Michelle didn't know what she was going to do now that she basically was forbidden from seeing Nina. Thursday night went all wrong, she didn't mean to get her that drunk. When they left her house after their last shot it began to rain. Nina was all over the the street trying to get control of the car. Just as they were about to hit the main streets Nina's Volvo hydroplaned and she hit a light post. Michelle walked away from the accident as for Nina, she was air lifted to the nearest hospital because there was an accident on the route to the hospital.
"Is this Mr. Simone?" boomed through Quentin's phone.
Quentin looked over to the clock and it read 1:17am.
"Yes this is him."
"This is St. Josephs hospital we have a Nina Samules here and she's asking for you." the operator said.
"What? Nina. Is she okay?" He hopped out the bed grabbing some sweats and his car keys.
"I can't say. We got your number from her phone, she was mumbling your name and asking for you."
"I'll be right there." He hung up the phone and raced towards the hospital.
At the hospital the doctor had just finished wrapping Nina's leg up, it had broken in two places. She had a gash on her forehead and also fractured a rib. They had given her medication to reduce the pain.
Quentin came into the hospital and went straight for the front desk.
"What room is Nina Samules please?" the young girl typed in her name.
"She is not allowed visitors yet." she popped her gum.
"They lady called me and told me she was asking for me. I have to see right away." he elevated his voice.
"Like I said sir I can't let you go back there until someone confirms she is done with her initial test. Now you can have a seat and I will call you as soon as I get clearance " She went back to staring at her computer.
Quentin looked around n spotted a seat for himself. He sat thinking about all the things him and Nina hadn't gotten to do yet. He needed to know she was OK. What if she wasn't? What if she didn't make and left him here alone. He hadn't even gotten to give her the ring he bout her and ask for her hand in marriage. Four years and earlier might have been his last time speaking, hugging, and kissing her. He needed to know what happened.
"Sir." he looked up seeing the young girl waving him over. He moved as fast as his legs would get him there.
"Go around to the security desk and hand them this slip of paper. They will give you a badge and directions to her room. I hope all is well." she gave him a hopeful smile.
"Thank you." Quentin did as he was told then made his way to the third floor. He went to the nurses station. "Room 314?" the nurse pointed to the left.
Quentin silently prayed that it wouldn't be a horrific sight, he couldn't stand to see the love of his life harmed. He walked into the room and looked over to a sleeping Nina. She looked peaceful not to banged up. Quentin scanned her body seeing the bandage on her forehead then her leg wrapped and elevated. Taking a seat next to her he stroked her cheek wondering how this happened, he laid his head down.
Nina's eyes fluttered open and landed on the top of his head. She looked around and assessed that she was in a hospital room. Looking down at her leg she began to remember what happened. Nina lifted her hand and rubbed the top of Quentin's head making him look up at her.
"Nina how are you feeling?" he scooted his chair closer.
Nina tried speaking but her mouth was dry.
"Hold on baby." he got up pouring her a cup of water and put the straw in it. "Here." he slipped the straw into her mouth. "Is that better?"
"Yes." it was just above a whisper.
"Baby tell me what happened."
"I was driving...I told her we should..." she trailed off silently crying.
"It's okay babe. It's over now, I'll be here to help you heal."
"I should have just listened to you. You told me to call, she made me think I could do it. I should have listened."
Quentin knew who she was talking about. He was furious, what kind of friend let's their friend drink and drive. At their age they know better.
A knock racked across the door and they looked back at a distraught Michelle.
"I'm so sorry Nina. I should have listened to you when you said you weren't okay."
"Yeah you should have." Quentin stood up blocking her view of Nina. He became angry seeing her with only a couple of scratches on her and his girlfriend was laid up in a hospital bed.
"I'm sorry Quentin."
"No you're not. You always talk her into doing dumb shit then want to apologize for it. Well not this time, don't come around her anymore."
'What?" Michelle asked shocked. "It's not my fault. Nina is a grown woman, if she didn't want to drive she could have said something."
"She tells me how you get when you're out and she tries to object to something. Not even that I've seen first hand how you try manipulate her. But don't worry this will be that last time. Get out." he was breathing heavily.
"Nina is that what you want?" Michelle stepped to the side making eye contact with her. Nina looked away. "Fine I'll leave." She stormed out of the room.
"Why did you do that? It's not her fault, like she said I'm a big girl I made the decision on my own."
"I've never liked her and I don't want her around you." he stated grabbing her hand.
"You act like Safaree." She snatched her hand away.
"Well why don't I call him and let him know what irresponsible shit you have been doing. Ditching class to go with Michelle to art openings. Not going to you're tutoring that Nicki is paying for."
"You're not my father Quentin."
"And I'm not trying to be but do you see the way you are acting Nina? I'm just trying to look out for you. What type of man would I be if I didn't point out the shit that could possibly hurt you in the long run?" he sat down and grabbed her hand, she didn't pull away. "Baby i love you and want nothing but the best. If you wanna be friends with Michelle fine go ahead but you have to make smarter decisions especially when it comes to things like what happened tonight. Do you know how scared I was I was going to lose you?"
"I'm sorry Q. I never want to hurt you or scare you like this. I promise I will never do anything that stupid again." She kissed his hand. "I love you."
Michelle knew she would have to do a lot to regain Nina's trust back and she had to quickly.
Nicki woke up early Saturday morning from the sun beaming through the window onto her face. Looking around her eyes landed on Safaree's face on the other side of the bed. Nicki let her eyes roam down to his chest, she noticed it was a lot more chiseled than she remembered. Nicki felt a small foot nudge her in her stomach. She looked down to see Zaria stretching then snuggle back into the pillow. Daria was on the other side of Ethan nuzzled into her fathers side.
Nicki became a little bit saddened. Daria hadn't said much to her since she got to China. Every time Nicki tried to interact with her, Daria would run to her daddy. She felt as if Daria hated her for leaving them. A tear escaped down her cheek.
Morning beautiful." Safaree greeted her softly as he stretched out.
Nicki swiftly wiped her tear away.
The pair hadn't had time to themselves alone since his arrival. All Nicki wanted was a few moments in his arms, a few stolen kisses. Quiet time while she just held him.
"Want to go cook breakfast?" she asked.
"You helping?" he got out of the bed gently as to not wake the kids.
"Yes babe." she followed behind him. They made their way into the hallway bathroom, him to relieve himself and her to brush her teeth.
Both standing in front of the mirror with foam all around their mouths. Only sounds that could be heard were birds outside the bathroom window and the toothbrushes going across their teeth. It was moments like this that they each had missed over the past two months.
"Can we make your waffle sandwiches?" Nicki asked wiping the excess toothpaste from her mouth.
"What?" he was shocked. "I thought you didn't like those? Thought they were a heart attack waiting to happen?" Safaree walked behind her as they made their way out of the bathroom and down to the kitchen.
"It's funny what you miss once you don't have it." Nicki say in the chair pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on them.
"Well if that's what my baby wants that's what she'll get." he kissed her forehead and began moving around the kitchen.
Nicki sat and watched him maneuver around the kitchen trying to get to know the layout of where everything is. She thought about what life would be without him. Nicki thought about how good he was to her and at times she really didn't deserve it. How he takes care of his children with out being hounded to do so. Goes out of his way yo make sure there is a smile on her face when she gets down in spirits. She came back from her thoughts to find Safaree looking at her.
"What you thinking about?" he asked.
"You." she smiled.
Safaree went back to frying the bacon. There was something he needed to tell her but he didn't want her to flip out on him.
"Yes." Nicki answered making him jump because she was now behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Why were you crying this morning?"
"Oh you saw that?" she sighed into his back. "I feel horrible for leaving them behind. And now Daria won't even speak to me. I should have made a different decision."
"Daria will come around Nicki don't worry about that. She just has to get used to you being around again." he tried to reassure her.
"If you say so." she listened to the sound of whisk hitting the sides of the bowl as he mixed the waffle batter.
"Speaking of Daria, I need to tell you something."
"What is is?"
"It's about her and her dyslexia." he felt her hands drop from his waist.
'What about it?'
"She said her letters were beginning to be jumbled again so they put her back in that reading group class."
"What? She just got out of it in December. Did you not go over her reading wither her like I told you to Safaree?" She crossed her arms.
"What? Yes I did. Every night. It was a shocker to me to when they told me. She never once said to me that she was having problems. Is was like as if one day she just back peddled and she was back to square one." he was insulted that Nicki would think he would take this lightly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse of not doing your job but I just don't understand she was doing great before I left." Nicki stood and thought. "Before I left. You don't think she did that as a ploy for me to come home do you?" Nicki bit her lip.
"She's five, I don't think she can think that logically."
"Don't under estimate her, she's not ya average kid. Daria knows how to get what she wants." she sat on the bench on the other side of the table. "God this is all my fault." Safaree poured the batter into the waffle maker and spun it for the timer to start then turned around to Nicki.
"Come here." he pulled her from the bench close to his body backing her against the counter. "This is not your fault. Look at me." he tilted her chin up. "Things like this happen Nicki. She will always have this Nicki. You can't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in our children's lives. And as for her behavior towards you, just don't give up on trying to get her to interact with you. I think that's what she wants for you to show her that you care about her. OK?"
"What would I do with out you?" she draped her arms over his shoulders.
"You'd be just fine." he held her tiny waist.
"No I wouldn't. I need you in my life, you keep me from going crazy when this industry shit gets reckless." she gently kissed his lips.
He picked her up sitting her on the counter in front of him. This felt like deja vu to the both of them. Safaree took some of the syrup and drizzled it onto Nicki's neck then sucked it off. Safaree missed their intimate moments and making her body feel good multiple times a night. He heard a moan escape her mouth, he pulled back.
"Why'd you stop? she asked.
"I don't want to start anything you won't finish."
"I'll finish babe comeback and kiss me some more. I've missed that bottom lip." she pulled him back and locked him in a kiss.
"Babe the bacon." he managed to get out between kisses.
"Just a little longer." Nicki snaked her tongue back into his mouth. She was going to get her alone time. Slipping her hand into his pajama pants she searched for her prize finding him standing at attention. "See you don't want me to stop." she sucked on his ear and stroked his dick.
"Damn Nic." was all he could get out. He heard the waffle maker go off indicating it was time to take it out. "I gotta get that." he muttered.
"Stop trying to get away." she tightened her grip.
Safaree shook his head and tried to reach the maker without moving his lower body. Fail. He grabbed Nicki's wrists but she wouldn't let go. Safaree tilted onto one leg and turned it and popped it open. He went back to enjoy Nicki's hand job but she had stopped.
"Since you so worried about eating how bout you dine on something you haven't had in a while." Nicki ran her hand over her center. She watched Safaree lick his lips and go for her shorts.
Just then they heard little foot steps heading down the stairs. Nicki let her head fall onto his shoulder, Safaree just smiled.
"What if they would have came down and found your legs locked around my head? What explanation would mommy have then?" he kissed her cheek. "Later tonight. I promise."
"Mommy." Ethan shouted running up to her. He lifted up his arms to be picked up.
"Let mommy wash her hands first." Nicki hopped down off the counter and went over to the sink.
Nicki looked over to Safaree who was holding back a laugh.
"Because they have sticky stuff on them." she blushed at her explanation as she ran her soapy hands under the hot water.
"Like Syrup?" Ethan questioned.
"Yeah baby like syrup."
"Ohhhh." he went to sit at the table. Nicki leaned over and punched Safaree in the arm.
"Don't touch me with a nasty hand." Safaree laughed. The kids looked at them confused not getting their humor.
Nicki went and sat next to Daria on the bench and put her arm around her. Daria got up and went to stand by her daddy.
"Can I help daddy?" Nicki sighed.
"No go sit back down."
"But why daddy? When we were at home you let me."
"Go sit and talk to mommy." Daria looked back at Nicki. Nicki smiled.
"I don't want to, I wanna help you." She whined.
"Just let her Safaree." Nicki turned and began talking with Ethan.
Safaree gave Daria a dirty look and handed her the chocolate chips to put in her waffle batter.
"I love you daddy." Daria hugged his leg. Nicki's heart sank a little.
After breakfast they settled in the living room. Nicki wasn't scheduled to be on set until the next afternoon. Safaree and Nicki sat on the couch cuddled up as the kids played on the floor with their toys.
"Do you know how much I love you?" Nicki nestled her face in Safaree's neck.
"Remind me again." he was enjoying the feeling of her sucking on his earlobe.
"I love you more than all the words in all the books in all the world."
"So you quoting Janet Jackson?" He pulled back and looked at her.
"Janet said that?" She scrunched her face up.
"See she knew how I felt about you. That's why she my girl." she laughed.
"Oh so you can't figure out words to describe your love for me?" Safaree tickled her side causing Nicki to breakout in giggles.
"Daddy come play with me." Daria pulled at his arm.
"I'll play with you later baby, right now I'm playing with mommy."
"Now daddy now!" she jumped up and down.
"Fine Daria." Safaree let go of Nicki's waist and moved her off his lap. Nicki had a "What the fuck" look on her face as Safaree turned around and mouthed "I'm sorry". Daria gave her a smug look.
Oh if she thinks she can play jealous girlfriend better than me somebody down told her wrong. "Oh Daria." she waited for her to turn around. "Me and daddy were talking and he told me you were moved back into your old reading group. I think you need an hour or two of studying before you begin doing anything else today." Nicki looked down and picked at her nail then looked at Daria with the same smug look she had given her minutes before.
"But I don't want too."
"Well it's not really about what you want now is it? So me and you are going to spend some quality time at the table like the good ol days going over reading exercises." Nicki's tome changed towards the end. She didn't want to go toe-to-toe with her 5 yr old. That's not how she wanted their relationship to be.
"Well I want daddy to help me." Nicki looked away getting angry now.
"No can do. I have to... do stuff with Ethan today." Safaree stammered out. Ethan looked up from his coloring sheet with a confused face. Safaree shot him a look.
"Yeah. Sorry D we got man stuff to do." He flexed his non-existing muscles. Zaria rolled her eyes.
"Daria go ahead with mommy. You guys have fun when she helps."
"No, It's not fair, I want you to help me." stomped over to the stairs.
Nicki had had enough. "Get back here Daria." Daria stopped on the steps turning around and gave Nicki a dirty look then proceeded up the stairs to her room and slammed the door. "That's it. I've had it with her." Nicki jumped up walking past Safaree swiftly.
Safaree heard her small feet move with the speed of a ninja up the stairs then heard a door slam into the wall. Then there was silence. He moved at a glacier pace up to the room. He figured this was the stare down phase. In this moment Daria was trying to figure out what was going on behind Nicki's wide angry eyes and Nicki trying to control her anger.
"So you wanna slam doors?" Nicki moved from the door and grabbed Daria by her shirt while she stood wide eyed. "Answer me!"
"Obviously you do. Do you pay bills?"
"No." Daria began to cry at her mother yelling.
"Don't give me those croc tears now, you weren't crying when you were slamming doors."
Safaree appeared in the door way.
"So since you like slamming doors these days, that means you have forgotten how to shut a door the proper way. I want you to open and close this door 200 times so you don't ever forget how to close one properly." Nicki watched Daria's eyes get even bigger.
Daria looked passed her to Safaree for help.
"Mommy that's not fair."
"300." she tightened her grip on Daria's shirt. "You wanna go for 400 hundred?"
"No." She whined.
Nicki pointed behind her still looking at Daria. "Then fix your face and get to the door."
"Daddy please?" she begged.
"Safaree leave."
"Daddy no." Daria ran to him and latched on to his leg.
Nicki calmly went and removed her. "Safaree please?" Making eye contact with him. He stood behind her decision and walked away.
"Daddy." Daria reached out for him.
"I suggest you get to it, we have things to do today." Nicki stood in the hallway across from the girls room and watched her. Daria stared at Nicki with a scowl and tear stained cheeks, Nicki stared right back. "Try me if you want." Nicki raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. Daria began sobbing again then closed the door and opened it. "One." Nicki counted off.
Safaree sat downstairs with Ethan and Zaria as they listened to Nicki count and Daria continue to sob. It hurt Safaree to hear his little girl crying but she had to learn and he had to let Nicki be a mother. What Daria was getting was a lot better than the punishment he would have gotten if he slammed a door in his mothers house. Him and Nicki agreed that consequences like this would be the first step into disciplining the children rather than going straight to the belt. Punishments like this hurt them way more than a belt can but the Samules troop all knew what a good ass whoopin felt like from both parents and none of them would want that route.
'Come on let's go outside and shoot some hoops." Safaree offered.
"OK." they said in unison. Both slid off the couch sad.
"She'll be OK you two, cheer up." he grabbed the basketball and nudged them outside.
Back upstairs
"52." Nicki was sitting on the floor now as Daria continued with her punishment.
Daria heard the basketball bouncing outside and then giggles of Zaria and Ethan. "I wanna go outside." she shouted.
"That's not fair." She slammed the door again.
"Another hundred, I can sit here all day." Daria cried out again. "You have until 1 pm to get this done and if you go a second past that I will put something on your ass Daria Rae Samules, get it done." Nicki walked to the window and yelled out for Zaria to get in the house. Nicki walked into her room and grabbed a box of fruit snacks from her bottom drawer. When she walked back out into the hallway Zaria was standing there. "Here." She handed her the fruit snacks. "Sit here and count every time she closes the door until she gets to 400. She's on 88 right now."
"Okay." Zaria sat down sitting the candy next to her. She didn't like it when her mommy punished one of them.
"Don't skip any for her either." Nicki walked downstairs to the bathroom and shut the door. She let out a heavy sigh followed by tears. She never wanted to see her the look of hatred in her children's eyes and that's exactly what she felt from Daria. There was a knock on the door then it opened. She met Safaree's eyes.
"Don't cry babe." She wrapped her arms around his neck and released into his chest.
That Evening
Nicki woke up from her nap now laying in bed. She sat up looking over at the clock it read 6:18 pm. She heard a banging noise on the side of the house. Nicki got out the bed and walked downstairs meeting Safaree at the bottom.
"Hey you. I was just on my way up to check on you. How you feeling?" he kissed her cheek.
"I'm good. Where are the kids?"
"Zaria is playing dress up in her room, Ethan is playing with his trains in the front room, and Daria is kicking her soccer ball around outside." Nicki tugged at the necklace around his neck and sat down in the window seat watching Daria. He pulled the plastic necklace from around his neck. "You should go out and play with her."
"I don't feel like being shutdown once again."
"Just go get on your sneakers and go talk to her. You helped her with those skills, when I try I'm always on the ground." he laughed. Nicki had became a little skilled at soccer when her trainer for the movie had her doing soccer drills for exercise. "Oh and don't think I forgot about you not helping with breakfast this morning do you will be cooking dinner." Nicki rolled her eyes. "Now go."
"Fine, I'll go." she already had on some shorts and a t-shirt so she slipped on her shoes and jogged around to the side. Daria had drew a box on the side of the wall with some chalk and was practicing kicking goals.
"Can I play?"
"I guess."
"Wanna work on offense?"
"Sure." Daria smiled.
They went back and forth running drills for an hour. Since Nicki had built her stamina for the movie they went longer than usual. Daria went from trying to break her mom to actually having fun. Nicki called it quits, even though she had great endurance didn't mean she had enough to keep up with five year old lungs. They sat sitting on the steps.
"Daria why are you mad at mommy?" Nicki asked pushing Daria's stray hairs behind her ear.
"You left me. It made me sad. Why couldn't we have come with you like we are now?"
"You were in school Daria and I didn't want you to be pulled from that. Daddy got you a tutor now but I just thought it was best if you stayed at home."
"I don't like it when you leave mommy. What if you don't come back?" Nicki picked her up and sat her in her lap.
"Baby girl you don't ever have to worry about me not coming back. You are mommy's angel I will always come back to you. I love you, your brother and sister a great deal. If I didn't have you guys mommy would be sad. It hasn't been easy for me to be away from you guys. It hurts when you treat mommy mean. That disrespectful side I seen from you today is not acceptable. When you feel sad or hurt you talk your problems out Toot. Do you understand?"
"Yes mommy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be mean. Well I did but...I'm sorry." She cried into Nicki's chest. Nicki held her tight.
"It'll be alright. And about that slamming your door-"
"I won't anymore, my arms hurt." She wiped her face with her arm.
"As long as we have an understanding. Now come on we stink. Shower then dinner time." she stood up with Daria in her arms.
"Yes love bug?"
"Can we do math practice? We started on multiplication and it's to hard."
"Yes. If your sister hasn't eaten all the fruit snacks we can use them to help us."
"I love you mommy's angel."
"I love you too mommy."
Later that Night
"Babe come on I've fallen asleep without you for two months and I'm not doing it again. I'm sleepy." Safaree was laid across the bed looking through Nicki's phone. They had gotten the kids to finally go to sleep an hour ago. He had showered and everything but Nicki still wasn't out yet. He yawned.
"You're tired? So I should go take this off then and put on a t-shirt huh?" Safaree looked up to find Nicki in
"No no no no. I'm energized like a muthafucka, i can run a marathon." He grabbed Nicki's hand as she made her way over to the foot of the bed. "You look sexy. Abs all tight. Thighs as firm as they wanna be." He ran his hand up the back of her thighs as he marveled over her body.
"So you just want to look?" Nicki lifted his chin and kissed his lips then ran her tongue over his bottom lip.
"Naw I'ma do a lot more than that." She pulled her onto the bed and got on top of her leaving kisses all over her body. "I've missed these." Moving her breast from her bra he ran his tongue over her pierced nipples and tugged at each one. It sent a quivering sensation down her spine.
"They've missed you too. I've missed him." Nicki said grabbing Safaree's dick.
"Y'all got reaquainted earlier remember?" he unhooked her bra.
"Not like we wanted to be though. Me and him are going to have a long talk." She rolled over on to Safaree and straddled him kissing his chest. She made her way down his body and removed his boxers. She took his dick in her hands and slipped the tip in her mouth. Both let out a moan. She spit on it and stroked him firmly.
"Put it back in your mouth." he instructed. She put him into her mouth. It felt good pleaseing her man again. "Deep throat bae." When did he get so demanding she thought. She relaxed her throat and slid him further in. "Fuuckkkkk."
"Safaree shhhh."
"It just feels so good." She smiled up at him licking the side of his manhood. He gathered her hair and watched her continue for a little longer. "Stop babe. Come here."
He stood her up slipping her panties off. He laid her down on the bed and entered her. Safaree stopped and dropped his head while Nicki laid in bliss both loving the feeling of being joined with the other. Nicki moved her hips to let him know she was ready for all of him. Safaree began stroking in and out of her. They stared at each other. The only sounds in the room were coming from their love making.
"Mmmmm it feels good." Nicki pulled him into a kiss. She swiveled her hips causing him to speed up. He got on his knees. Grabbing her by the thighs he pulled her to him and pounded into her. "Shit." she muttered.
"Damn I've missed this." he pulled out and went down on her. He sucked on her clit and put two fingers inside of her. Nicki sat up and watched him flick his tongue on her pearl. Grabbing the back of his head she reached her first orgasm of the night. She collapsed on the bed, but Safaree wasn't done with her. Safaree leaned over her a kissed her lips. He wanted to put her ass to work. "Ride me." he laid down pulling her on top of him.
"Fuck." was all she could say as he pushed her down on to him. Nicki steadied herself on his stomach and rolled her hips. Safaree leaned up and bit her breast then sucked on the spot. "Safaree." she put her head on his shoulder.
"Naw don't get lazy, you been trying to get at this all day." he laid back still holding her hips. Nicki pushed her hair out of her face. Nicki bounced on his dick while playing with her breast. "You look so sexy and you feel amazing." She bit her lip and smiled. He rubbed his thumb over her clit making her smile disappear and was replaced with a look of want, of need. She was ready to release again and Safaree knew that. He tapped the back of her thighs letting her know to move. He got behind her and bent her over sliding into her. Instead of strokes this time he kept her butt to his pelvis and whined his hips. She flet all of him moving around in her it sent her into a frenzy. Nicki began bucking her hips trying to stop the feeling but it was to late she was half way there. She contracted her walls letting him know she was on the verge of coming. "Come for me Nicki." he didn't have to wait to long, she was busting on his dick within seconds which made him pump faster and come.
Nicki fell on to the bed breathing heavy and sweating. Safaree lay next to her in the same state, he looked over and smiled. Satisfied with his work he slapped her ass. She lazily turned her head towards him.
"It was good huh?" he gave a big grin.
"I can't even play you tonight, shit was bomb as fuck." she smiled back feeding his ego.
"Another round?" she shook her head no.
"Gotta action scene tomorrow. Can't be walking funny."
"When did you become such a punk? You could handle another go but I'll respect your wishes. Let's go shower."
"Okay give me five minutes." She laid her head on his chest. Moments later he heard her faint snores.
*OMG since when do I leave on a happy note in my story? I'm slippin. lol Well I hope you guys liked this chapter. The Samules time in China is slowly coming to and end and they will be back in the Burbs of NY in no time. Where crime and foolishness is at an all time high. Stay tuned people it's bout to get LIVE. COMMENT PLEASE*
Waffle sandwich

Nicki's Lingerie

nice DD's Nik!!! DaZ
ReplyDeleteYesssss a at his chapter was long af yo I love it
ReplyDeleteLmaoooooooooooo Daria would have gotten a good ass whoopin in my house!!!!!!! Just saying. Dead at them being nasty while they cooking. Lol Nic ol horny ass. Lmaoooooooooooo I'm glad she washed ha hands first cuz geez!!!! Then she gon tell him she had something sticky on them nasty ass. Awwwwwwwww I'm glad they had their talk and things are back to normal again. Whoop whoop whoop been waiting on that sex scene!!!! Lawwwwwwd!!!!! Lol dead at Nic getting worn out that fast tho like then he was making ha work smh!!!!!
ReplyDeletedaria need her ass beat for that .. dhe tried it to mant times .. nicki got her together doe ... lmaoooo nicki had to was her hands she got "stinky stuff" all over it lmaoooo ohh im here for the sex scene .. im horny now lmao .. im glad she got to see her kids she fina go back on set uber happy !!!
ReplyDeleteYo I'm not even go lie Daria was mad disrespectful but she was funny with it. Like her and her daddy so cool & tight , I want daddy to help me. Lmao that's my girl. Glad they on good terms tho, the little soccer game they had going on > , that was super cute. The sex scene >>> like yooooo, and they didn't use a condom O.O
ReplyDeleteBaby number 4 ? :)
Michelle is up to something. don't make me fucking pop her!!! d'awwwwwwww at Nina!!!! lmaoooooo a Toot. She tried the shit out if Nicki!!! lls! Snatched that ass up w/the quickness!!! lmaooooooo YO! that punishment >>>>>>> imma look for other ways like that for when I have kids lls & yessssssss for them getting it in like that, lawd! *praise emoji hands"
ReplyDelete.:ps:. Don't start no shit, Stai.!!!! I'm watching yu!:.
ReplyDeleteGive her that D.....lol....yuss...that's that ish I do like...BANG BANG...LOL...I wish I would slam a door...Daria got it easy to say the least...aww the lil soccer game cute...eww at Nic talking bout sticky stuff just nosty...great post
ReplyDeleteDaria was cute trying to get all Safaree's attention though and I like that punishment she got. Lol. I don't think she struggling with dyslexia like that, she just putting on because her mama gone. Smh.
ReplyDeletePissed Nicki >>>>>>>> lol But Daria needed that she was making me mad and demanding Safaree >>>>>>> ^_^ this chapter >>>>> or maybe it's just been a while
ReplyDeleteDaria needed that ass beat being disrespectful and shit slamming doors. She still cute tho. That sex scene tho!! I could imagine them getting caught by one of kids as loud as they be. I liked that this chapter was mad long tho!
ReplyDeleteDaria little bad attitude <<<< We all get one sometimes though. I guess. Lol. This was so cute and I see Nic back on her freaky shit. I can't wait until you get my babies back home. All of them.
ReplyDeleteUhh..not here for Daria's attitude, but I didn't expect Nic to react like that. Well done! I'm glad they made up though. The way they had to explain Nicki's "sticky situation" to Ethan>>>>>>> lmao. I don't want their time together to come to an end. Nic and Safaree's alone time finally came, and lawd, you can tell they missed each other! But....I am here for more drama being on the way! Always suspenseful. ^_^
ReplyDeleteLmfao Daria was doing the MOST. crying @ her punishment. :(((( and DON'T start no drama. idhtt...
ReplyDeletei lovedd this chapter ! okay Nic and SB getting all freaky while cooking breakfast >>>>. Nic was mad cute in her mommy mode . . . Daria got what she deserved but it was cute when she finally told Nic what was wrong. And that sex scene >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Post soon ♥
ReplyDeleteI loved this! Nicki knows how to dicipline her children. I'm happy she talked things out with Daria. Good thing Nicki & SB got 'reunited' again lol.
ReplyDeleteNooo but since when we don't get a bomb ass sex scene like this????!! about time..And this chapter was just like i love them LONGG,a little sad,cute, steamy etc...lool. But Daria's attitude had me rolling my eyes like forreal..she got what she deserved but I'm glad she's talking to her mowmmy now :)) I can't wait for the next chapters cuz I know they'll be filled with drama..maybe more than I can handle but then again I can't wait *shrugs*
ReplyDelete-Post Soon :)
Deaddd , Nicki Got Daria Ass Right In Check !! Awee At That Littlle Moment Outside With Nicki & Daria :') . . This Chapter Had You In Every Emotion ! Lol , Loved Thiss ! : ).. Shout Out To That Bomb Ass Sex Scene !! :P ..
ReplyDeleteOmg @ Nina getting into that accident, at least she's okay. I'm sorry but I CACKLED at Nicki disciplining Daria. She was ready for her to try her more. Lmao Nic scares me sometimes. Yaaaassss for that sex scene tho, twas mod sexy and poppin.
ReplyDeleteNo Daria needed a good old fashion ass woopin but dead at her punishment open and closing the door 400 times I would have died. But no at her playin Nic like she was just a girlfriend. Lol at Ethan Nosy self askin why but I'm glad nicki and daria had a little talk. Oh and this story doesn't need any drama
ReplyDeleteDEEAADDDD @ Nicki making her close the door 200 times, that's mean as shit :(( & LOLLL @ the counter scene. Nasty ass hands, smh. Lol but jaaaassssssaaa finnnaaalllllyyyyyyy to the sex scene. I be LI-VINGGGG Like wut?! Lol.
ReplyDeleteOk I'm pissed @ Michelle rn, like Nina could've died. I love her fiance. He went awf ! As for Miss Daria, I'ma need her to fix her damn attitude. She need a belt on that ass , tbh. She a lil bitch. Sorry, but true. I'm glad she got her act together. Death @Nicki really making her open and close that door 400 times. Deadass thought she wasn't serious. That sex scene was on point. Reminds me of a certain story. Hmm. Well anyways great chapter post soon. -@NickiDopeAF
ReplyDeleteI see Daria got that attitude like ha mama lol YASSS for le sex scene !!!!! you know we live for those lol Nicki dont play lol oop ! Post soon gworrrrrrrrl
ReplyDeleteYAASS!!! I'm here for this chapter! I can't with Nic making Daria open and shut that door 400 times! I would be pressedT if that was my mom LOL! That sex scene>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteOop. Nicki don't mess about. crying at that punishment, I'm glad her and Daria are good now though. dead. 'sticky stuff' :( freaaaaaaaks. but YUSSSSS for that sex scene. HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA. Lmfao.
ReplyDeleteIm crying AF at Daria. Like this bad lil girl :((((
ReplyDeleteYessss for this chapter gave me more than life.. Nicki was not playing 200 times. I would of been crying too. So happy her and safaree are on good terms:) post soon
ReplyDeleteOMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG that waffle sandwhich look good as shit yo. I loveeeeeee the way you write. Amazing chapter
ReplyDeleteI hope Daria gets back to her normal self, and Nicki comes back home soon! Other than that, great job! Post ASAP! :)
ReplyDeleteTHIS CHAPTER GAVE ME MARIAH TEA's. Daria Could act that way towards he mama she needs to guess again, But I was dead ass cracking up when they were doing that stand off. When nic realized what she was doing nic was ready to show her who knows how to play this game. That just ugh I can't explain how much I loved that part, but on a serious note it was that they were going head to head like that I know nic did not like that at all even though she was acting like it didn't phase her. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING HERE for nic and SB being back on track with Sex lives. Oooooooo they were bout to get it IN on that kitchen table and I was so ready for them to get it in but then when i read that part about them hear little feet My face dropped to a "dead" face. I was cacklin ZOWNNNNN when nic had to explain to ethan who she had to wash her hands. That shit was too funny. THis chapter was full of laughs and I absolutely loved it because it feels like their a family again. I was SO shocked when I got to the end and there was no bad ending or cliff hanger. I was like "am I still reading Martha's story?" lol but i loved this chapter Post soon ^_^
YES!! I am all the way here for long ass chapters!!! *high five*
ReplyDeleteDaria was coming out her face and got off mad easy! .. Just opening and closing doors? Shiiiiiit niggas would've been acquainted with the belt and ass whupping lmao
Like how Daria was cock blocking Nicki mad hard tho lmaooo
Lmaooo at Nicki being fresh with Safaree in the kitchen and being like "wait lemme wash my hands first" before picking up Ethan lmaooo love it
I'm glad Nicki and Daria worked everything out and stuff
Now lets talk about this sex scene ....... lawd lawd lawd "I don't see nothing wrrroooonnngg .. with a lil bump & grind" lmao
but yea they got it in ... miss Nicki came out in a outfit that was just screaming take me off
Safaree was on his dominating flow (go head go head)and Nicki was absolutely loving it lmaoo
*holds fist n air* keep sex alive ... (heard u try to say u aint doin no more sex scenes ... zon't zo it)
OOOHHHH!! AND I'm not here for that Heart stopping Clogged Artery looking take a bite and you'll die Waffle Sandwhich! That shit is death!
STAR GERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL. I'm mad late with this but whatever I don't care. This was a bomb ass chapter. I'm happy you left on a happy note because we were in need of one. Daria got a little attitude problem. Mmmmmmmhm. *rolls neck* k let me not be ratch bye :[
ReplyDeleteIm glad her & daria worked it out! & That sex scene >>>>>>>>>> Loveddddddddddd the chapter -@YoAmoOnika
ReplyDeleteawwwww this was a cute ass chapter .... Nicki a movie stat now .. daria n zee is stars now lmao
ReplyDeleteommnggg SB proposed ... i have a feeling nicki gonna say no ... cuz she still dealing wot that damon shit ... maybe maybe not ..