nicki laughed at the last part.
"Where is Ethan now?"
"Laying next to me sleep." Safaree looked over at his son sprawled out on the bed.
"I feel horrible for leaving them."
"No Nicki you won't do this to yourself for the next four months. They will be fine and so will you."
"What about you? Will you be fine?" Nicki slid underneath the covers. She heard Safaree let out a deep sigh.
"As long as you're happy and our children are safe, I'm fine." he said telling half of the truth.
"I wish you were here to hold me, this house is creepy."
"You're just a scaredy cat." Safaree teased.
"Sure am." she giggled. "I love you baby."
"I love you more. Get some sleep and call around 8:30am your time to tell the kids goodnight."
"Okay. Give them kisses for me and make sure Zaria doesn't have any sugar after seven or she won't go to sleep until ten then it will be hell trying to get her up in the morning for school." Nicki didn't want the conversation to end. "Oh and the kids are supposed to bring the snacks this week. I left a list of the approved snacks on the refrigerator. Safaree please don't forget them that's all I need is for Karen to start complaining."
"And Daria needs to work on her reading, she's been getting lazy lately with it. Oh and she has tutoring-"
"Monday through Thursday from three to four-thirty." Safaree finished her sentence.
"Yeah." She sighed. "Okay I guess that's it, if i think of anything else I'll call."
"I'm sure you will. get some rest and have fun shooting your movie. You'll see us in no time babe." Safaree reassured her.
"Night Doll face." Safaree hung up the phone first knowing Nicki wouldn't.
Somewhere in Downtown Los Angles
Michelle put the plate in front of the woman and sat her water on the raggedy night stand. Both women locked eyes. One set full of hatred and the other full of pity. In the distance a phone began ringing. Michelle quickly left the room closing the door behind her. She raced up a flight of stairs to her living room grabbing the phone off the receiver on the last ring.
"Hello." She answered out of breath.
"Um, Is this Ms. Tanner?"
"Yes this is Michelle Tanner."
"Hi this is Mrs. Jones from Wilson's Daycare."
"Oh hi Mrs. Jones. What pleasant surprise, I hope you've called with good news." Michelle said crossing her fingers.
"I actually am. I wanted to be the first one to tell you that me and the board have reviewed your resume and went over our notes from your two interviews. And seeing that you have excellent references, we think it would be great if you came to work for Wilson's." Mrs Jones said with much delight.
Michelle danced in place with excitement. "I'm very grateful for this opportunity. I would love to come work for you." Michelle gushed.
"Well I'll leave you to your evening. You will be receiving an email and a phone call from Mr. Graves my assistant within the next couple of days. You have a wonderful evening,"
"You too." Michelle hung up the phone.
"You need to think about this." A voice came from behind Michelle.
"Mother please." Michelle cursed herself internally for not locking her door. "Get back to your room now." she scurried back down to her room.
Michelle picked up her cell phone to tell her friend the good news. She sat on her smooth white leather couch as the phone rang.
"Bitch you are not nobodies Spanish." Michelle said rolling her eyes.
"Let me have my moment damn." Nina laughed into the receiver.
"So guess what I just found out?"
"I got the job at Wilson's Daycare in NY."
"That;s great Michelle. I know that was at the top of your list. So when are you moving?"
"As soon as possible. Whenever they send me all the final information I'll move back to my mom's old house."
"I'm gonna miss you girl."
"Don't go getting all emotional on me. I'm sure we will see each other again once I leave."
"Yeah I know. Well let me get off this phone and go make Quentin's dinner. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Alright, bye." Michelle hung up the phone and thought about all the plans she had for when she got to New York.
*Hope you liked this. Tell me what you guys are thinking.*
This is the Sequel to Beautiful Mistake. I again take you on the FICTIONAL journey of Onika and Safaree as they try and figure out their way through this thing called life while loving each other in the process.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Birthday Bash...
*Enjoy my darlings. Also there is a couple of new fics that I enjoy and thought maybe you would like as well there is True Games by @NisiCharice http://truegamesoflove.blogspot.com/ Also there is A Step Further & Head over Heels by @NickiConquers http://astepinthenameoflove.blogspot.com/ http://headoverheelsinlovewithonikafaree.blogspot.com/ *
Nicki and Safaree got in position for the sunrise attack. Nicki was wearing a pair of Safaree's camouflage shorts and a matching tank. She learned how to paint her face like the army men just for this event. Nicki slid her gun into her leg holster and looked over at Safaree who had a ski mask on top of his head not yet pulled down, he had on all black attire.
"You really ready for this because you know how they are?" Safaree asked Nicki one last time before they left the room.
"It was my plan Safaree of course I'm sure." Nicki said reaching for the door handle.
"Alright, then it's on." Safaree followed behind her. He watched her as her long thick ponytail bounced as she walked down the stairs. "Yo this is the most coonish shit you ever came up with." he said as they stopped in the front of two separate doors.
"That's why you love me right?" She turned looking up at him.
"That among others." he leaned down and kissed her lips.
"Let's do this, what's the time?" Nicki asked unholstering her gun.
"It's 6:58am., why you give me these to use? Why I couldn't have the gun?"
"Because you shoot like a bitch. Like you don't hit shit when you shoot." she whispered trying not to ruin the element of surprise. Safaree stayed quiet because the time they did go to the gun rage he hit everything but the paper assigned. "Nothing to say now eh?" she smirked.
"let's just do this."
Safaree pulled his mask down and waited for the cue. Seconds later there was a loud boom that came though there speakers in the house. Safaree and Nicki busted through the kids doors.
Nicki dived and rolled into Ethans room. She stood and dove sideways onto his bed shooting him with her Nerf gun. Safaree was in the girls room banging pots and pans like he was in a marching band.
The kids eyes popped open from their parents out burst. Ethan climbed under the covers trying to block his mothers attack but she snatched it and continued to shoot his small frame with the Nerf bullets. Zaria was sitting in her bed covering her ears from the noise of the pots. Daria hopped up and started running around with her dad yelling.
"Mommy stop!" Ethan whined running to the girls room with Nicki hot on his trail.
"Why?" She mocked his whining shooting him in his back and laughing.
Safaree was yelling out war cries and was slamming Zaria down on the bed while Daria was on his back slamming her little fist into his back trying to save her sister.
"Let her go daddy." Daria yelled out.
Safaree pulled Daria around and plopped her right beside Zaria and continued with his attack. Ethan was now running around in the girls walk-in closet.
"Aww come on Ethan take it like a man." A Nerf zoomed by his ear.
"Take it like a man." Daria repeated.
"We didn't ask for your help." Safaree told her while pinning her legs above her head.
"Ouch daddy." Daria began to cry.
Whack! Is what Safaree heard as Nicki threw the Nerf gun at his back. He turned around to see what her problem was.
"What the hell Nicki?"
"I told you not to hurt them." Nicki sprung onto safaree knocking him over onto the floor. She was getting good practice on her stunts. Her movie began shooting in two weeks.
"How you gone trade sides?" He said rolling her over and pinning her to the ground.
"Well you hurt my baby so you had to pay." she said squirming under him.
All three of the kids jumped on Safaree.
"Get off mommy." They all yelled out.
"Oh so it's turn on daddy day?" he fell to the side of Nicki.
Nicki scooted away and watched as her family rolled around in a blissful state. This is what she wanted on a permanent note. Safaree as her husband right by her side everyday with their beautiful children. She didn't want them to have to travel from house to house to see one parent. They deserved a complete family and if it took more blood sweat and tears than that's what she would sacrifice to make that happen for them. Nicki was jerked out of her thoughts by Zaria plopping her long body onto hers.
"I love you mommy."
"Mommy loves you too. Happy birthday baby girl."
"Hey it's our birthday too!" the other two stated leaving their father and running to their mothers side.
"I know. Happy birthday to you too." She engaged in a group hug with them.
"Hey I want love too." Safaree said feeling left out.
"Come here you big baby, mama has love left for you too." Nicki said opening her arms. Safaree crawled over to them and hugged them all. "I love all four of my babies." Nicki and Safarees eyes connected speaking all the words that weren't said.
Birthday Party
When the guest arrived to the birthday party they were met by Spongebob and Ferb. Safaree and Nicki were throwing the kids a costume birthday party. Nicki wanted for the triplets to be able to show their personalities and this was the perfect way. When the children arrived they would be taken into a room filled with different costumes for them to pick from.
The space they rented out was pretty big and they didn't use most of it. They had set up many different activity centers around the building. There was a jewelry making station ran by Nicki and Zaria. Safaree and Daria held down the Sports center where you could jump on a trampoline, paint your own basketball or soccer ball, and you could get into a boxing ring wearing big over sized gloves and go a couple rounds. There was a build-a-bear station so all the kids could leave with a stuffed animal with one outfit, more if the parent wanted to buy more. There was a photo shoot for the kids and parents to pick from five different scenes to pose in front of, also to take a picture with the birthday guests. There was an arts and crafts station where they could make pillows and decorate them. Also they could make masks, checker boards. And Ethan was holding down being the conductor of the train. He got to ride people around the building dropping them off at each of the stations.
"Ethan are you having fun?" Nicki asked when he dropped a couple of parents and little girls off at the Zee Design station.
"Mommy it's Conductor Ethan."
"Oh well excuse me, Conductor Ethan are you having fun?"
"Yes. I gotta go mommy. Where to?" he asked the little boy who had sat in the train cart behind him.
"Daria's Olympian center." he requested. Ethan pulled the string to the horn to signal he was on the move.
Nicki looked up to see all the kids uncles and aunts coming through the door. She gave all of YMCMB a lecture on how to act while in the presence of their kids peers and parents. This wasn't like their previous birthdays where they turned it into an adult party ten minutes after the cake was cut and played cards and what not. They had to act civilized for once in their coon lives as Safaree put it.
Wayne led the pack as they filed into the room. Nicki seen Nina and Quincy towards the back with their gifts for the kids.
"Nina bug." Nicki yelled out. Nicki stood up moving as fast as she could in her heels to Nina. She was dressed up as a toned down Betty Boop. "How are you my Darling?" Nicki hugged her.
"I'm doing great, I can't complain. How are you?"
"I'm doing better. Your nieces and nephew are going to love seeing you."
"So Nina is they only one you see?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah." Wayne cosigned.
"I'm sorry. Hi everyone thank you for coming." She went and hugged everyone. "You can take the gifts to Gift town. You might want to wait until Conductor Ethan comes around in the train so he can take you. he looks so adorable in his little outfit. Here he comes now." Ethan pulled up.
"All aboard. Hello Uncle Wayne, do you want to help ride the people around with me."
"Hell yeah."
"Watch your mouth." Nicki scolded.
"Sorry. Come on Ethan." Wayne said hopping in next to him. Everyone piled into the train.
"Ethan take them to Gift Town then take them to see your sisters."
"Mommy." Ethan whined.
"Oh, Conductor Ethan."
Ethan pulled off leaving Nicki standing by herself. She scooped out the place making sure everything was running smoothly. Her extra helpers were staying on top of keeping everyone smiling and busy. Nicki didn't want anyone to say her babies birthday party was a bust.
Nicki felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist tightly. The smell of Gucci cologne filled her nose.
"You better let me go before my man comes and handles you." Nicki said resting against the broad chest behind her.
"I can handle your man with ease." Safaree said kissing the top of her head. "Are you having fun?"
"As long as my angels are having fun I'm good." Nicki said turning to look at Safaree. He had on a Woody Costume, chaps and all.
"You look good in your cowboy outfit baby."
"Yeah? You should see me in my birthday suit, I look even better." He whispered in her ear then kissing her neck. Nicki removed herself from his embrace.
"Don't start Safaree." She walked away frustrated.
Safaree regretted bring up sex knowing how she felt about it lately. He went to go apologize.
"Daddy Daddy." He looked to see Daria running full speed at him. He picked her up once she made it to him.
"You having fun Toot?"
"Yes. This is the best birthday ever daddy."
"Glad you love it. let's go see Zee."
He walked over making his way through the crowd. Everyone stopped him to have a conversation it seemed or to tell Daria happy birthday. They finally made it to Zee Designs. Zaria looked up and smiled.
"Sissy, here." Zaria stood up giving Daria a necklace she had made her.
"Thanks Zaria." Daria said putting the necklace on.
"Here you go daddy." Zaria made him a pink diamond ring for his pinky.
"Coon I love it. Best piece of jewelry I've ever gotten." Safaree slipped it on. "Perfect fit."
"Mommy has a matching one."
"Excuse me mister Samules." A young girl said.
"Yes." He turned around to see it was one of the workers.
"It's time for the food."
"Alright, Thank you." Safaree went to go find Nicki. She was standing on the other side of the room talking to Nina, Lauren, Candi and one of the moms she got along with. "Nicki it's time for the food. Hey little sis."
"Hey big brother." The siblings embraced.
"Okay Safaree let's go make the announcement." Safaree took her by the hand and led her over to the intercom system.
"Baby I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said helping her step onto the train platform.
"I know, just drop it Safaree."
He clenched his jaw knowing she was still agitated. He stood on the platform next to her putting on a fake smile. Nicki picked up the walkie that was hooked up to the PA system through out the room.
"Break breaker 1 9, break break breaker 1 9. All my-" Safaree snatched the walkie from her.
"Calm the nonsense." Everyone laughed except Nicki. "Alright you guys it's now time to feed the small ones. We can get them situated then the grown ups we have food for you as well. So if you would all hop onto the train Conductor Ethan will take you to Chow Down Town. Thank you again for coming to celebrate Zaria, Daria, and Ethans 5th birthday." Safaree put the walkie down and got down off the platform.
"Oh so you not going to help me down?" Nicki said with her hands on her hips. Safaree stopped and back tracked extending his hand. When she stepped onto the second step which put her eye level with him he blocked her from continuing on.
"Listen and listen good. You will not make today about you. So you can check that funky ass attitude that's brewing right now. I said I was sorry even though I don't know why I am apologizing, It's normal for a man to want to be intimate with his woman. You will not ruin today for me or our children, you got that?" He said through gritted teeth. Nicki stared him in the eyes seeing that he was not playing. She softened her face.
"Yeah I got it Safaree." Seeing that he got his point across he let her pass. She sat in the very last cart on the train still staring at him. Lauren leaned back.
"What was that all about Nicki?" She asked eyeing Safaree who was now talking to the owner of the building.
"Nothing." She looked down at her hands.
"Daddy come on." The triplets said in unison which made the room break out in Awws. Safaree hopped in next to Nicki and Ethan pulled off.
That Night
Ethan was playing with his new train set in the front room that Wayne had bought him. Wayne also bought him a train display that would be installed in Ethans room in the upcoming week. Zaria was still in her Indian costume from earlier. Daria was teaching her how to play Soccer on the new soccer machine Nicki and Safaree got her.
"Alright mommies babies time for baths. Ethan go in mommy and daddies bathroom and get in the tub and girls you go get in your bath tub."
"Yes mommy." Daria said. The girls held hands walking up the stairs to their room. Ethan ran to the master bedroom undressing on the way there. He loved their tub because it was so big, he played submarine in it.
Safaree was sitting on the couch going over Nicki's itinerary for when she was in China next week. She was going to be gone for four months. Safaree didn't think she understood what that was gong to do to him. She was so worried about how it would affect the kids but never did she ask him if he was okay. Nicki came downstairs after putting the kids to bed and sat next to Safaree.
"Baby I'm sorry about earlier today, I overreacted." She stared at him but he didn't look up from the papers.
"It's okay." Was all he said. Nicki gently pulled the papers from his hands getting his attention.
"Safaree talk to me."
"Nicki all I want to do is make love to you but every time I touch you I get scolded for it or i get told "You just like these other niggas just tryin to get something from me" are you serious? I know what happened to you was messed up but I'm not him." Safaree was so frustrated.
"I know you aren't him baby. It's just what he gave me-"
"What he gave you is gone and has been for over three weeks. The doctor cleared you and gave you the okay." Safaree said. Nicki just sat there.
"You don't know how I feel Safaree. I feel guilty you have to love a woman that had an STD. I've never been through this before."
"I'm here to help you, and I'll always be here. I'm not ashamed of you Nicki. I know you are not some hoe that just fucks dudes just to be fuckin. You loved him and he did you wrong." Safaree wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not going to pressure you because obviously this has you really shook. Let's talk about something else." he suggested.
"Well I leave for China in a couple of days." She laid with her back to his chest.
"Anything but that?" SB said.
"I don't want you to go. I just got you back and now you are leaving for four months."
"They'll go by quick Faree. Please don't make me feel bad for this."
"Never, just trying to put my feelings out there like you told me to do."
"I love you Safaree. I don't know what I would do with out you."
"You'd be lost! I love you way more. Come on lets go get in the shower and then I'll put you to bed."
"Safaree." She said side eyeing him.
"I don't mean like that, I mean actually put you in the bed and go to sleep."
"Oh, okay then let's go."
Safaree meant exactly what she thought but didn't want to start a whole other argument. If he had to wait four months to make love to her then that's just what he had to do. He turned out the lights and made his way to his bedroom to be with his woman.
*Ugh it took forever to finish this chapter. Hope you liked. Comment. 50+ this time. Sorry for the long breaks.*
Nicki and Safaree got in position for the sunrise attack. Nicki was wearing a pair of Safaree's camouflage shorts and a matching tank. She learned how to paint her face like the army men just for this event. Nicki slid her gun into her leg holster and looked over at Safaree who had a ski mask on top of his head not yet pulled down, he had on all black attire.
"You really ready for this because you know how they are?" Safaree asked Nicki one last time before they left the room.
"It was my plan Safaree of course I'm sure." Nicki said reaching for the door handle.
"Alright, then it's on." Safaree followed behind her. He watched her as her long thick ponytail bounced as she walked down the stairs. "Yo this is the most coonish shit you ever came up with." he said as they stopped in the front of two separate doors.
"That's why you love me right?" She turned looking up at him.
"That among others." he leaned down and kissed her lips.
"Let's do this, what's the time?" Nicki asked unholstering her gun.
"It's 6:58am., why you give me these to use? Why I couldn't have the gun?"
"Because you shoot like a bitch. Like you don't hit shit when you shoot." she whispered trying not to ruin the element of surprise. Safaree stayed quiet because the time they did go to the gun rage he hit everything but the paper assigned. "Nothing to say now eh?" she smirked.
"let's just do this."
Safaree pulled his mask down and waited for the cue. Seconds later there was a loud boom that came though there speakers in the house. Safaree and Nicki busted through the kids doors.
Nicki dived and rolled into Ethans room. She stood and dove sideways onto his bed shooting him with her Nerf gun. Safaree was in the girls room banging pots and pans like he was in a marching band.
The kids eyes popped open from their parents out burst. Ethan climbed under the covers trying to block his mothers attack but she snatched it and continued to shoot his small frame with the Nerf bullets. Zaria was sitting in her bed covering her ears from the noise of the pots. Daria hopped up and started running around with her dad yelling.
"Mommy stop!" Ethan whined running to the girls room with Nicki hot on his trail.
"Why?" She mocked his whining shooting him in his back and laughing.
Safaree was yelling out war cries and was slamming Zaria down on the bed while Daria was on his back slamming her little fist into his back trying to save her sister.
"Let her go daddy." Daria yelled out.
Safaree pulled Daria around and plopped her right beside Zaria and continued with his attack. Ethan was now running around in the girls walk-in closet.
"Aww come on Ethan take it like a man." A Nerf zoomed by his ear.
"Take it like a man." Daria repeated.
"We didn't ask for your help." Safaree told her while pinning her legs above her head.
"Ouch daddy." Daria began to cry.
Whack! Is what Safaree heard as Nicki threw the Nerf gun at his back. He turned around to see what her problem was.
"What the hell Nicki?"
"I told you not to hurt them." Nicki sprung onto safaree knocking him over onto the floor. She was getting good practice on her stunts. Her movie began shooting in two weeks.
"How you gone trade sides?" He said rolling her over and pinning her to the ground.
"Well you hurt my baby so you had to pay." she said squirming under him.
All three of the kids jumped on Safaree.
"Get off mommy." They all yelled out.
"Oh so it's turn on daddy day?" he fell to the side of Nicki.
Nicki scooted away and watched as her family rolled around in a blissful state. This is what she wanted on a permanent note. Safaree as her husband right by her side everyday with their beautiful children. She didn't want them to have to travel from house to house to see one parent. They deserved a complete family and if it took more blood sweat and tears than that's what she would sacrifice to make that happen for them. Nicki was jerked out of her thoughts by Zaria plopping her long body onto hers.
"I love you mommy."
"Mommy loves you too. Happy birthday baby girl."
"Hey it's our birthday too!" the other two stated leaving their father and running to their mothers side.
"I know. Happy birthday to you too." She engaged in a group hug with them.
"Hey I want love too." Safaree said feeling left out.
"Come here you big baby, mama has love left for you too." Nicki said opening her arms. Safaree crawled over to them and hugged them all. "I love all four of my babies." Nicki and Safarees eyes connected speaking all the words that weren't said.
Birthday Party
When the guest arrived to the birthday party they were met by Spongebob and Ferb. Safaree and Nicki were throwing the kids a costume birthday party. Nicki wanted for the triplets to be able to show their personalities and this was the perfect way. When the children arrived they would be taken into a room filled with different costumes for them to pick from.
The space they rented out was pretty big and they didn't use most of it. They had set up many different activity centers around the building. There was a jewelry making station ran by Nicki and Zaria. Safaree and Daria held down the Sports center where you could jump on a trampoline, paint your own basketball or soccer ball, and you could get into a boxing ring wearing big over sized gloves and go a couple rounds. There was a build-a-bear station so all the kids could leave with a stuffed animal with one outfit, more if the parent wanted to buy more. There was a photo shoot for the kids and parents to pick from five different scenes to pose in front of, also to take a picture with the birthday guests. There was an arts and crafts station where they could make pillows and decorate them. Also they could make masks, checker boards. And Ethan was holding down being the conductor of the train. He got to ride people around the building dropping them off at each of the stations.
"Ethan are you having fun?" Nicki asked when he dropped a couple of parents and little girls off at the Zee Design station.
"Mommy it's Conductor Ethan."
"Oh well excuse me, Conductor Ethan are you having fun?"
"Yes. I gotta go mommy. Where to?" he asked the little boy who had sat in the train cart behind him.
"Daria's Olympian center." he requested. Ethan pulled the string to the horn to signal he was on the move.
Nicki looked up to see all the kids uncles and aunts coming through the door. She gave all of YMCMB a lecture on how to act while in the presence of their kids peers and parents. This wasn't like their previous birthdays where they turned it into an adult party ten minutes after the cake was cut and played cards and what not. They had to act civilized for once in their coon lives as Safaree put it.
Wayne led the pack as they filed into the room. Nicki seen Nina and Quincy towards the back with their gifts for the kids.
"Nina bug." Nicki yelled out. Nicki stood up moving as fast as she could in her heels to Nina. She was dressed up as a toned down Betty Boop. "How are you my Darling?" Nicki hugged her.
"I'm doing great, I can't complain. How are you?"
"I'm doing better. Your nieces and nephew are going to love seeing you."
"So Nina is they only one you see?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah." Wayne cosigned.
"I'm sorry. Hi everyone thank you for coming." She went and hugged everyone. "You can take the gifts to Gift town. You might want to wait until Conductor Ethan comes around in the train so he can take you. he looks so adorable in his little outfit. Here he comes now." Ethan pulled up.
"All aboard. Hello Uncle Wayne, do you want to help ride the people around with me."
"Hell yeah."
"Watch your mouth." Nicki scolded.
"Sorry. Come on Ethan." Wayne said hopping in next to him. Everyone piled into the train.
"Ethan take them to Gift Town then take them to see your sisters."
"Mommy." Ethan whined.
"Oh, Conductor Ethan."
Ethan pulled off leaving Nicki standing by herself. She scooped out the place making sure everything was running smoothly. Her extra helpers were staying on top of keeping everyone smiling and busy. Nicki didn't want anyone to say her babies birthday party was a bust.
Nicki felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist tightly. The smell of Gucci cologne filled her nose.
"You better let me go before my man comes and handles you." Nicki said resting against the broad chest behind her.
"I can handle your man with ease." Safaree said kissing the top of her head. "Are you having fun?"
"As long as my angels are having fun I'm good." Nicki said turning to look at Safaree. He had on a Woody Costume, chaps and all.
"You look good in your cowboy outfit baby."
"Yeah? You should see me in my birthday suit, I look even better." He whispered in her ear then kissing her neck. Nicki removed herself from his embrace.
"Don't start Safaree." She walked away frustrated.
Safaree regretted bring up sex knowing how she felt about it lately. He went to go apologize.
"Daddy Daddy." He looked to see Daria running full speed at him. He picked her up once she made it to him.
"You having fun Toot?"
"Yes. This is the best birthday ever daddy."
"Glad you love it. let's go see Zee."
He walked over making his way through the crowd. Everyone stopped him to have a conversation it seemed or to tell Daria happy birthday. They finally made it to Zee Designs. Zaria looked up and smiled.
"Sissy, here." Zaria stood up giving Daria a necklace she had made her.
"Thanks Zaria." Daria said putting the necklace on.
"Here you go daddy." Zaria made him a pink diamond ring for his pinky.
"Coon I love it. Best piece of jewelry I've ever gotten." Safaree slipped it on. "Perfect fit."
"Mommy has a matching one."
"Excuse me mister Samules." A young girl said.
"Yes." He turned around to see it was one of the workers.
"It's time for the food."
"Alright, Thank you." Safaree went to go find Nicki. She was standing on the other side of the room talking to Nina, Lauren, Candi and one of the moms she got along with. "Nicki it's time for the food. Hey little sis."
"Hey big brother." The siblings embraced.
"Okay Safaree let's go make the announcement." Safaree took her by the hand and led her over to the intercom system.
"Baby I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said helping her step onto the train platform.
"I know, just drop it Safaree."
He clenched his jaw knowing she was still agitated. He stood on the platform next to her putting on a fake smile. Nicki picked up the walkie that was hooked up to the PA system through out the room.
"Break breaker 1 9, break break breaker 1 9. All my-" Safaree snatched the walkie from her.
"Calm the nonsense." Everyone laughed except Nicki. "Alright you guys it's now time to feed the small ones. We can get them situated then the grown ups we have food for you as well. So if you would all hop onto the train Conductor Ethan will take you to Chow Down Town. Thank you again for coming to celebrate Zaria, Daria, and Ethans 5th birthday." Safaree put the walkie down and got down off the platform.
"Oh so you not going to help me down?" Nicki said with her hands on her hips. Safaree stopped and back tracked extending his hand. When she stepped onto the second step which put her eye level with him he blocked her from continuing on.
"Listen and listen good. You will not make today about you. So you can check that funky ass attitude that's brewing right now. I said I was sorry even though I don't know why I am apologizing, It's normal for a man to want to be intimate with his woman. You will not ruin today for me or our children, you got that?" He said through gritted teeth. Nicki stared him in the eyes seeing that he was not playing. She softened her face.
"Yeah I got it Safaree." Seeing that he got his point across he let her pass. She sat in the very last cart on the train still staring at him. Lauren leaned back.
"What was that all about Nicki?" She asked eyeing Safaree who was now talking to the owner of the building.
"Nothing." She looked down at her hands.
"Daddy come on." The triplets said in unison which made the room break out in Awws. Safaree hopped in next to Nicki and Ethan pulled off.
That Night
Ethan was playing with his new train set in the front room that Wayne had bought him. Wayne also bought him a train display that would be installed in Ethans room in the upcoming week. Zaria was still in her Indian costume from earlier. Daria was teaching her how to play Soccer on the new soccer machine Nicki and Safaree got her.
"Alright mommies babies time for baths. Ethan go in mommy and daddies bathroom and get in the tub and girls you go get in your bath tub."
"Yes mommy." Daria said. The girls held hands walking up the stairs to their room. Ethan ran to the master bedroom undressing on the way there. He loved their tub because it was so big, he played submarine in it.
Safaree was sitting on the couch going over Nicki's itinerary for when she was in China next week. She was going to be gone for four months. Safaree didn't think she understood what that was gong to do to him. She was so worried about how it would affect the kids but never did she ask him if he was okay. Nicki came downstairs after putting the kids to bed and sat next to Safaree.
"Baby I'm sorry about earlier today, I overreacted." She stared at him but he didn't look up from the papers.
"It's okay." Was all he said. Nicki gently pulled the papers from his hands getting his attention.
"Safaree talk to me."
"Nicki all I want to do is make love to you but every time I touch you I get scolded for it or i get told "You just like these other niggas just tryin to get something from me" are you serious? I know what happened to you was messed up but I'm not him." Safaree was so frustrated.
"I know you aren't him baby. It's just what he gave me-"
"What he gave you is gone and has been for over three weeks. The doctor cleared you and gave you the okay." Safaree said. Nicki just sat there.
"You don't know how I feel Safaree. I feel guilty you have to love a woman that had an STD. I've never been through this before."
"I'm here to help you, and I'll always be here. I'm not ashamed of you Nicki. I know you are not some hoe that just fucks dudes just to be fuckin. You loved him and he did you wrong." Safaree wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not going to pressure you because obviously this has you really shook. Let's talk about something else." he suggested.
"Well I leave for China in a couple of days." She laid with her back to his chest.
"Anything but that?" SB said.
"I don't want you to go. I just got you back and now you are leaving for four months."
"They'll go by quick Faree. Please don't make me feel bad for this."
"Never, just trying to put my feelings out there like you told me to do."
"I love you Safaree. I don't know what I would do with out you."
"You'd be lost! I love you way more. Come on lets go get in the shower and then I'll put you to bed."
"Safaree." She said side eyeing him.
"I don't mean like that, I mean actually put you in the bed and go to sleep."
"Oh, okay then let's go."
Safaree meant exactly what she thought but didn't want to start a whole other argument. If he had to wait four months to make love to her then that's just what he had to do. He turned out the lights and made his way to his bedroom to be with his woman.
*Ugh it took forever to finish this chapter. Hope you liked. Comment. 50+ this time. Sorry for the long breaks.*
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