Waking up to an empty bed is not what Nicki was used to and she was growing irritated with it. Day 60 had just hit marking two months Nicki had been without her loved ones. Being in China had been a great experience for her. Nicki had learned to take time out and meditate again, to just let her mind go blank for ten or 15 minutes. Thinning about her babies she didn't mind not having those 15 minutes, they made her life enjoyable with all their questions and curiosity.
Today they were wrapping up the shot they were supposed to do in L.A. The director Steven had found a spot last minute in Beijing to shoot it in so there went Safaree and Nicki's time together. She could hear the disappointment in his voice when she broke the news to Safaree. He was not only disappointed because he wouldn't see Nicki but he had brought the kids along to L.A. as a surprise for her and he had to break it to them that she wasn't coming after all.
Nicki sat in the small cafe as the production team worked around her. It was raining outside which matched Nicki's mood, gloomy. She stared out the window sipping her grapefruit hot tea. She was waiting on the crew to finish setting up for the scene. Across the cafe Steven and Mai watched her.
"Nicki's been miserable for the past week. She isn't the same Onika she was when she arrived." Steven said defeated. He had tried everything to get Nicki in a upbeat mood. "It's beginning to show on camera."
"Nicki is thousands of miles away from her family. She doesn't know anyone here. This is her make or break film, it's going to or at least Nicki wants this to show her as a serious actress." Mai looked back over at Nicki who was now speaking to Trevor. "She has a lot riding on this."
"I have a lot riding on this as well Mai." Steven took a drag of his cigarette.
"Steven you know Nicki is the only one who can pull this role off. She is doing an amazing job."
"I need phenomenal. When I chose her I had no doubts, now-" he puffed on his dwindling cigarette, "I'm not so sure." Steven put out his cigarette. "Talk to her before I talk to her."
"Go away." Mai waved him off irritated by his presence. Mai watched Steven walk past Nicki and them share a quick stare then he disappeared out the door.
Mai picked up her phone and hit eight on her speed dial.
"How's everything going?" She moved to the back corner for privacy.
"I'll be there sometime tomorrow morning. Are you sure about this?"
"Trust me everything will go smoothly." Mai assured.
"If it doesn't you will feel her wrath, I'm not going down for this by myself."
"Just be there on time." Mai hung up the phone. "I hope this goes smoothly." Walking over to Nicki she plastered a smile on her face.
"Hey Mai." Nicki greeted.
"How are you doing?" Mai took a seat.
"I've been better." Nicki finished off the last of her tea.
"Actors on set." Steven shouted ending the brief conversation between the pair. Nicki stood putting on her form fitting black leather jacket.
It was Thursday evening and Nina was preparing to have a girls night out which was way over do. She was hopping out the shower when Quintin walked in from work. Nina walked in the room and rolled her eyes at him still mad from their argument this morning before he left. Sitting on the bed she began to lotion up, Quintin stooped in front of her.
"You still mad at me baby?" he asked.
"Move Q." she didn't look at him.
"Come on don't be mad." he placed his hand on her knee which she quickly brushed off and rubbed it with lotion. "Let me do this for you." he grabbed the lotion.
"No thank you." She snatched the bottle of Jergens back.
"Why are you being like this? I told you I was sorry for forgetting to pick up the packages."
"That's the problem you are always forgetting to do things I ask of you and expecting me to be okay with it but let me forget and I receive a whole lecture and a half on being responsible. I'm sick of you treating me like a child when you are only a few years older than me." Nina stormed over to her dresser searching for underwear to put on.
Quentin made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly kissing and nibbling on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll do better. Not with just the forgetting part but also how i talk to you. I know you're not a child and I don't want you to feel as your one. I love you." he looked at her in the mirror, she was chewing on her lip. "Nina Bina please forgive me." he gave his best pout face making her laugh.
"Okay okay. I forgive you." she said.
"There goes that smile I love." he kissed her neck then tugged at her towel making it fall. "Oops I'm sorry." he grabbed her by the waist turning her around and kissing her lips.
"No Q, I have to be at Michelle's at seven."
"Why leave when you can stay right here and let me make up with you. You've been mad all day so you should let me apologize all night." He picked her up sitting her on the dresser. "I promise you'll have more fun with me." he got on his knees eye level with her pussy. "See I can play all night right here." He inserted his middle finger inside her.
"Quentin." She moaned.
"I gotta g- go." she was trying to sound like she meant it as he sucked on her pearl.
"Mmmm yes." is all she could get out.
"Yes what? Yes you have to go or yes don't stop?"
"I really have to go." he stopped and looked at her with a "What the fuck" expression. "I'm sorry baby but we made these plans at the beginning of the week. I love you." he got up and took her off the dresser.
"I love you too. Where are y'all going?" he asked removing his clothes for his shower.
"Club Zest."
"You know the rules, If you put your drink down and walk away for even a minute it is no longer your drink. If you feel like neither of you can drive call me Nina."
"I will." she said sliding on her leggings. She would get dressed over Michelle's.
"I'm serious Nina."
"I hear you Quentin." she was becoming irritated again.
"I'm just looking out for you."
"I know but I gotta go. Text you when i get to the club." She kissed him on the lips then left.
10:30 @ Michelle's
Both Nina and Michelle were a bit tipsy already. Nina had just finished up her make up while Michelle was putting on her dress. Both still sipping on Ciroc and Pineapple juice.
"So I'm going to find you a man tonight." Nina said walking over to her dress.
"What? Girl I am not looking for a man. I don't have the time nor the energy. Besides I told you my Ex lives in New York and the only reason we broke up was because i had to move away. But now that I'm going back we could possibly rekindle what we had."
"I guess. I still say you should get you some Miami ding-a-ling before you leave. Come zip me up."
"You are a mess. I'm going to miss you when I leave."
"We'll see each other. I'm there all the time visiting my brother Safaree and his kids. I have to introduce you to Nicki, you two will love each other."
"You think?" Michelle gave her a weird look.
"Yes, everyone loves Nicki. If you don't get along with her it's something wrong with you." Nina said. Michelle rolled her eyes.
"Let's just go before you really get all up Ms. Nicki's ass." Michelle grabbed her purse and walked out the room. Nina looked confused but shook it off.
"Shots before we leave." Michelle called out.
"I think we should stop until we get to the club." Nina came walking down the stairs.
"Don't be a little punk bitch Nina. Take the damn shot." Michelle held it out to her. Nina hesitantly took the shot from her hand and threw it to the back of her throat. "Good girl." Nina winced at the ice cold liquid burning her throat as it went down. "Now let's go before the line gets long. You drive."
Nina knew she was in no condition to drive but neither was Michelle. She figured if anyone was going to wreck her car she'd rather it be her. She didn't want to hear Quincy's mouth about it but she knew he would really go at Michelle if she wrecked it. He never really took a liking to her
Friday Morning Nicki woke up to what sounded like whispers. She chalked it up to her still being sleepy so she nuzzled back down further into her bed. She had today off so she would take every free second she had to relax and forget about the troubles in her life.
"What are we going to do now?" a small voice asked.
"Ion know. This was your big plan." She said
Nicki's eyes popped open and she sat straight up in the bed. The heads ducked down at the foot of the bed. Nicki hopped to her knee's.
"Who's there?" she shouted but there was no movement. "Show yourself right now of i will kick your ass."
"Mommy that's not nice." Zaria little body popped up with her hands on her hips. Ethan and Daria appeared slowly. Nicki screwed her face up at the sight.
This can't be real, she thought as she sunk to her knees. "Are you guys really here?" tears threatened to spill over.
"Yes mommy." Ethan crawled on to the bed and sat. "You're crying, you not happy to see us mommy?" he sat confused.
"No mommy is really happy baby." she pulled him close hugging him tight. "Come here you two." the girls went and hugged their mother. Nicki planted kisses all over them. Next thing she saw was a flash. She looked up to see Safaree with a camera.
"I thought I told you three to stay downstairs?"
"Sorry Daddy." They said laying against Nicki.
"Safaree." her voice just above a whisper.
"Surprise baby." he smiled big. Nicki got off the bed and jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around him. "Shhh don't cry Nicki."
"Thank you for coming." she pulled back kissing him deeply on his lips until they hears a bunch of vomiting noises. They turned and looked at the kids acting as if they were so sick from the sight. "I missed you guys." she hugged Safaree again. "When did you get here?"
"About an hour ago. These three were supposed to be helping me make you breakfast but i ended up doing all the labor." He sat down on the bed with Nicki still securely wrapped around him.
"I was gonna but Ethan said to come wake up mommy." Zaria said.
"No." Ethan shook his head. "Did not mommy."
"Can we go eat?" Zaria asked.
"In a minute, mommy wants to just hold you guys for awhile." Nicki gathered them up and laid with them in bed. Safaree kept snapping pictures as they talked. Nicki was in a earthly heaven, all her babies were with her. She didn't have to worry about what they were doing and if they were safe.
Safaree noticed in the middle of their conversation Nicki had dozed off along with the kids. He got up to go eat.
"Daddy I'm hungry." He looked back at a heavy eyed Zaria.
"Come on baby." Safaree held out his hand. Zaria crawled to to the edge then slid off. Safaree noticed how tall she was getting. "You should play basketball Z-Bear."
"I wanna be a Chef."
"I can see that happening." they walked down the stairs talking about what foods she wants to learn to cook leaving the other three to their slumber.
Siting outside in the floating bed hammock the five of them sat playing go fish. Nicki was losing and wasn't a happy camper about it either.
"Got five and a possible over there?"
"Shut up Safaree." Nicki yelled hitting him. Safaree just laughed.
"You are getting beat by five year olds and it's not even a strategic game."
"I quit." Nicki threw her cards in. "Let's play something else."
"Like what?" Ethan asked.
"How about we go sight seeing? It's our first time in China, let's not stay cooped up all day." Safaree suggested.
"Okay. I can take you to the local market."
"Why every time we go somewhere new you find the local market?"
"Because I like fresh food. Anymore questions or can we leave?" Nicki said getting up.
"Keep getting smart and I'ma have something fuh you." he looked her up and down licking his lips. She had on a mid drift top showing her abs and some black leggings.
"Put ya tongue back in your mouth nasty." she opened the door and let the kids in the house. Safaree grabbed her by her waist and whispered in her ear.
"I'll remember you said that when you want some loving." he kissed her behind her ear. She just grinned and kept walking.
"We are walking to the market, it's only 10 minutes away so put on some sneakers everyone. You did pack them some didn't you Safaree?"
"Yes I packed some." The kids cam running around the corner with there shoes on.
"Z-Bear they have really good food at the market." Nicki said opening the front door.
"Do I get to try it?" Zaria asked smiling.
"Of course. Now it's different from what we eat at home but if you are going to be a chef like daddy told me you want to be you have to be open to try new food okay?"
"Yes ma'am."
"I'm ready." Safaree came jogging down the stairs.
Once at the market they began shopping for food to cook that night. Daria and Safaree went to check out some of the stores that sold clothes while Nicki, Ethan, and Zaria gathered the food. Nicki was going to try and make sushi for dinner, she wanted to open her kids up to new things.
"Mommy something smells good."
"It does Z." Nicki looked around to see where the smell was coming from. She spotted an elderly man wrapping something. "This way." the made they're way to him.
"What a cooking?" Zaria asked.
"Black beans and avocado, wrapped in lettuce." the man said in a heavy Asian accent.
"You want it?" Nicki looked at the beans cautiously. Yeah they smelled good but looked gross.
"Ethan?" Nicki looked at him and his face was just as twisted as hers.
"No thank you."
"One please." Nicki pulled out her money to pay the man then handed Zaria the wrap and waited on the verdict. Zaria bit into the wrap. "Is it good?"
"It's salty but it's good." she said.
"Let me taste it." Nicki took the wrap and bit it. "Mmmm try it Ethan." she put it in his face.
"No." he pushed it away. Safaree walked up with Daria and a couple of bags.
"What's that?" he asked.
"Try it." She put it up to his lips. He took a big bite. "You big doof."
"That's good. Let me get one. Nicki pay the man." He took the wrap from the man while Nicki rolled her eyes.
"Can we go now, I gotta figure out how to make this stuff."
"Aw my baby cooking for me again I've missed that." Safaree said pulling her into a kiss.
"I've missed it too." She smiled as they walked back to the house. She was glad to have her family with her again.
*Hope you liked it. Just a small chapter, but it's better than nothing right? =/ @Me if you want a notification because I don't really know who reads still.*

The Hammock

The Wrap