I wish my mom would just get over it. It happened way before we were even born. Why do we have to suffer from what happened to her on Halloween 17 years ago in Los Angeles. We live in Atlanta now. Nobody wants to snatch us. This is lame. And Ethan's punk ass is still a suck up. "It's okay mommy. we'll stay home with you and hand out candy, like old times." The Fuck? Nigga speak for your self. I just wish I was a normal kid with regular ass parents. But no I'm stuck with Nicki Minaj, queen of rap and Safaree Samules, the jewelry king of Atlanta. Trick or treating with my babe would be so much fun.
Snuggle Bunny
So is your mom still saying no?
Chef Z
Yes. :(
Snuggle Bunny
Try your dad.
"Zaria come down here and get started on dinner." there she goes barking orders.
Rolling off my bed i throw on a loose fitting half top and some socks I head downstairs. My mom is sitting on the couch with my dad rubbing her stomach watching Child's Play. We make eye contact and I roll my eyes going into the kitchen. I begin making my stuffed Mediterranean chicken breast. I guess I'll put it over some wild rice and green beans on the side. I bet if I didn't feed her pregnant ass she give me what i wanted.
She Devil
You would want to stop slamming things in my kitchen.
You could cook it yourself and let me go live my life and stop ruining it.
I hear foot steps rounding the corner, surprisingly it was my daddy.
"Why you gotta make her feel bad Zee?"
"Why does she have to be constantly over dramatic. Daddy make her let me go with Lena." I gave my best puppy dog eyes. He is still a sucker for them, if Daria was here we could double team him but she is on her way back from her basketball game.
"Baby girl don't start that, you know I'm not going against her on this. And where is the rest of your top?"
"Daddy but Drake don't even live here and we haven't even heard from him since like 5 years ago. She's just doing this because she doesn't like Lena."
"Hey that's where I draw the line. You know your mother doesn't have a problem with you and Lena's relationship. She constantly invites her places, so don't say that."
"Whatever daddy. You would take her side. Get out my kitchen, you are messing up the positive vibes in here.
Chef Z
That was a bust to babe. Mom must have kryptonite in her pussy bc he never goes against her.
Snuggle Bunny
I'll take two buckets. One for you and one for me. I'll bring it by after I'm done.
Chef Z
That's not what I cared about. I wanted to see you as a sexy Indian. ;)
Snuggle Bunny
Bye Zaria. I'll see you later. And make me a plate.
How she play me then want me to cook for her? Girls.
I am not staying in the house tonight. Me and the girls just won one of the biggest games we will have this season. And James and the other boys want to run a game tomorrow but invited me to a party around the way from where we live. Which I don't know how they got invited because mostly celebrities lived where we live. I just hope it's not that bitch Blue party. Stuck up hoe.
Pulling up to the school I see my baby Celest sitting in front of the school steps where I left her before we left for the game. Hopping off the bus I fish for my keys at the bottom of my bag. Hitting the unlock button Celest beeped and came to life.
"Good game Samules."
"Thanks coach." Sliding onto the cool leather I insert the key and I'm off to the house.
Other Half
She still trippin?
Sissy Pooh
Yes. You almost here?
Other Half
Yea. 10 minutes. We gettin out this year, ion care what she say.
Sissy Pooh
Stop txtn while you drive. We'll talk when you get here.
Throwing my phone in my bag I focus on the winding road. I talked to dad before I left for my game and had him on the ropes. He has to let me go tonight. I'm already a social outcast at school, this will help me. Pulling up to the house I prepare myself for the battle. Walking into the house I drop my bag by the door and smell whatever Zaria is cooking. My stomach growls.
"I'm home."
"Princess how did the game go?"
"I'm their point guard daddy, how you think we did. Mopped the floor with them bi-" I noticed my mom on the couch. "them girls." she looked at me. "Hi mommy."
"Hi Daria. Glad to hea-"
"Sis come here." Zaria interrupted yelling from the kitchen.
"Thanks mom." I move into the kitchen aka Zaria's office. She is forever in this room, which I'm not complaining about it. For what she wants to do she get's all the practice she needs. She was basically accepted to Le Cordon Bleu last summer. My sister can burn in the kitchen. "What's up?" she shoved a spoonful of rice in my mouth.
"Is it good?" she bit the side of her lip like mom does when she ponders things. She's more like her than she wants to admit.
"You already know it is. Did you add a little lemon to this time?"
" Yeah. So how'd it go?"
"32 points and 15 assists." we bumped fist.
"I knew you were gonna win. I'm proud of you Daria."
"Thank you Zee." I love that she always encouraged me. I'm not as nearly as beautiful as her, it's hard for me to have the confidence she and Ethan have.
"What's the plan to get out of here?"
"Shit a wing and a prayer. And you being a bitch to her is not going to help the situation."
"How you-" I gave her a "Who you think you talking to?" look "Okay I'll stop."
"Who we need to get with the program is Ethan. He's her favorite."
"Where is he anyway?" she checked on the chicken.
"He had tutoring after school." I stole a green bean out of the cooling pot.
"Move fatty. Go shower and get dressed."
"Can I wear your black skinny jeans?" she looked me over.
"Daria ion know. Your hips are looking a little wide lately. You fuckin?" My eyes shot open.
"What? Who told you that? Was it Anthony?"
"Whoa no one said anything. It was a joke. Are you?" She lifted an eyebrow.
"No, now can I wear the pants or not?"
"If you can fit them go ahead."
Let me go get this nigga Anthony together. Even if Zee was playing I still get the feeling he running his mouth.
This chemistry nonsense is irking to my soul. And Tasha wasn't making it any easier for my by trying to get me in her bed. It's hoes like this that my mom always warned me about. The bad thing about it is that she is very intelligent but to stupid to look past her looks. I rather get with a girl that knows she is pretty but doesn't let that over shadow her book and street smarts. That's why I'm trying to holla at Alicia but she playing that hard to get game but I'm almost in. If I can get to this party tonight then I think it could be the night she let me at least take her out after on a little breakfast date and drive her home.
"Come on Ethan let me show what I'm working with." She sucked my ear. That's my spot.
"Unfortunately I already no what you working with along with the rest of the dudes at school. Listen I'm bout to go home."
"No, I'm sorry don't leave."
"Naw for real i gotta go. My mom got this thing about Halloween so I need to be in the house real soon or she'll flip. Next session we need to meet in the library." leaving her at the table i left the house hopping in my Lexus and headed home. I send out a text to my sisters.
We gotta get to out of that house tonight.
We will get it together once you get home. Hurry up.
Five minutes later I was entering the house. Zaria was in the kitchen and my mom and dad in the couch. I smelled my shirt and it smelled like Tasha's cheap ass perfume. If I was gonna sweet talk mama I couldn't smell like some girl, she'd flip. I tip toed up the steps and into my room to get fresh for tonight. Alicia is going as Zombie Cinderella, so It's only right that I go as Prince Charming.
I need to grow a pair and tell her to let the kids go out and enjoy a Halloween with out security following them. She's so paranoid. I think it's this new baby and the fact that its Halloween. She's having flashbacks. Last night she was talking in her sleep and cussing out people while holding on to her belly. Nicki can't keep living in fear. Nor can she make the kids feel like they can't enjoy the one holiday that is really catered towards kids. And I know all of them want to go to Blue's party tonight. Hell I want to go and I'm not even a kid, the promo for this has been big.
"Nicki." I rubbed her belly. She was really into these horror movies this year.
"Yes babe."
"Look at me."
"Wait till commercial, Chucky is about to blow up the house." I cut the t.v. off. "Why?" she looked at me her forehead wrinkled and her pretty browns glaring at me.
"You have to let them go Nicki."
"No." she said without blinking.
"Nicki you can't shelter them like this. You barely let them do anything on any other day, the one time they are pleading to go out you stop them. And it's not because they have done something wrong, you're punishing them for something they nor you had any control over and it happened years ago."
"Safaree just let me parent my kids."
"Whoa, your kids? I had a hand in making them as well Nicki. Let's not play the "my kids" game. Let them go and have fun."
"We always stay home, why does it have to change this year?"
"Because they are 17 and deserve the freedom to go out with their friends. All three are on honor roll, holding the top three spots on it. They are going and that's the end of discussion."
"Oh so you can just shut down the conversations but let me do it and it's "You ain't listening Nicki". You get on my fucking nerves Safaree." I watched her get up and stomp up the steps.
"Damn I ain't gettin none tonight. Damn kids better praise me." I turned back on the television and continued movie night by myself.
When I finished up dinner I left it in the warmer while I let the potatoes boil so I can make homemade mashed potatoes. I went up and showered. When I got out Ethan and Daria were siting on my bed talking.
"So have you thought about how we breakin out?" I walked into my walk in closet and put on my lotion since Ethan was in the room.
"We figured we get them separated and Ethan works on mommy and we double team daddy. That's all we have to offer. They don't take bribes, well daddy do but only in jewelry and we don't have time to pick him up nothing. The party starts in four hours so we need to get this in motion."
Daria was right. We had no leverage. I came out of the closet in my underwear.
"Ewl Zaria." Ethan turned his head.
"Nigga you in my room. Anyway Ethan you need to start on mommy now."
"Alright get out then. I'll call you two down when I plate the food." I watched him leave. "Daria stand up let me see what you wearing." I know she hated me looking over her clothes but I had to make sure she was presentable. She's gorgeous I don't know why she thinks otherwise. And her body is thick as hell, she got mommy beat in the ass department. And on top of that we're tall so everything is proportioned.
She had put on my black jeans which were hugging her hips nicely. She only had on a tank top on right now. I walked into my closet to get her this shirt I had just bought for her. When I shop I shop for both of us.
"Here put this on."
"Why pink Zee?"
"Deal. Since I know you're going to put a ponytail in your hair at least leave some of your hair down in the back. And I'll do your make-up even though you are a pretty ass bitch and you don't need it."
"Shut up."
"You are Daria. Don't start that you're prettier than me BS either. We have the same face doof. You just need the confidence and you'd have all the boys and girls flocking to you."
"Thanks sis. Now cover your butt so we can eat. Did you make extra, you know I love that chicken stuff."
"It's stuffed chicken, use the proper terminology."
"Whatever hurry up." She left the room.
Snuggle Bunny
I finished up my trick or treating earlier. I'm on my way to you.
Chef Z
You still wearing the outfit?
Snuggle Bunny
NO. What I look like wearing that around your parents?
Chef Z
Ugh, You're such a bore. Hurry we are about to eat.
Snuggle Bunny
I'm around the corner. I'm having my bro drop me off. Open the door.
Slipping on my clothes I raced down to the door as Lena was running up them in sweats. She still looked good. Her smooth chocolate skin against her yellow outfit was beautiful.
"Baby." she yelled hugging me.
"Hey sexy. Come on it's cold out here." I seen she had a bag. "You staying over?"
"If it's alright with your parents I am."
Walking into the kitchen Daria was plating her food.
"Dang fatty."
"Shut up. Hi Lena."
"Dinners ready." I yelled then heard movement throughout the house and then everyone entered the kitchen sitting at the table. Making everyone's plate then siting down. Dad prayed then we dug in.
"Baby this is good."
"Thank you."
How did it go with mom?
Idk all she did was stare at me. Weirdo.
I chuckled.
I couldn't even enjoy my food. Anthony's dumb ass had blabbed like I knew he did. Exactly the reason I never told anyone we were dating, he run his mouth like a female. The worst type of nigga. I really regret giving him my virginity but what's done is done now. I just can't believe he told his sister knowing that she is best friends with Blue. I bet everybody and they mama know my business. I pray James doesn't find out, I really like him and don't want him to think I'm easy. Ugh I'm never having sex again, nothing but problems come with it. Okay i'm lying. That shit feels too good to never do again but I'm going to make sure it's with someone that makes it known that i'm important to them.
After dinner Zaria sent Lena to her room and me and her went and talked to daddy. He just had to let us go. Daddy was good and feed and now on the couch falling asleep. Perfect conditions for him to say yes.
"Daddy bear." Zaria called out.
"You haven't called me that in years. What's up baby girl?"
"Can you please talk to her? We promise not to do anything stupid while we are out. We will go straight to the party and come straight home afterwards." I sat on my knees in front of him with my lip poked out.
"Yeah daddy both of you know we are responsible. If we are all together nothing can happen to us. And it's a high profile party there is security everywhere. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee Daddy can we go?" we gave him the twin pouty face.
"Sure go ahead, we already decided you could go anyway." he turned and faced the couch getting comfortable.
"What?" we shouted in unison.
"Hey calm the noise and go thank your mother. Turn off the light too, since I'm sure I'm sleeping down here tonight."
We raced up the steps and into mommy's room attacking her with kisses.
"Get off me with y'all ugly selves."
"Mommy I'll check in when we get there, at midnight, and when we are on our way home. Thank you so much." Zaria ran to her room.
"Thank you mommy."
"Mhmm." She looked pass me at the television. Great. I'm invisible at school and at home. I got up and she grabbed my hand. "You look pretty baby."
"Thanks mommy."
"So you have let me sit here begging and pleading when you knew all along that we could go? That's rude Onika."
"Watch your mouth before i punch you in it. Get out my face before you be sitting here. What's your grade in Chemistry before you leave?"
"What was that dad? Here I come."
"Yeah you better run."
We were all ready to to leave. Zaria's girlfriend looked fine as hell in her Indian costume. Daria went as a horse racing jockey, and Zaria none other than a sexy chef. I was driving us there so everyone piled into my car and we were off. Daria was skeptical because her and Blue always exchanged words. When we entered the party all eyes were on us. Not trying we were among the popular crowd or the popular crowd flocked to us. We all had our own crowd we actually hung with it, well Daria was a loner but she had the sports jocks to hang with. My mission was to find Alicia and make her mine tonight.
"Don't leave this party without me. That goes for you too Lena, ion care if you two get into one of your dumb arguments we leave together."
"Yes brother." Lena kissed my cheek and walked onto the dance floor with Zee.
"You good Daria?"
"Yeah go have fun."
That's all I needed. I knew Alicia exact location, my boy Miles had the scope on her for me. I made my way to the back of the house and onto the patio. Alicia was there looking as lovely as ever. Even as a Zombie baby girl was bad. It irked me when Tent Harris with his arm around her waist. Now was my time to slide in.
"Hey hey y'all." I dapped up all the dudes and gave hugs to the ladies. "You look sickeningly beautiful." I kissed her hand.
"Taking my outfit into consideration I'll let you slide with that one. You look very handsome, Prince Charming fits you."
"Thank you. Do you want to dance?"
"Naw she good right here." Trent's ol catfish lookin ass chimed in.,
"Excuse me? You don't make my decisions for me. I would love to Ethan." she put her hand in mines and we were off to burn up the dance floor.
I found James and the guys in the kitchen eating up all the food. Me and James found a corner and talked about the game today. Finally a guy who didn't mind me babbling on and on about sports. He was perfect in my eyes. Light skinned, with full lips, and his voice was so deep. He looked at me like he wanted to get to know me not just looking at my body. Well he looked but subtle. He wasn't a thirst bucket.
"So Daria you got a boyfriend?"
"Um no."
"You lookin for one." I giggled.
"No. Right now I just want someone I can hang with and it not be all complicated or emotional."
"Well that's me. How bout after our game tomorrow we got rent some movies and we just chill at my crib?"
"Just chill? At your house?" I raised my eyebrow. He must think I'm crazy.
"Yeah just chill." He gave me a big smile. "Alright if it makes you feel better we can go to your house. I can meet the parents so they know who their future son-in-law is."
"Whoa there. What happened to no emotions?"
"Oh yeah I forgot." He took my hand. "So your place?"
"No I trust you. Your place is fine."
"Good now that I've made my first move lets go dance."
They were playing some old song by my mom. I can't lie her flow is nice.
We had been here for about two hours and all eyes seemed to be on me and mine. We can't ever just be a regular couple but I guess we aren't regular. Having an audience only made me get freakier on the dance floor. Lena was loving every minute of it. When we went to events with my mom we couldn't be so affectionate because of her stupid publicist. "It's not who the new Nicki Minaj is". Fuck does that mean? She had gay supporters, wouldn't it help that her daughter was gay?
"You're so soft babe." I whispered in her ear. It had been awhile since we first had sex and this outfit was not making it easy for me to keep it that way.
"Mmm you smell good." she bit my bottom lip. "You wanna do something crazy?" she looked me in my eyes.
"You lead and I'll follow." she grinned and we snuck past security and up the stairs we went. I couldn't keep my hands off her. She checked all the rooms and the door at the end of the hall was the only one open. Stumbling through the door we found the bed and fell on it. A few moments of kissing and then Lena broke the moment.
"I wanna see who's room we're in."
"Why does it matter?" I made no difference she got up anyway. Flicking on the lights we looked around. My eyes grew big. "Holy shit this is her parents room." This excited me more.
"OMG babe we are in Beyonce's room." She started looking through her drawers then she looked at her jewelry box.
"Leave that alone babe. Come back to the bed."
"Party pooper." She popped the front of her shirt exposing her nude bra making her way to me. "We are going to have sex on their bed, how do you feel about that?"
"I gives no fucks." I pulled her down on the bed.
It's going on 2am and I know my mom is still up waiting on us. As much as I hated to stop my time with Alicia I had to go. We had spent most of the night talking and laughing in the den, not to many people were in there so it was fairly quiet. Turns out she wants to go to Spellman even though she had been accepted to Princeton. It just so happened that i wanted to go to Moorehouse, against my moms wishes. I also got into a ivy league college but they were so stuck up on our visit.
"Well my beautiful nightmare I hate to leave you but I have to get home." she looked sad.
"I guess it is time to go. My dad is going to flip."
"You need a ride?"
"Nope got my own whip."
"Oh yeah I forgot. Got ya little red Mercedes. You be lookin fly rolling up to school." We were walking towards the front.
"Your Lexus is pretty sexy. You should let me drive it sometime."
"Naw not Sey Lexy, that's my baby. Besides moms would have a fit."
"And whoop that ass." I turned around and seen Zaria and Lena coming down the steps.
"What were y'all doing up there?"
"Mind ya business. Where is that hussie Blue, I guess I should tell her thanks for the party."
"I don't know but we gotta go. Where is your sister?"
"I haven't seen her in a couple hours."
I called her phone. "D where you at?"
"I got kicked out, I'm outside the gates."
"What? Got kicked out why?"
"Blue started poppin shit and I handled that. Mommy gone be pissed."
"Why didn't you call us?"
"Because I know y'all were having fun besides I had company."
"James Dunkin"
"He ain't try nothing did he."
"No Ethan. Just come get me. And mommy isn't to hear about this until tomorrow. And I'll be the one to tell her."
"Alright. Here we come now." I hung up.
"Why she get put out?"
"She fought Blue."
"Shit. Well I knew it was gone happen. My sister bout that life, in her house she whoops ass. Thug Life."
"Thug life until Onika get a hold of that ass. Get in the car while I walk Alicia to her car."
"Oh that's you bro?"
"Trying to claim it. Here are the keys, warm the car."
"Im'a do more than that if you take to long." I heard Lena giggling, they nasty. I caught up with Alicia.
"So Alicia what's up with us?"
"I didn't know it was an us?" she leaned against her car.
"I'm sayin there should be an us. Why you keep playing me?"
"I'm not. I've dealt with your type before. All smiles and compliments then when I give you a chance you turn out to be a dick."
"You'll find out that I'm not like most guys Alicia. Give me a chance."
"We'll see. Call me tomorrow." She got in her car and pulled off. I jogged back to my car happy. I was in a better position with her than i was before the party. When I got in the car Lena and Zaria were damn near passed out in the back. Let me go get my sister and hurry my ass home. I know I'll be the one to get the wrath for having us out this late. Best Halloween ever.
*So what do you think of the Kids? I really hope you liked this. COMMENT. Happy Halloween.*



not blue getting beat up! lmaooooooooo
ReplyDelete1. Zee's the girly one, right? ... sonshe the gay one.
2. Daria's an all star POPPIN
3. Ethan is awl'at lol .... yu shoulda found some cute ass triplets! i need visuals!! & WTF Onikafaree old ass doind still making babies?!?! Fohfohfohfohfohfoh! lls
& they betta stop playin w/Onika! their counter parts mad cute
ReplyDeleteI loveeeed it ... damn them kids grown. . . And awhh nic didn't wanna let them go soo cute nd oh at daria saying zaria looks better than her and they look just alike...vpost soon
ReplyDeleteLmfaoooo yesssssssssss I can't :) they so cute
ReplyDelete:OOOOOOOOOOOOO k @ me wanting to read more.
ReplyDeleteI liked it! Aww @ Nic bein preggo. Her mean ass ... Zaria lil gf cute lol and Daria gettin da zick Ok lmao. Dead @ Daria whoopin Blue ass @ her own party. This was cute tho -@NickiDopeAF
ReplyDeleteDeadass want this to be continued
Deletemad as hell you made my girl z gay! like FOH!
ReplyDeleteThis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lmao
DeleteOk so I fuckn loved this! These kids are damn near grown and Nic won't let them go to a party? Smdh, LetItDaFuqGo lol. Wow Zaria gay, I would have never thought. That's a good twist, I like! Daria having sex already? Lawd I can't, I can't take it jeezus! Ethen is still a titty baby lol I don't think that will ever change. I cant believe Zaria fuckd her girl in beyonce room, like idhtmft! Blue will never learn to keep it the fuck cute, like dont fuck with onikafaree kids. No ma'am, no girl!! *snaps Z formation* AnyFucknWays all their boos are cute! ^_^ k bye
ReplyDeleteLmaoooooooo Martha that was sooooo freaking cute!!! Wow zaria is gay? Lol and she's the girly one! Awwwwwwww Daria is a social outcast and she's not a virgin!!! Lawwwwwd Nic and SB gon be on ha ass like white on rice if they find out! Lmaoooooo the only one that seems innocent is Ethan cuz lawwwwd you got zaria fucking in jay and beys bed NSHIT!!! Lol that would be so crazy when they grow up in the story. I wonder how Nic took it when she found zaria was gay
damn i was thinking real life we gonna be old af when nicki start having kids .. lmaooo 30 stannin for her kids
oh and dead at them fucking un beyonce bed ... damn am i the only one that wanna know what other celeb kids was there lol ???
DeleteYo this was really good! They all grown nshit. Zaria likes punani, Daria lost her innocence and Ethan tryna spit game. Dead @ Blue being stuck up and getting beat up in her own house. Nicki mad over protective btw. Damn @ her being pregnant again after 17 years. This was a great one shot.
ReplyDeleteDang what happened to them being all sweet and cute =\ lol Nicki should let the go out though i mean theyre almost 18 and dead at Blue being in the story and being a bitch Lmfao I wouldn't doubt that to happen evenrhough I like Beyonce but I liked this oneshot
ReplyDeleteLoved it. You should make a pt.2, no? K. Nic being over protective is cute but at the same time they are 17 yrs old..glad she let them go.Damn D beat Blue up in ha house at ha party smh, that's embarrasiiiiin.Z & Lena got freaky in Beyonce bed,they poppin, not many people can say that lmaooo. Post soon -YoAmoOnika
ReplyDeleteOH......MY.....FUCK!!!! Needa sit down this is too much for me to handle! Woah I'm kind of speechless actually.... It's gonna take sometime get use to this. My zaria baby she is too grown for me, and Ethan nd this dumb broad tryna get in his pants smh I'll come through this computer nd cut a bitch If I could! Daria... Ms.daria Samuels my poor baby gave her pressious pearl to a dick head Literally lmao but I feel bad tht she gave it to someone who doesn't treat her the way she should. She's the princess of Queen Onika she deserves way more than that. Lawddddd I hope nic finds out about them cause they need a good ass whoppin! Cursing nd shit they're not legal yet so they can still get beat. But I guess they are kinda grown although I hate to admit it. I feel like a mother not wanting to let her kids go *tear*! Speaking of mothers...Onika's pregnant AGAIN? Go head safaree! I love their relationship so much! I feel like the kids are too harsh on her she just trying to be a good mother nd I think they take the for granted. I'm not use to zaria being mean to nic! But anyways this chapter did something to me idk wether it positive or not but I was intrigued by it. I'm going to try my freaking best to not to connect this with the current chapter but now I got these ideas in my head lmao but anyways I liked the chapter lol! And Martha you're doing good with ending on a positive now!
DEAD @ me just now making the connection that when u said Blue you were talking about Jay & B's daughter lmfaooo i'm slow
ReplyDeleteMmkay I wld have to be commenting after @onika_nickistan 's massive ass comment lol mine is gonna look teeny now BUT I'll continue anyway. I Looooved this, I thought it was cute that Nic was being super strict although if I spoke to my mum like that she wlda slapped me halfway into next week! I almost choked on a freaking subway cookie when Zaria said "Mom must have kryptonite in her pussy bc he never goes against her." I was crying..Partly cuz I was choking >_< Anyway, I'm glad they got to go to Blue's party, they all had fun that's what counts right? And nobody got hurt! ^_^ Makes for a happy reader :) Great post as alwaays!!
ReplyDeletelmaoooo my bad
DeleteWOOOOOOOOOOW @ their grown asses. Lol. I love it! Ommgggggg @ me just figuring out you're talking about Blue Ivy. Omgomgomg, wow. Lmaoooo. I love this, like. Continue cuz..I like this. Lol
ReplyDeleteI loved this. Please tell me you are going to turn this oneshot into part three of this story! What Nic gone do with 3 teens and a baby? Lord. I'm glad they got to have some fun.
ReplyDeleteLMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ they grown asses. & I love how Nicki was strict & cute, and how SB took her side!! Awwww and I like when they were on the couch & SB was rubbing Nic's tummy Continue with this cuz I love it :ppp!!
DeleteOut of all the celebrities kids it gotta be Blue lmao. This was cute.. Didn't expect Zee to be gay tho, surprised me I see. Glad Ethan finally got his chance. Daria :( , she gave her self to some one she don't give two shits about. I wonder what would happen when Daria actually tell Nic about the fight.
ReplyDeleteThey all need whoopins cept for Ethan...that's my baby <3
ReplyDelete*dead* at nicki being pregnant when her other kids damn near grown
Awwwwww this was too cuteeee!!!!!! :))))) like awwwwww!! Zaria surprised me. Nicki just poppin out these kids. But I like the angle you too in the story. It's very different! Can't wait for a update!
ReplyDeleteI'm crying why is Nicki still tryna tell these kIds they can't go out for what happened years ago? Like IDHTMFT. So Z gay huh? I need nicki reaction. Ethan gotta chill, he still a mamas boy. -_- Nic not gonna be callin Z to make dinner like that FOH. So they just gonna have sex in Bey & Jay bed, they shot out. I wanna Nic to find out D having sex, so she can be all extra. -@Tee_TeeMinaj
ReplyDeleteNahh this was too good! I loved the change up!
ReplyDeleteFirst of awl] Zaria better sit her grown ass down before I come through this one shot & jab her in her grown ass mouth, but she cute for encouraging her sister and telling her that she's beautiful. And she ain't gone be coming for erbody wig like she doing damn! LMAOO, :( she basically called SB & Ethan Nic's lil bitches.. LMAOOOO I CAN'T.
Second of Awl] Daria is my BABY! Always has been and she better be throwing that ass back w| protection. She cute with her loner ass, but James need to be the one to boost her confidence that would be so fucking cute & shit. ;) And she seems like she's more like SB laid back & shit.
Third of awl] Ethan lil SB aka Nic's lil bitch Loool. HAHAAAA at him having Nic wrapped around his finger at the same time doe. He cute and got a good head on his shoulder. He obviously like women, well girls, like his mother who have respect for themselves & run a good game too. No easy pussay for Ethan. Loool that's a no no, but dead at him having to get girl smells off him because of Nic.
Fourth of awl] Safaree better stand his ground & put Nic in her place! WHOOT WHOOT FAREE! But I really like how he said what he had to say and didn't argue with her or get her too upset in her condition. He better stop being Nic's lil bitch doe, he got big bawls ;) Nic said it. Lol
Fifth of Awl] Nic better stop babying them big ass kids and from the shot, they taller than her, loool. And her being preggo after 17 years, Loool cute AF doe. She need to stop pussy whipping SB & let him be Daddy & Baws! Her cute ass.
Last of awl] Zaria being gay; SWEET TWIST! All their mates are beautiful... And for a second I thought Ethan was gone be gay lol, IDKY. Daria is just so cute, ionocurr what she do, still cute. I like how they are all open about themselves and feelings. Nic & Faree's relationship is cute and them being pregnant again is even cuter... Ooh, I wonder how that would of went w| a new baby around. I know Zaria wasn't gone be fuh awl dat!
Lmaooo. Onika and Safaree having another baby? damn. This was good. Dead @ Zaria and Lena. :( Having sex in B&J room. Lmaoo. Ew. Daria popping. That's my bitch. Ethan tryna get on I see…smh this was mad cute
ReplyDeletei am literally SCREAMING @ tha fact that they don't like Blue. funny as fuck. dead. i knew Onika ass would end up pregnant again. she stay feenin for the D. >:OOOOOOOO Zaria is a kitty licker! Lmfaooooo i love Daria. actualoy, i love em' all. Lol & dead @ Safaree being a soft ass. scared of Onika :((( they done did the dutty in BeySUS bed. done. this was good. bye.
ReplyDeleteI LOVEDDDD this. Dead. All grown up, made me think about the Rugrats. This was pretty cute. Wow, you should do more like this as them older or whatever. I really enjoy it
ReplyDeletePleaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeee continue this! This none shot is everything! The kids grown up are a mess lol and awwwwwwwww at Nicki being pregnant again. Safaree standing up to Nicki was cute.
DeleteOh damn, the triplets all grown up! Aw @ Nic being pregnant again, looool. & Oop, Blue done got her ass beat :((( Anyways, this was cute! I like it ^_^
ReplyDeleteDamn, what was it that Blue said to get her ass beat? =( Awwe, the triplets have gotten grown. I so cute that Nicki is preggo again. lol I enjoyed this. Very much.
ReplyDeleteOk at me about to read this again!! Lawd, another baby? Cute. I never would of thought little Z Bear would like girls! Different, I like. And Ethan is a go getter, lol. Aw @ Nic still being afraid of Halloween because of the kidnapping 17 years ago. :/ Z and Lena are some freaks, and mad brave for being in Bey and Jay's room. Dead @ Daria beating Blue up! This one shot tho>>>>>>>>>>> *rereads* :p
ReplyDeleteWpw wow wow wowowowowoww like lmao wait wtf
ReplyDeleteI am here for this one shot! Blue must have been pissed as hell getting beat up at her own party lmao.
ReplyDeleteMy nigga Zaria a lesbian.... And that's her girlfriend? My Manz Zaria fuckin em up!! Yas! Anyways they all cute AF! Nicki sound to pressed but I see where she's coming from and aww another baby child hayyyy!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm here for this one shot having a Pt. 2 cause this was POPPIN!
ReplyDeleteLike Nic not paying Daria no mind and then grabbing her hand to tell she was pretty was sooo cute. Ethan is sneaky...gotta watch him. He plays the good kid role, but is a bad ass when adults leave. Zaria is a lil FREAK! I thought Daria was going to be the lesbian tbh but guess not. James & Daria is cute. I'm here for it.
POPPIN AS FXCK One Shot continue it pleaz!
Wait. I thought nothing of the name Blue when I first read the name, but when I found out it was Beyonce's Blue I howled. idky but that was funny to me!
ReplyDeleteLoved this even though Z bieng gay was unexpected!-Flawlessbarb
ReplyDeleteNEVAH woulda thought Z-Bear would be the one to be gay lol DARIA is the tom-boy loool but AWEEEE!!!!! Omg. I felt like All of US got old seeing them all grown up nshit. Poor Nic made them babies stay in every year for Halloween all bc of when she got kidnapped b4 she had them 3. Wow. Never knew she felt that way about it :/// glad they have a social life. DEAD @ Blue being all grown too :{ Got ha ass beat @ her own party smh. I would LOVE to read a story like this! Like to see how they really are up in age is >>>>>>>>>>>