Nicki and the girls went to the ice cream shop a couple minutes away from her house. She was having mommy daughter time. She wanted to spend as much time with them as she could. Next month she started her training for her new movie and knew she would hardly see them like she could now. This would be the first time she would have to separate from them for a project longer than a week or two.
"Are you enjoying your ice cream?"
"Yes." they said together.
"Mommy do you like beans?" Zaria asked looking up from her bowl.
"Yes, mommy likes beans." Nicki looked at her for a second thinking there was a follow up question but Zaria just went back to eating. Nicki laughed. She would miss these moments with them and their innocence.
"So you two mommy needs to tell you something." They looked up at her with their big doe eyes. "You know mommy has a movie she has to make right." they shook their heads. "Well mommy has to go away for awhile to get ready for it."
"Are you going to bring us back something?" Daria questioned.
"Doesn't mommy always bring her princesses something back?"
"Yes." Daria said smiling.
"Well this time when mommy goes away she has to go away for a month."
"How long is that?" Daria asked.
"Well that's about four Sundays." Nicki said biting her lip trying to read their young faces but they still looked confused. "So when four Sundays pass mommy will be back at home."
"Okay." Zaria said getting back to her ice cream.
"That's it?" Nicki asked. She realized that she was talking to three year olds. "That went better than i thought." she said to herself. Nicki put a spoonful of her Butter pecan ice cream in her mouth then turned around to see a camera pointed at her on the other side of the glass. Nicki rolled her eyes. "Alright you two we have to go."
"But mommy." they whined.
"I'll get us some to take home but we have to go. Put your jackets on." they did as they were told.
Nicki slipped on her jacket and gathered the girls and went to the counter.
"May I have a pint of Birthday Cake, Chocolate, and Butter Pecan to go please?"
"Sure. That will be $23.18." Nicki gave her thirty and told her to keep the change. A gentleman handed her the bag with the ice cream in it.
"Come on girls." Nicki put one on each hip and walked out the door. She was approached by five paps as she made her way to her car.
"No pictures." Zaria said covering her face. Nicki reached her car.
"Hey back up and let me put my kids in the car." Nicki yelled. They complied and moved back enough for her to put them in the car. "Daria go get in your seat and I'll come strap you in." She strapped Zaria in then went around and did the same for Daria eventually getting in the car herself.
I can't even go out for ice cream anymore. Geesh. Barbz I don't like paparazzi. >:( Enjoy the photos! -__-
She pulled off and headed home.
It had been a week or so since Safaree and Nicki had made there agreement, so far they hadn't done anything with each other. They went on with their lives as usual. Nicki needed advice so she decided to call up her girls and go for a drive. She called her house phone.
"Hey baby. What are you and the girls up to?" Damon asked.
"On our way home. Can you watch the kids for a little while longer while I go do a couple things?"
"Sure it's no problem."
"Is Ethan giving you a hard time?"
"When doesn't he? He's fine though, nothing I can't handle."
"What did he do? Put his behind on the phone."
"No Nicki he is fine. Just call me when you pull up so I can come get the girls out of the car."
"Okay I'll be there in like two seconds so come out now."
"Okay." he hung up the phone.
Nicki pulled up into the driveway and parked the car. Damon came out in nothing but his sweat pants and shoes, it was chilly outside so his nipples were hard. Nicki rolled down the window.
"Your going to be sick fool put on some clothes." she yelled.
"You know you love my body stop playing girl." He opened the door and the girls hopped out the car.
"Mmhhhm. Grab that bag and put it in the freezer please."
"Alright, be safe." he leaned in for a kiss but Nicki turned her head.
"I don't know where your lips have been." she tried to play it off by giving a small smile.
"You cold, you know that right?"
"Yeah I know. See you when I get back." she rolled back up the window and backed out to leave.
Nicki let herself into Laurens house and ran up the stairs to her room. She flopped down on the bed and waited for Lauren to get out of the shower. She stared at the ceiling fan going round and round and thought that is exactly how her life was going. Spinning out of control and she felt as if she had no control over it. Nicki was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Lauren let out a scream. Nicki jumped up and screamed too."
"What's wrong?" Nicki asked.
"Your ass is what's wrong. When the hell did you get here?"
"Oh, you had me thinking something happened to your black ass. I got here like five minutes ago. I need to go for a drive."
"Must be some heavy stuff you need to get off your chest. Candi coming?"
"Yeah once we go get her."
"Alright well let me get on some clothes. Can we get something to eat while we are out?"
"I don't want anyone to see me."
"We can get fast food. I'm starving here kid."
"Fine if we must."
It was another thirty minutes until they left to go get Candi. Once they had her they stopped and got Burger King then were off down the highway, going nowhere in particular. Lauren and Candi knew how this went. Nicki wasn't going to tell them right away, she needed to figure out how to say it and it was never a quick thought process. They finished their food and just grooved to the Mary J. Blige What's the 411? album until she was ready.
"I keep fucking up." Nicki said shifting in the drivers seat.
"What do you mean?" Candi asked.
"In my relationship. I just keep fucking up." Lauren and Candi made eye contact.
"Does this involve Safaree again?" Lauren eyed her through the rear view mirror. They hit traffic and were at a standstill so Nicki through the car in park.
"Yes." she rested her head on the steering wheel.
"You did it again didn't you?" Candi asked with a smile on her face.
"Why do you have excitement in your voice when clearly I'm not okay about it." Nicki asked with an attitude.
"Calm down. So were you drunk this time as well?"
"That's the bad part about it, I was fully sober and aware."
"Damn Nic." Lauren said.
"I know right."
Traffic moved a little so she moved the car up and put it back in park.
"That can't be all to the story, we only go on drives when multiple things go wrong." Candi said.
"I volunteered to have an affair with him." she looked straight forward trying not make eye contact with anybody.
"YOU DID WHAT?" Lauren shouted.
"Yeah, you heard correctly." Nicki shook her head.
"So you are sleeping with him on the regular now?" Lauren asked.
"No. We haven't done anything since I proposed it to him."
"Nicki do you love Damon because your actions are speaking as if you don't."
"He's the reason I proposed it."
"Because he is always gone does not mean you get to cheat."
"No him having random women in his room means I can do what I want." Nicki shouted.
"When did you find this out?"
"I call him to check on him after the fitting and I hear some woman ask him what he is doing. Sounding all flirty and shit. Fuck him."
"Then why not leave?"
"I have invested in him emotionally and physically. I really did, do love him. I'm just so confused."
"But you still feel something for Safaree as well." Lauren added.
"It's like Safaree knows what I'm thinking before I do at times. He gets me."
"Then why not be with him if you feel Damon is cheating." Traffic began to flow again.
"Candi switch seats with me so I can talk." Candi climbed over Nicki and got in the drivers seat and pulled off.
"Safaree hurt me when he left." she looked at her nails. "Like it really fucked me up inside. I wasn't ready to give him up but there was nothing I could do about it. He moved on so I had to as well. I caught feelings for Damon and eventually love grew. Damon is not giving me the attention I need as a woman and I know Safaree will give me that. I don't want to leave Damon because at least I know what I get with him. With Safaree I never know."
"Nicki you are playing with fire here sis." Candi said. "It seems like you are not backing out of this little affair with SB but have you thought about what would happen if Damon finds out?"
"Did you ask him who the chick was in the background?"
"No. He still doesn't know I know. Me and his friend Phil are really good friends, I'm going to call him sometime this week and see if he knows anything about this Lesley chick."
"Why would he tell you anything if he is Damons homeboy?" Lauren asked.
"Phil is the type of person who if you're wrong he will tell you you are wrong. He has treated me like a sister since we first met three years ago." Lauren stared out the window.
"That's the girls name, Lesley?" Candi asked for clarification. Nicki looked from Lauren to Candi.
"Yeah. So what do you think Lauren?"
"Sis this is a whole big ol mess. You don't know If he is cheating so I don't think you should sleep with Safaree anymore."
"Lauren something in me is telling me he is doing something wrong. I just want to find out. And I thought about just leaving but I gave my word to him that I would marry him. I also have the kids to worry about, I can't pull someone from their lives that quickly. They are in a stable environment and I can't afford for my problems to effect them. With Daria possibly having Dyslexia I don't know if me doing something like that could set her back in any way and I'm not willing to to take that risk." the car got quiet as the three took in what Nicki just said.
"Nicki I just hope this doesn't come back and bite you in the ass. I understand you want the attention a man is supposed to give his future wife. I know you have spoken to him time and time again about it and he is not getting it, so if this is what you need to do then I get it. Just make sure you figure this out by your wedding date." Lauren sat back after she said her peace. Nicki looked over to Candi.
"What do you have to say?"
"It's your life boo. Just make sure you keep me up to date on all the freak nasty nasty that is about to take place." they all broke out into laughter.
"You are a damn freak I tell you. Freak nasty nasty, how old are we?" Nicki loved her friends for never judging her. "Where the hell are we?"
"We are entering San Diego in twenty minutes."
"Have we really been driving that long?"
"You drove for an hour and a half in silence, in a trance, we were stuck in traffic for a long minute, so yeah we are right on track. WE need to stop and get gas before we have to put you on the side of the rode to flag down a car."
"Why I gotta be the one to flag down a car?"
"You know all you gotta do is "take ya shirt off and watch the boys go nuts."" Candi said mimicking one of Nickis earlier songs.
"You are so corny." Nicki laughed. This is what she needed time to just clear her head and lay things out on the table. She had some things figured out, the grey area in her life was dwindling.
"Mr. Damon can you hewp me pwease?" Zaria was trying to get an orange out of the bowl in the center of the table.
"You want me to make you a snack?" he asked picking her up. She nodded her head. "You two want a snack too?" he yelled out.
"Yea pwease." Daria said walking into the kitchen. Ethan remained in the living room.
"Alright I'll make you guys a fruit tray." Damon went and pulled out Kiwi, bananas, and cuties from the fridge. "You know how to peel a orange?" he asked them. He picked them up and sat them on the counter.
"No." they said.
"What, you've never peeled an orange?" They giggled at the shocked expression on his face. "We can't have this, here." He handed them both a cutie. "Watch me." Ethan peeped his head around the corner, Damon pretended not to see him. "So you stick your finger into the orange like this, not to far you don't want the juice to squirt you in your eye. You'll go blind." Daria looked up from her orange.
"No, I'm just kidding sweetheart." he smiled and she went back to picking at her orange.
"Whoa." Zaria shouted because her orange slipped from her hand but she caught it in between her knees.
"Be careful." Damon picked up a banana and peeled it cutting it into slices and plated it. He began peeling the kiwi when he felt a tug on his pants leg, he looked down to see Ethan.
"Can I um...can you teach me pwease?" he looked up with his big eyes. Damon smiled.
"Sure let me get another orange. You want to get on the counter?"
"Yes." Damon went into the fridge, grabbing a orange then put Ethan next to his sisters.
"Okay you have to pick at the orange part." Ethan had seen him do it earlier so he repeated the action. "There you go."
"I'm finished." He looked at Zarias orange and it looked like she had tried to dig in it.
"Good job." At least she got the peel off, he thought. He took it from her and took Darias when she was done. "Okay go sit at the table." he placed them on the ground.
"Here." Ethan handed him his orange and jumped down following his sisters.
Damon put the fruit on a plate in the shape of two palm trees and sat it on the table for them to eat.
"Thank you." they said in unison.
Later in the day he pulled out some games for them to play together. He had been calling Nicki but couldn't through to her, he was getting worried.
"Is mommy coming home?" Zaria asked Damon, picking up the red person out of the Candy Land box.
"Yeah she will be here, let's start the game." He sat on the floor next to Daria. "Whoever wins gets ice cream."
"Yay." Zaria shouted.
Blocks Over
"No I gotta go." Nicki said trying to stop Safaree from unbuttoning her blouse for the third time. He currently had he trapped between him and the wall.
"Come on you have time." he kissed her once more.
"I really have to go, I left him there with three kids."
"You leave me all the time with them."
"It's different they are you offspring."
"Just a quickie Nicki." She kissed him on the lips.
"No Safaree. I call you later and let the kids tell you goodnight." she slipped under his arm and made her way quickly downstairs to the front door.
"Hey!" she looked up at the banister.
"Be safe." he said.
"I'm just going around the corner. Talk to you later." She smiled and left out.
Nicki looked down at her phone and seen she had 10 missed calls from Damon.
When she dropped off Lauren and Candi she was headed home, well that's what she thought but she found herself sitting in Safarees driveway. Safaree came out and got her after awhile. When they got in the house they sat on the couch not really saying anything. Nicki felt like a freshman school girl sitting with her senior crush, she didn't know what to do or say.
"You okay?" Safaree asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?"
"You're just so quiet, I'm used to you being loud."
"Shut up I'm never loud." she punched him in the arm.
"Hey I told you about putting your hands on me. I'ma toss your little ass next time."
"Whatever, turn on the TV or something. Entertain me." Safaree grabbed the remote and through it to her.
"I gotta pee." he rushed off.
She found a movie then her stomach growled so she made her way to his kitchen. Nicki helped herself to a sandwich and chips. Safaree came in the kitchen to get a water and seen Nicki sitting on his counter eating.
"So not only do you raid my refrigerator but you sit your ass on my counter?" he asked grabbing a water.
"You didn't seem to have a problem with my ass being on it a month back." she slipped another chip into her mouth. He grinned.
"Touché! But get off my counter." She rolled her eyes and hopped down taking her food in the front room. One thing lead to another and she ended up with her back against his wall and legs around his waist.
Nicki shook the image out of her head and texted Damon.
On my way home!
Where have you been? I've been calling you.
My phone died I was taking care of some business.
She pulled out of the driveway and headed home. She began getting her story straight.
"And the lies begin." she said out loud.
Next Day
Safaree had picked up Zaria and Ethan two hours ago to take them to school. Daria was going to the doctors today to get the results from her neurological test she took a week or so ago. Nicki walked into the girls room and stared at a sleeping Daria in her bed. Nicki slid in the small bed next to her and rubbed her hand through her soft curls. She prayed her baby girl didn't struggle to much with this condition for to long.
"Daria wake up angel." Daria didn't move. Nicki planted kisses on her cheek and she turned her head. Nicki laughed and kissed her other cheek. Daria swatted at what was bugging her. "Oop. Daria wake up little girl." Nicki pulled her into her lap and she snuggled into Nicki chest. "Come on we gotta get ready and go." she stuck her pinky in her ear.
"No mommy." she whined.
"Yes." She stood her up on her feet. "Wake up." Daria stood there with her eyes closed. Nicki lifted one of her eyelids making Daria jerk her head yet.
"Mommy stop." She turned around and left out of the room going to the bathroom. Nicki laughed at her dramatics.
Nicki made her bed and pick out her outfit for the day. She noticed it was taking Daria a long time so she went to go check on her. Nicki opened the door seeing Daria with her elbows resting on her legs and her head being held up with her hands, she looked to be sleeping.
"Hey!" Nicki shouted. Daria opened one eye and looked at her then closed it. "What are you doing?"
"I have to go number two." Nicki scrunched up her face.
"Ew, hurry up so you can take your bath and eat."
Nicki and Daria had been taken to the back and were now waiting on the Dr. Landon to come in with the results. Nicki was a nervous wreck and wished Safaree could be there for support but he had a meeting he couldn't get out of, so she was stuck by herself. She watched Daria playing it her soccer ball, she was adamant about bringing.
"Ms. Maraj?" a tall muscular man asked as he walked into the room.
"Yes that's me." She put on her dazzling smile.
"Hello i'm Dr. Landon and this must be Miss. Daria?" He shook Nickis hand while looking at Daria.
"Yes that's her."
"Hi Daria."
"Hi." she waved.
"Can you sit up here for me?" she shook her head yes and climbed up the ladder, sitting on the table. He sat on his stool facing Nicki. "So we received the scores from all her test and it is confirmed that Daria does have dyslexia." he gave her a minute to let the news settle in. Nicki took a deep breath.
"We have drawn up papers for her school so she can be put in a selected class for reading and math. the papers states what reading level she is on and things of that nature. I'll hand these over." he gave her the envelope.
"Are we done here?" She needed air. She began fanning herself with the envelope.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asked.
"Yes." She stood up wobbling.
"No I need you to sit back down."
"I said I'm fine."
"You are not fine and I can't let you leave." he put the stethoscope buds in his ears and picked NIcki up by her waist and sat her next to Daria. Going to the door he yelled for a nurse.
"Yes?" A young Asian girl asked.
"Could you take Miss. Daria here and let her get a toy out of the treasure chest while I speak to her mother?" the girl looked at Nicki and seen her chest heaving really fast.
"Sure." she grabbed Daria and walked out the room closing the door behind her.
Dr. Landon checked her pulse, it was 175.
"Okay you need to calm down and take deep breaths. You are having a anxiety attack, everything will be okay. I'm going to go get you some water, I'll be right back." She sat fanning herself, she had sweat coming down the sides of her face.
"Calm down Nicki, like he said everything is going to be fine." she coached herself in her head. "She is a smart little girl, she will beat this." her chest slowed it's rise and fall. "She's not in this alone." she finally was able to take a deep breath. Dr. Landon came in with a cup of water.
"Drink all of this." she took the cup gulping it down. He took a paper towel and dabbed her forehead and cheeks free of sweat. "Everything will be okay. You just have to help her along with her teachers."
"I understand, can I have another cup of water and my daughter?"
"Sure I'll go get both." he came back five minutes later with a cup of water and a bubbly Daria.
"Look mommy I got a basketball." she held up a small basketball.
"Oh that's neat." Nicki said catching her breath still. Dr. Landon took her pulse rate again. It was lower but not low enough.
"I need for someone to come get you, you are in no condition to drive a car."
"I'll call her father." Nicki called Safaree. "Yeah I need you to come and get me. She's fine, I had an anxiety attack and the doctor said I can't drive."
"I'm on my way." That was all she got out before she heard the call end.
"I have a ride. thank you for everything, we're going to go wait out front."
"Alright. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call." he handed her his business card.
"Thank you. Come on Daria." they headed out to the front.
Fifteen minutes later Nicki seen Safarees Lamborghini whip around the corner but he wasn't in the drivers seat, Vincent was. Safaree hopped out and walked to Nicki quickly.
"What happen?"
"What do you mean nothing? You call me breathing all heavy and you say nothing? BS try again."
"I just got a little short of breath when he said..." Nicki started to tear up. "when he confirmed she had it." Safaree pulled her into him.
"Everything will be fine Nic. She is going to be good."
"Hi daddy." Daria greeted in a chipper voice.
"Hi baby girl."
"Mommy's sad."
"I know but she'll be alright."
"Mommy don't cry. I'll try not to have it no more." this just mad Nicki cry harder because she didn't want her feeling like it was her fault.
"It's not your fault baby." Nicki said squatting down to her level. "Mommy just want you to be who you are okay?"
"As long as you try to do your best mommy will always be proud of you." she hugged her tight. "Mommy loves you."
"Love you too."
"To the moon and back?" Nicki pulled her back and stared at her face.
"Yeah." She shouted with a smile.
"Let's go get lunch, where do you want to eat?" Nicki dabbed at her face trying not to mess up the little bit of make-up she had on but she knew she had to reapply her face in the car.
"You got it kiddo." Nicki whispered in her ear.
"Daddy can we get some cheesecake after we eat?" Daria asked. Safaree looked over at Nicki.
"What I did nothing." She gave a confused look.
"Yeah come on, but i'm only buying you some."
"Heyyyy." Nicki let out. Safaree ignored her.
"Vincent don't crash my car. Thanks for bringing me."
"I not going to crash it. Glad to see you're okay Nic."
"Thanks Vincent." With that he pulled off. The trio got in Nickis car and went about their day, Safaree made sure to keep a close eye on Nicki.
"Have you gotten it yet?"
"No, It's locked up somewhere."
"I wish you would hurry up, I'm growing impatient."
"Just a little more time is all I need."
"Fine but I'm not going to wait forever. Either you get what we need or I spill everything."
"There is no need for that. I'll call you in a few days."
"You better or I will have to make a visit out to California." the line went dead.
*Comment you guys. I really do get ideas from you giving me ideas. For the new readers please remember do not EVER talk about the story on the TL, you will ruin it for others who haven't gotten to read the story yet. Dm's or on here. Do not hound me for a post it will only aggravate me and I won't wanna post. Know that I never want to give you guys bullshit so I won't post until I feel it is of some high quality writing, ya dig? lol Um okay I guess that's it for now. Again I hope you enjoyed it. Smooches*
Dairas Outfit

Fruit tray