Safaree was taking the kids for a couple of day to give Nicki sometime to do her. He had cleared his schedule to make sure nothing came up while he had Daddy Time. He treasured every moment he had with his children, they wouldn't stay this young and innocent forever. Safaree wanted as many happy memories with them as possible before their teen years hit and he had to start handing they asses to them.
Safaree pulled up to Nicki's house around seven to pick them up. Since it was late he would just spend tonight with them at home and then tomorrow they would go out and do some things. He didn't want to just walk in the house like he usually did because Nicki was still treating him funny.
Baby Daddy
I'm outside, are they ready?
Doll Face
Yeah, almost! Why didn't you just come in?
Baby Daddy
Didn't know if you would want me around to long from the way you been acting lately.
Doll Face
Come get your kids SB.
When Safaree walked in the house they were far from almost. Ethan was running around naked yelling "I'm Tarzan.". Zaria was sitting on the steps in her pants with no shirt on eating a hostess cupcake. And Daria was in Nicki's lap getting her hair blow dried.
"Almost eh?" he said scooping up Ethan with one arm.
"I'm Tarzan Daddy." he said.
"Why you running around here with your little meat just all out boy. Tarzan was covered." Safaree said walking into the kitchen.
"Don't start, I'm stressed enough. Daria baby you have to be still."
"It hurts mommy."
"Well no one told you to go into mommies fridge and smear the pudding all in your hair, you decided that all on your own." Nicki had to wash and blow dry her hair. Daria hated getting her hair done.
"Yes Ethan?"
"I'm Tarzan." he beat his chest.
"You told me. Can you put your sons clothes on please." Safaree looked around and saw his clothes scattered around the floor.
"Why are your clothes all over the house?"
"Because he was watching Tarzan and did what he did at the End of the movie." Nicki looked at Ethan, he smiled. "It's not funny." she smirked.
"Let's go jungle boy." Safaree grabbed his Superman undies and slipped them on him, then went around putting his outfit back on.
"Zaria baby girl come here. Ethan don't take your clothes back off." Zaria came around the corner with chocolate on her face.
"How did you get my cupcakes little girl?" Nicki asked. SB grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth and hands.
"You can't hide food from her, she will always find it." Safaree said slipping her shirt over her head. "Which ones are yours?" Daria pointed to the Chanel sneakers.
"Okay Toot go to daddy and get your shoes on. I'll get their jackets."
She didn't pack bags because they had rooms at both houses with fully stocked closets. What movies Nicki had at her house Safaree had at his. They never wanted the children to feel as if they were just spending the night when they were away from the other parent. And when ever they wanted to go over the others house they were never denied. They made it as easy as possible for the triplets.
"Y'all ready to have fun with daddy?" Safaree asked.
"Yeah." they all said.
"You want daddy to cook or order food."
"Cook." Zaria said.
"Can you make grilled cheese?" Ethan asked.
"Sure. You want that Daria?" he knew Zaria would eat anything.
"That's fine."
"Alright here you go gang." Nicki helped them into their jackets and zipped them. "Are you going to be good for daddy?"
"Yes." they said.
"You gonna miss me?" Nicki asked.
"Yes." they replied again.
"Give me hugs." she bent down embracing all three at once. "My babies." she hated them being away. She knew they were in good hands but it was her motherly bond to them that never wanted them too far away.
"Come on you guys go." If her didn't speed the process along she would never let them leave. "We'll call mommy before we go to sleep."
"I'll walk you out." She grabbed Zarias right hand and Ethan grabbed Safarees right hand and Daria grabbed Ethans hand. They began walking.
"Daddy hold mommies hand." Daria said.
Nicki and Safaree looked at the child and then at each other. Nicki didn't feel comfortable with touching him in any way. Any contact she feels will spark something between them and that was unacceptable. Safaree grabbed her hand and she pulled away. Safaree grabbed it again locking their fingers so she couldn't pull away, he whispered.
"It's for a couple of seconds calm down." He began walking towards the door, she fell in sync with him.
Once outside Safaree strapped them in their booster seats.
"Tell mommy bye bye."
"Bye mommy."
"Make sure you call me tonight." She closed the door. "So I'm not scheduled for anything, so if you need anything I'll be here." She looked up at him.
"Nicki we will be fine, I wish you would trust me with my kids." he had a slight attitude. It was like she felt like he would hurt or be careless with them. Safaree felt as if he always had to prove himself to her and it was getting old. She lightly touched his arm.
"I do trust you Safaree." she spoke, her voice soft. He shrugged her off.
"Yeah okay." He got in his Range Rover. She watched him pull out and disappear around the corner. Nicki felt like shit for making him feel less than capable of handling their children.
Later at Safaree's Home
"Did everyone get enough to eat?" he asked while they cleaned the dishes. He handed the plate to Ethan to rinse off.
"Yes." they said.
"Make sure you get all the bubbles off Ethan."
"Can we watch a movie daddy?" Zaria asked sitting at the table watching them put the dishes away.
"Z-bear it's almost time for bed. Tomorrow we can watch a movie when you come home from day care."
"No I wanna watch one now." she pouted holding her stuffed bunny.
"Don't start that tonight Zaria, now I said tomorrow." he looked at her with a stern face. She immediately started crying.
"I want mommy." she threw her bunny down continuing to cry. Safaree dried his hands off and went to pick her up.
"Daddy didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry. You can't always get your way Zaria, now if you want to go home with mommy I will call her to come get you but I don't think she is going to let you watch the movie either, you still want to go back to mommies?" she shook her head yes. "Alright." he sat her down in the chair and picked up the house phone and dialed Nicki.
"Hey, Zaria wants to come back home." he leaned against the counter looking at Daria dry the same plate he gave her ten minutes ago.
"What did you do?" she said in a accusatory way.
"Why do you assume i did something?" he went into defense mode.
"I'm sorry. Well what happened?"
"She asked if she could watch a movie, I said no, she pouted, i raised my voice, she cried stating she wanted mommy."
"Put her on the phone." Safaree handed the phone to her.
"Mommy wants to talk to you." she took the phone and held it to her ear with both hands.
"Helwoe." he watched her face as Nicki said something to her. "Okay." she held out the phone for him to take.
"When you hand the phone to one of the other two she is supposed to tell you sorry and give you a kiss." Nicki said into the receiver.
"What did you say to her?"
"I explained that if I got out of my bed to come get her it was not going to be good for her when she got home."
"Oh!" he looked back at Zaria who looked as if she had something on her mind, she was her mothers child. "How are the lines coming along?"
"I'm on page five and I have most of the lines committed to memory."
"How long did it take you?" he asked while helping Daria and Ethan out of the chairs they were standing in.
"About three hours." they both laughed. "Stop laughing it isn't funny you jerk, this is hard." she took her glasses off.
"Well this is what comes with having the lead role."
"I know and I'm committed to this. Let me speak to the other two so I can fall asleep reading these lines." he chuckled.
"Alright hold on." he handed the phone to Daria. He walked back to the sink to re-dry everything and put them away.
Zaria slide off of her chair and picked up her bunny. She walked over to Safaree and tugged at his pants leg. He looked down.
"Yes baby girl?" she stuck her hands in the air to be picked up and he did.
"I'm sorwee daddy, I won't throw hoppy any more." he knew he should correct her on the way she said 'sorry' but him and Nicki liked it when they said their words like normal three year old's, it was cute.
"It's okay baby girl." she leaned and gave him a kiss.
"Daddy mommy said night night." Ethan said eating one of Zarias Cheetos.
"Ethan nooo." Zaria whined.
"Tell her I said goodnight and stop eating your sisters chips."
"He said night...bye." he got up and gave the phone to Safaree to hang up.
"Alright coons bath time, up the stairs we go."
Nickis Home
Nicki hung up the phone and got back to rehearsing her lines, she had four-hundred more pages to go. All her lines were highlighted in yellow, and her emotions and blocking were highlighted in pink.
"So should I..." her phone went off again, this time it was Damon.
"Hello Baby."
"What are you up to sexy?" his deep voice came through the receiver.
"Just going over my lines. What are you doing?" Nicki sat her script on the other side of the bed.
"Siting at my desk going over some numbers."
"I called that Caribbean place you liked so much and made reservations for us tomorrow at eight, you should be back by then right?"
"Yeah about that Nic..." he trailed off.
"Damon don't tell me you're canceling on me again. This is the third time this month. With you having to fly out every other day or staying on three of four day trips we never get to spend time with each other." Nicki was disappointed.
I know but an emergency meeting has to take place tomorrow and I can't get out of it, I really wish I could baby you know that I would rather be at home with you."
"I guess, I'll call and cancel then and find something to do around here." he heard the sadness in her voice.
"Babe don't sound like that I hate to hear you disappointed."
"I can't help it, it's how I feel." she was irritated now. "I'll talk to you tomorrow if your not to busy."
"Don't be lik--" she hung up the phone before he could finish. She turned out her light and tried to fall asleep but the tears falling hindered her from doing so.
Next Day
"Mr. Samules may I have a word with you?" Mrs. Dorsey walked her 5'6 self over to Safaree.
Safaree turned around and watched her slim body come towards him. He thought to himself that she wasn't a bad looking older woman at all. She had to be around her late thirties early forties. She had greenish blue eyes, her body looked as if it were molded to a perfect coke bottle shape. Her breast were sitting nice and were natural. She was thick for a white woman, if she wasn't such a bitch and the fact that Nicki would kill him he would happily bed her with a quickness.
"Yes Mrs. Dorsey?" he asked when she made it over to him.
"Call me Karen. I think I have something that belongs to little miss Zaria." she pulled Zarias blanket from behind her back.
"Blankie." Zaria reached for it but couldn't reach it because of the seat belt. Safaree took the blanket from Karens hand and handed it to is daughter.
"How did you end up with it?"
"Well Lucy said she found it in the class room floor after Zaria walked out of the class today." she smiled as if she had done something so grand like finding a cure for cancer. Safaree knew that was a bunch of bullshit because Zaria cried all night because she couldn't find her blanket, so Lucy had to have taken the day before. He said nothing though.
"Zaria what do you say?"
"Thank you." he closed the door.
"Tell your daughter to leave mines alone." Safaree said stepping closer to her so only she could hear him, he didn't want to cause a big scene.
"I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me. Lucy is forever picking on Zaria, If you don't want me to let the other one loose on your daughter I suggest you tell her to get her act together." he backed away slipping on his shades. "Have a nice day." he smiled and got in his car and drove off leaving her there with her mouth hanging open. "You guys ready to have fun?"
"Yes." they screamed with big smiles on their faces.
"What do you guys think about Carousel Center?"
"Yay." they yelled from the back.
Twenty minutes later they pulled up in the front of the establishment, Saffaree got them all out of the car and headed towards the door. Carousel Center was a big play land for people ranging from three to adults. They had games that were accesible for short people like them.
"Welcome to Carousel Center." a young girl greeted them.
"Hi." he picked up the kids to get a stamp on their hands and he recieved one as well.
"Enjoy your time here." They walked into the locker room, opening one and putting their things into it including his jewles, he slipped them into Darias jacket pocket and zipped it. Closing the locker and putting the key into his pocket.
"Alright lets go get tokens." he went to the prize counter and bought a bucket with 200 tokens in it.
"That's a lot daddy." Ethan said looking in the bucket.
"It is a lot but we won't run out. Whos turn is it to pick the first game?"
"Ethans." Daria said.
"Alright what is going to be?"
"Basket Ball."
"My man." he high fives Ethan. "Come on girls."
"I don't want to pway that game." Zaria said.
"You don't have to play if you don't want too." Safaree told her.
"Can I pway the frog game?" she pointed to the game right next to the game Ethan wanted to play.
"I guess." He put a token in all they games and watched them play. Daria was giving Ethan a challenge on the basket ball game. He was noticing that she was more into sports than she was clothes, polar opposite of her sister. Safaree looked over a Zaria how was having trouble hitting the frogs when they lit up. He bent down next to her. "Can daddy help you?"
"No I can do it." she picked up another token and put in slot. The buttons lit up again but like the time before she wasn't fast enough.
Safaree grabbed a token and put it in the same game and played beside her. Zaria kept glancing over at him do it and watched the tickets floow from his machine, she looked down at hers and she only had four. She tapped his shoulder.
"Daddy can you help me?" He smiled.
"Sure baby girl." he planced his hand over hers and when the game started he placed it on the frog she needed to tap.
"I did it." she said when she looked down at her tickets.
An hour and 4000 tickets later they sat down to eat their pizza.
"Did you see what you wanted at the prize counter."
"I want the pink piglet." Zaria said picking a peperoni off her pizza and eating it.
"The soccer ball." Daria said.
"They have that purple Taz mommy wanted last time, I want to get that." Ethan said.
"You don't want something for yourself?"
"No, their trucks I get always break. Mommy needs it."
"Why do you think mommy needs to have that?"
"She's sad." he bit his pizza.
Safaree stared at him wanting to know when he seen Nicki sad? She hadn't said anything to him about being sad. He texted her.
Baby Daddy
Are you alright?
Doll Face
Yes, I'm fine. Why?
Baby Daddy
Ethan said you were sad. What's been going on?
Doll Face
I don't know when he seen me that way, everything has been good.
Baby Daddy
Okay just checking.
"Hey you three take a picture so I can send it to mommy." All three cheesed for the picture. He snapped the photo and sent to her. "Who wan'ts to play more games?"
"I want to pway the soccer game." Daria said.
"Is everyone done eating?"
"No." Zaria said picking up another slice of pizza.
"Here." he took her pizza and put it on a napkin. "Walk around with it, let's go small stuff." she scooted off the seat and took her pizza. "Let's go play." he picked up the bucket of tokens. "Okay Dee you have to kick the ball through the whole on the board at the bottom. It's going to start clos then move back some each time you make a goal." he put two tokens in then stood back and watched her.
It took her minute to get the hang of it but once she did she was making the goals. She was kicking the balls hard once the board moved further back a ways. When the game ended he looked at her score 9 out of the 15 shots attempted.
Which 31/2 year old you know???
He sent it wit a picture of the score.
Daria is headed for the World Cup!
Shut the hell up you coon! RT SHADEnika But your kids are like lanky, so she has the height of a 5yr old.
After a couple more rounds Safaree had to carry Daria away from the game because it was time to play another game.
Safaree and the gang pulled up in front of Nickis place. They had won enough tickets to get Nicki the Purple Taz she wanted. Ethan was excited to give it to her since it was his idea. Safaree unloaded them and let them in the house with his key. It was dark in the house.
"Shh you guys we have to surprise mommy." Ethan said putting his index finger to his lips. They tip toed up the steps until they got to her door. Safaree listened for movement but couldn't tell if someone was in there or not, he thought he heard noise but wasn't sure. He looked down at the kids and and counted to three on his fingers then they burst into Nickis room yelling "Surprise.".
Nickis head popped up from her knees, she had been crying. She hurriedly wiped her tears away so the children wouldn't see them. Ethan ran to her, jumping on the bed to be next to her.
"Mommy why are you crying?"
"Mamas okay baby." she said trying to pull herself together.
"Come here Ethan, take your sisters and go play in their room. Go ahead girls, let me talk to mommy for a second." Ethan kissed her cheek and climbed down off the bed walking after his sisters. Safaree cracked the door enough so he could still hear them if something happened. "What's wrong?" he asked her.
"What are you doing here Safaree? You weren't supposed to be back until Sunday." She got off the bed and walked into her bathroom to put a warm towel over her face.
"Answer my question, why are you crying?"
"That wasn't your question." she turned on the water putting the towel under it.
"Nicki." he said sternly.
"What Safaree, nothing is wrong. Now just leave so I can get myself together and see my kids." She was starting to break down.
"I'm not going anywhere until I find out what's going on with you." he turned her around to look at him.
"Safaree stop." a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Tell me." he hugged her. "What happened? Who did something to you?" she just cried on his chest holding him tight.
"It feels like nobody wants me." she sobbed. He walked her to the bed and sat down.
"What are you talking about Nic?"
"Men. I feel like i'm not good enough for anybody. They stay around for awhile and then they lose interest in me."
"How can you say that. Men have been lining up to get a chance to call you theirs."
"No they haven't Safaree." she looked at him through her tears.
"Nicki what did Damon do? He is the only reason you would be doubting yourself." he wiped away the tear trickling down her cheek.
"It's just that he is not the same as he was when we first met. He doesn't do the things he used to do for me to let me know that I'm special to him. He's never around anymore."
"Nicki he's a working man, he has a company to help run."
"You would take up for him, you dumped me just like he is about too." she pushed herself from her bed and walked swiftly into the bathroom, Safaree caught the door before it closed and pushed it open. She looked at him through the mirror. "Why did you lose interest in me Safaree, huh?"
"I never lost interest in you, we just aren't meant to be together in a relationship Nicki." her face turned hard and she turned to face him quickly.
"But you can fuck me though!" she spat the words like they were venom.
"Nicki don't go there."
"No let's go there Safaree. I'm not what you want in a wife but I'm damn good for getting your dick wet right?"
"Nicki stop." he yelled but not to loudly, he didn't want the kids to hear them. She looked down at her pedicured feet.
"I'm sorry, God I'm such a wreck."
"Just calm down. I'm sure he loves you and still feels the same way about you as when you first began dating. He asked you to marry him Nicki, that means something." He pulled her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes. She studied his face.
"Yeah?" he hugged her again.
"Yes. Any man that gives you up is a fool." he looked at himself in the mirror. "Even me." he whispered.
"What was that?" she asked leaning back. He opened up his mouth to speak but Daria walked in.
"Mommy Ethan is being mean, he won't let us play with his toys." Ethan ran in barefoot shaking his head no.
"Ethan don't be stingy or I will take all those toys and give them to kids who don't have toys."
"Sowee Daria." he said.
"It's okay."
"Where is Zaria?" Safaree asked.
"She went to sleep in her bed." Daria said. "Can we have a juice?"
"Yeah they are on the bottom shelf so you can get it yourself." they took off running. "Hey." Nicki yelled, she heard them slow down but not completely stop running. Nicki noticed she was still securely in Safarees arms, she backed away suddenly feeling wrong for being so comfortable.
"He said you were sad."
"Who?" she asked.
"Ethan, that's why I texted you earlier. He wanted to win you that purple Taz so you would feel better."
"Really?" she perked up. "Did he do it?"
"You didn't see it?"
"No, let's go get it." Nicki walked into the girls room and found it on the ground next to Zarias bed. "Aw my baby." She kissed Zarias forehead.
Walking downstairs with her new stuffed animal, she found the other two sitting in the front room watching T.V.
"Thank you for my gift babies." she sat in between them on the couch. She kissed Darias cheek then Ethans.
"Ewww mommy." he wiped her kisses away.
"Since when don't you want my kisses?" Ethan looked up at his father. "Oh since he's here you want to act all macho and hurt my feelings? Fine." she hugged her Taz and stared at the T.V.
Safaree nodded at Ethan. Ethan put his arms around Nickis neck and kissed her cheek multiple times. Nickis mouth spread into a smile she pulled Ethan on her lap.
"It's okay man man."
"Alright gang let's let mommy get her rest, we don't want to bother her." Nicki looked up at him.
"They aren't bothering me." Ethan climbed up Nickis torso crouching on the back of the couch. Daria turned up the T.V.
"It's my time and we have things planned."
"Well say that then don't make it seem like they are in the way."
"Whatever Nicki." he didn't mean it like that and Nicki making it seem like that was annoying.
"Daddy can't mommy come with us?" Daria asked.
"I'm sure mommy has things planned." Nicki looked up at him.
"No I..." she looked up at Safarees face and seen that he was getting frustrated with her trying to bogart her way in on his time. "I mean yeah I have lots of papers to go over you guys. You'll have fun with daddy, he always does fun stuff, right?"
"Yeah he let us have..." Safaree put his hand over Ethans mouth before he could spill that they had ice cream before bed. Safaree shook his head no.
"What was he going to say?"
"You have your secrets and we have ours. Let's go gang, let me go get your sister and we out. Ethan put on your socks and shoes please."
"Mommy can you help me." Ethan grabbed her hand.
"Sure baby. Come on Daria, turn that off." She hit the power button then ran beside her mom. Nicki was still wondering what Safaree was meaning behind "he was a fool as well.". Did he still have feelings for her?
*Comment pls. Ummmm so yeah...hope you liked it. I don't who still reads so tweet me if you want a notification when new chapters go up. Tell me what you think about the kids!*

Imagine its two of them! They'll come into their color! lol

lol how cute!!
ReplyDeleteOmggggggg. This chapter was soooo cute! I dont like Damon tho, he needs to leave. Nic and SB need to just sit down and talk about things and how they feel 'cuz I KNOW that they still got feelings for eachother! Their kids are freaking adorable and gorgeous. They're sooo cheeky! I LOVE IT. Keep postin, this is defo my fav story againnn! Mwuaaaah! :D
I loved this chapter! It made me sad that Nic was crying :( but I really do think Safaree still have feelings for her ^.^. Damon is about to get the boot lol. Can't wait for the next post !!
Oh yeah and those kids are adorable !!!!
Awww this was amazingly cute!! The gang went with Safaree to the Carousel Center that was nice ^_^ So pretty much Daria is the sporty type. Zaria is the girly type and Ethen is just another copy of Safaree. :') They so adorable with them learning words. Nick crying makee me sad, like it feels like Nicki needs attention or something cause Damon ain't giving her enough tho. Martha I enjoyed this, post soon . :) ~Kimmie
ReplyDeleteThe kids are so adorable.I really dont like Damon he is a sneaky something he probably has a wife and kids hidden somewhere lol.I love how they are as parents.They just need to sit down and talk because obviously something is still there.I am glad u decided to continue yay *does cartwheel
ReplyDeleteThis was GREAT i loved it POST SOON !
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwwwww... I LOVED this chapter!!!!! Ethan Knows when his mother is sad even when he's not with her !!!! That is sooooo cute! Awe It was daddy time !!!! I really dont like Damon... He doesnt have time for Nicki ... She needs somebody who's gonna be there *cough**cough* safaree*cough* !!! Hehe i aint say nothing *wink* !!! Lol Aww and the kids are soooooooo freaking cuteeee... Ethan is a liddle mommas boy! I love that! Dead at Zaria thinking she was gonna pass on Safaree... Nicki shut that shit downnnnn ! Lol forreal Nicki&Safaree still in love so this Damon dude that zont even got time for Nicko needa go ! Lol I loveddddd It ! Post Soooonnnnnnnnn!
ReplyDeleteeeeeeeepskjaiajjsjajssjzjssisk YOU POSTEDDDDDDDKDJSJSJSJSIJJSKJSKSKASNSKSNSJZJZNJSSKN ..... kayy make Damon go away reunite onikafaree!! ^_^
ReplyDeleteDamon better make time for his queen. He got her crying making her feel unwanted. make him go away soon so nic can get back with SB. Anyways greay chap
ReplyDeleteYou know wuts CRAZY? I had a feeeling Ethan looked like thatt :oooo lmaoooooo & OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I LOVED THIS CHAPTER, DAMON NEEDZ TA GO , leavin my Nicki awl sad nshit -.- not havin' it, Get him OUUUUTT of theree, please ^_^
ReplyDeleteHfdddsvfdgdd yesssssssa!! This chapter was toooo cuteee.damon can leave now..ughhh -__- -Burrr
ReplyDeleteAwwwww this is so cute safaree is so cute with them and I love how they talk Damon is on some slick shit and nicki knows what he means she needs to dump him and get this onikafaree back in action lol at safaree threatening the lady about his kids... Great as always and I'm soooooo happy your continuing with this story dead that lil boy really looks like sb
ReplyDeleteI'm heeeeere for this chapter!!! Daria fancy w/ her Chanel sneakers, I see you baby girl :p
ReplyDeleteEthan thinks hes Tarzan, Lmao, so cute!!
Not Daria gettin pudding all in her hair -__- LOL!
Lil Z took mommys cupcake, lil greedy butt.
Those nicknames for the kids>>>>>>>>>
Nicki still loves and is in love w/ Safaree I know it!!!
Awww Daria wanted them to hold hands!
Yoooo I thought Safaree was tryna get at Mrs.Dorsey..thats a NEGATIVE!!
Ethan is sooo sweet for getting the prize for his mommy..and he be knowinnn...
So we have a girly girl and some athletes in the family cuuute!!
Awww I dont like when Nicki cries :'''( and why is Safaree talking like Onikafaree won't ever be again??? Cuz it WILL>>>>>>> Plus he still loves her..*side eyes his "even me" comment* ;)
Greeat chapter...POST SOON!!!
This chapter was cuuute. Why do I feel like Damon is cheating on her though? Something about him isn't right to me. Safaree still has feelings for Nic, I miss Onikafaree :(
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwwwwww Martha I knew you loved me. Awwwwwwwwwww Sb is soooooooooooo cute with the kids. That damn Zaria is her mothers daughter. Uh oh Daria got the sports on lock. Ethan is such a sweetheart, he knows his mommy. Nic know she is most comfortable in Safarees arms. I mean we know they want each other back, they know they want each other back, so let's give everybody what they want. Oh yeah, before I forget Damon as needs to go thataway ----------> great chapter post soon
ReplyDeletesjdchkscduisxkichdsficksdjhfdsifickdshfnedisofkldjdisfkdsn!!!! THEY ARE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! :D Awwwwwwwwww, Im Sorwee! TOOO Fucking Cute. K. Cute. K? K. :P - Dakotaa A.K.A @XoMyOnika
ReplyDeleteMarthaaaaa your writing just blossoms every chapter !
ReplyDeleteK. So the triplets are sooooo cute I love how SB is w/ the kids adorable
I do think he lying when he talking about theyre not meant to be in a relationship together likeeee THE LIES
My darling Nicki is hurting on the inside 8( she wants Safaree
Wtf is Damon up to ? I feel like he's cheating on her >_______>
Great chap. Post ASAP I'm on the edgeeeeeeeeee
Awww. This was cute I loved it.
ReplyDeleteAwwwww they are so cute. Nic knows she wants Safaree, and Safaree knows he wants Nic. They need to get back together. Ethan knows his mommy. Damon ass needs to leave now, I have a feeling he's cheating. Post Soon!!!!
LMAO I love those kids! OMG Ethan don't have any underwear on lol but what SB said had me dying! Aw D-baby greedy self got pudding in her hair lol cute. Zaria sitting there eating wit no shirt on lol, they cute! Yo the girls are greedy lol Aw Nic stop treating SB like that. Damn now he mad at her =( Zaria is stubborn just like Nicki I can tell already lol. I cant stand Damon, he is cheating and I know it "emergency meeting" my ass! If this hoe Mrs. Dorsey don't stay away from SB it going be a problem, and as for her daughter i'll just let Daria handle her! Daria is a tomboy and Zaria is a girlie girl wow they are total opposite. Ethan is such a mommas boy =) Aww Onikafaree need to get back together, no other person good enough for them. The kids are beautiful, i so pictured Ethan looking like that lol
ReplyDeleteI loved this chapter and I'm so glad u didn't let that situation stop u from posting.
Post soon!
I LOVED this chapter, and Damon needs to go I am NOT here for him neglecting my Nicki. And ima need for Nicki & SB to get their stuff together cause them suppressing their feelings isn't good. Ethan was mad adorable for getting the stuff animal for Nicki, Daria is going to be athletic and Zaria is going to be a girlie girl I like how you made each of them complete opposite of the other. And i'm HOPPY that you're continuing this story I like reading it :P
ReplyDeleteakjhsiuhshjosijsoihsouhsohsouhs MY babies are so cute! :P DEAD @ Ethan having Safaree's head. im cryinggggggg :'( i think its cute how the girls are opposites. They are tooooooo funny. oh, and SB and Nicki need to get real and be together...LIKE wtf does he mean "we just arent meant to be in a relationship" its AWL liiiieeeeeeessssssss! they need to face the truth ASAP. awwww @ Ethan noticing that Nic was sad. he be knowing l0l
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwww =/ I feel bad for Nic =[ and aw he baby can tell when his mommys sad thats cute. And those pictures >>>>>> they cute and the girls are fine that color lol But I wanna know what Darin or whatever his name is, where he at and what he doin? -___- If he wants to keep nicki he better come home or shes gonna move on back to "Baby Daddy" good chapter!
ReplyDeleteAwe Zaria and Daria are sooooo cute!!!!!! P.s Ethan put sum clothes on boiii!!!
ReplyDeleteNicki needs to stop tripping and get back with safaree already, she kno she want suma dat good good lol.
Ethan is mi buddy now!!! He's soooo thoughtful and notices that Nicki wad upset, awwhhh that's when you kno when you raised your son well!!!
Nicki let safaree handle the kids! *George Lopez voice* he got this! AND don't be stressing bout darian...i mean Damon MI BAD..not really. Still don't like him, homewrecker lol.
Daria was getting it at the arcade, she coin be a soccer player to sho!!!
Lol anyways GREAT chapter, keep posting, muaaaahhhh!!!
I wanna know how Safaree can make a comment like that and then not let her come with. Safaree got mad points from me with that "Even me" comment! ughhh if he was just a lot younger and acts like he does in this fic!!!! The triplets r Sooo cute especially Ethan!!! GREAT CHAPTER!!! This was like the most adorable one ever. Post soon!
ReplyDeleteYAAAAY you're going to continue this story!:) I'm HOPPY.
ReplyDeleteAvight. The babies are maaaaaaad cute! I love how Safaree is with them. Now Damon this stupid ass motherfucker, he's up to something if he's not cheating, he has a kid or a pregnant girlfriend or some shit. I feel like Safaree's going to find out something about Damon.. ionnt know though. Safaree damn well knows he still wants to be with Nicki and Nicki still wants to be with him. this was ammmmaaaaaaaaaaaze k? k. Post sooon!
This was the cutest chapter ever. I love Safaree & Nicki as parents. *Martha voice* ABSOLUTELY ahhhhhdorrrrableee darling. Dawh. Nic's sad... Hey Damon t(.__.t). Lol. I don't know why but i have some strange feeling Damon is.. Nevermind. Anyway i'm glad Safaree was there to comfort her & i hope that they talk about this little thing about Safaree being a fool for giving Nic up or whatevvvva. Cause ;D. But anyways great chap post soon!
ReplyDeleteKeep the stories going! This daddy time is too cute. The kids are just adorable. sighs if SB and Nic didn't butheads so much.
ReplyDeleteI love this! I can definitively see Nicki's maternal instincts kicking in. The resemblance between her and my mother is astounding!
ReplyDeleteThhsjdhzAaaawwww! This chapter was so cute and the kids are adorable! I don't like Damon he gotta go cuz Nic and Safaree know they want eachother so they need to stop playin u_u. And Damon betta NAWT be doin what i think he's doin. Loved this chapter ^_^
First awf I wanna fuck Damon up..leavin my Nicki.. and safaree with the "even me">>>>>>>>>>>>..,,, that Bathroom scene was everything...this chapter was so cute...especially the babies.
ReplyDeleteDaria is a fuckin BEAST!!! TOM BOY tho -____- but anyways i loved this chapter!! daddy time is amazing! continue daddy time! and nicki is so confussed. safaree is hiding his feeling and Damon is out somewhere cheating making the queen feel like filth! etf! but anyways Zaria is the girly girl she so precious! awwww my baby! i hope that lucy bitch and he mother goose get they fuckin act together before nicki plow her ass and Daria beat the little girls ass Kay! lolz love tha chapter! good job
ReplyDeletesafaree pissing me off already acting like a lil petty bitch!!!! -_-
ReplyDeletethat lil boy woulda got swatted with a fly swat so serious he would never run around bare assed no more in my house.
this lil flip flopping one. tryna play that switch parents shit when stuff doesnt go her way. she straightened up when she got that warning though. don nobody get out of bed to make a drive for nothing. she trippin.
kids snitching on her. lol telling all her business.
damon a prick. how bloody dare he?!