Damon let himself into Nicki's house as quietly as possible, he woke up his pilot two hours early to get back to Nicki. He felt so bad that he had not been giving her the time she deserved. She was nothing but good to him and deserved way better.
He left his bags by the door and made his way up the stairs to Nicki's room. When he opened her door and found Nicki spread out on her bed sleeping soundly. He quietly laughed to himself at the sight in front of him. He liked seeing her in her raw form, no make-up, no wig, none of the colorful outfits, just Nicki. Damon walked over to the bed and kicked off his shoes before crawling over to her. He moved a couple of strands out of her face then lightly kissed her cheek. He received no response. He kissed her lips and she twitched her jaw. Damon moved down and kissed her collarbone multiple times, she stirred so he moved back to her lips so she would wake up.
Nicki's eyes opened and she stared back at him with no emotion. On the inside she was ecstatic he was home but she couldn't push aside the feelings of not being wanted she had had the past couple of weeks. Nicki rolled over and buried her face in her pillow trying to get back to sleep.
"Come on baby don't be mad at me." he got no response. "Nicki I'm sorry." he rolled her back over on her back.
"What do you want Damon?"
"I want you to forgive me for being a jerk. I know you have been feeling lonely baby and I'm sorry."
"You have basically been gone for a whole month. I get payed dust while your job receives all of your attention. Not once did you ever offer to fly me out to come be with you." she rolled over onto her side but he rolled her back his way.
"Honestly Nicki I never thought you would want to be there. It's just a bunch of old men in suites discussing agriculture, you wouldn't have a good time."
"I would have been fine because I would have been there with you." she pouted. "But you just leave me here knowing I had a week off." Damon pulled her into his lap.
"Listen I promise if I go out of town and I find out you have off days I will personally see to it that you get to me within hours of me finding out. I don't like being away from you either, I love you soon to be Mrs. Davenport." Nicki smiled and looked at her ring. "And guess what?"
"What?" she asked staring up at him.
"I took off for a whole month so you are stuck with me. Where ever you go I'm going." Nicki's eyes got big.
"Really babe?" she squealed
"Really." Nicki wrapped her arms around his neck making him fall backwards onto the bed. She kissed him all over his face.
"So you're not mad at me anymore?" he smiled as she continued to attack his face with kisses.
"I wasn't mad at you." she lied but couldn't stop giggling.
"Yes you were."
"Uh uh see watch." Nicki began kissing him deeply on the lips. She had to admit he could kiss his ass off.
Damon pulled away from the kiss. "Baby."
"I love you and everything but your morning breath is horrid." he said. Nicki's hand flew over her mouth, then she got up and ran to the bathroom.
"You're such a jerk." she yelled applying toothpaste to her toothbrush. She walked back into the room brushing her teeth and seen Damon taking off his shirt, she smiled. He looked up and made his pecs move, her smile dropped. "You ain't cute nigga." she managed to get out with all the foam in her mouth.
"I know I'm sexy." he flexed. Nicki rolled her eyes and went back into the bathroom with Damon following her. He went and turned on her shower.
"Why can't you use the other one sir?" she asked looking at him through the mirror.
"I want to use yours that's why." he said staring at her.
"Who you talking to little nicca?" she stepped to him with her chest pushed out. Damon placed his hands on both her arms and lifted her off the floor without a problem. Nicki began screaming and kicking her legs wildly. "Wait okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just put me down." she had her eyes closed pleading.
"Naw you want to talk big shit so act big Big Dawg." he lifted her higher.
"OKAY! Damon baby I'm sorry you can use the shower if you want."
"Tell me you love me."
"I love you." he brought her down some.
"Now give me a kiss." she opened her eyes and pecked his lips. "Nope I want a real kiss like you gave me with your dragon breath. She rolled her eyes and gave him what he wanted, he sat back on the floor. "See that wasn't to hard. Nicki punched him in his arm as hard as she could, then began shaking her hand because his muscles were harder than her fist. "See that what you get." he took her hand and kissed it, then began massaging it for her. "Feel better?"
"A little."
"Come get in the shower with me." he pulled her frame closer to his kissing her neck.
"I wish I could but nothing but naughty things will happen if I get in there with you and I have a doctors appointment in two hours and she does not need to know that I got it in this morning."
"I'll be gentle this time." he said in her ear, she shivered.
"You're lying and we both know it." she pushed away from him before she got herself into some trouble. "Hurry so I can get in please." She walked out the room.
"Your evil for this." he yelled dropping his briefs.
Thirty minutes later Nicki heard Damon shut off the water and the shower door open. She walked in the bathroom with nothing but a towel on.
"It's about time boo, dang. Did you take care of that little problem?" she pointed to his penis. Nicki dropped her towel and leaned in turning the water back on.
"Don't worry about it, you would know if you were in here with me." Nicki turned around to put her ring on the counter and was met by Damon's hard body. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to "do" you but you won't let me. Stop playing and let me get in the shower girl." he pressed his body towards her trying to back her into the shower but she resisted.
"No babe, I have things to do." she slipped her ring in his hand. "Put this on the sink please and leave."
"Ugh." he turned around and put the ring on the counter and left.
Doctor's Office
Safaree was sitting next to Nicki in the waiting room nervous as a whore in the church house. He wanted to get in the examination room and find out if he had once again knocked up his baby mama. He had had a talk with the big man upstairs the night before, he prayed long and hard. It wasn't that it was because it was Nicki he didn't want the baby but the fact that they couldn't handle another one at this point in their lives. And the fact that she was engaged to another man.
Nicki was just as afraid as Safaree was. She knew she would be having a C-section with this one because she refused to push out another one of his big headed children. She loved her babies but that was the worst pain ever. She didn't know how she was going to tell Damon that he wasn't the father of her unborn baby. She prayed that if she was pregnant that it would somehow magically be Damon's and not Safaree's. Nicki realized she wanted things to work out between Damon and her. She just had to learn that he had a real corporate America job and has duties.
"Ms. Maraj?" April asked. Nicki and Safaree stood and walked to the back with her.
"When are you going to stop fronting like you don't really know me?" Nicki asked her pulling April into a hug.
"I'm at work chile, I have to act professional. How have you been sweet pea?"
"I've been great, just working."
"So you don't see me standing here?" Safaree asked April.
"How can I miss your 6ft ass, give me a hug." Safaree hugged her.
"Betta show me some love girl." he broke their embrace.
"Let me check your vitals, then I have to go check on this girl I'm training." April rolled her eyes and slipped the cuff on Nicki's arm.
"Oh so since you got your promotion you don't have time for the little people?" Nicki teased.
"No I don't have time for nurses that got their certificate out of a gumball machine." she slipped the cuff off writing down the numbers.
"Oop...well gone head Ms. Thang. But you better make sure you remain my nurse when the kid come through."
"Now who's being upitty?" April grinned and walked out the room.
Safaree was sitting in the chair zoned out. He really needed to find out what was or wasn't growing inside of Nicki's stomach.
"Safaree everything will be fine." She didn't know if she was trying to convince him or herself.
"Nicki you have the most to lose in this situation, I know you love Damon." Safaree said looking over to her.
"I know but I made the decision so I'll have to live with the consequences." she took a deep breath.
The door opened and Dr. Reynolds finished giving orders to some blond girl and sent her on her way. She was about to greet Nicki a girl stopped her and asked her to sign off on some paperwork.
"Alright Stacy file these then take your break." Dr. Reynolds closed the door behind her and leaned against the door with her eyes closed.
"You alright Dr. Reynolds?" Safaree asked. She opened her eyes slowly.
"Yes Safaree, I'm just overwhelmed darlin'." She gave a slight smile.
"Hi Mrs. Reynolds." Nicki said ecstatic.
"How is my favorite famous patient?"
"Heyyyyy I used to just be your favorite patient, now you done bumped me down. I knew you didn't love me." Nicki folded her arms.
"Why are you making big drama?" she walked over and hugged Nicki.
"Look who's been watching my videos."
"I dabble in all types of music." they giggled. "So to what do I owe this pleasure of your presence.?" she sat on her wheel stool.
Safaree and Nicki looked at each other, both trying to use their eyes to get the other one to speak up. Dr. Reynolds rolled her eyes.
"Just tell me." she stated.
Nicki Sighed. "I need you to tell me if I'm pregnant or not." It grew quiet in the room.
"Well...where is Damon? Why didn't he come?" she asked.
"He doesn't know this is why I'm here."
"Oh. Okay, well let me get you a cup and we can figure this out." She left out.
"If it's positive you know I'll be there for you right?" Safaree asked.
"I know Safaree." April entered the room with the cup for Nicki.
"Here you go, the bathroom is this way." Nicki hopped down and headed down the hall.
Safaree sat leaning on his knees in deep thought. He tried to picture his life with another small person looking like a mixture of him and Nicki running around. The idea seemed incredible because he wanted a big family but in reality he just didn't think now was the time.
Nicki came back into the room minutes later and sat on the table. Safaree got up and stood next to her.
"Hoe did it go?"
"Safaree all I did was pee in a cup, how complicated do you think that is?" she asked.
"I don't know these things." he said making her smile, he grabbed her hand.
"It's going to be fine."
"Thanks for the reassurance." the two were silent until the doctor came back in the room ten minutes later.
"What did it say?" they both shouted. Dr. Reynolds jumped.
"Hold on I need to go handle something."
"What? Why can't you just tell us now?" Safaree said anxiously.
"These results are not going to change from what they are in the next five minutes if you don't find out now." She walked out the room and they continued to wait. Nicki was so nervous, she felt in her heart she was pregnant.
"I think your pregnant." Safaree blurted out.
"Why would you say that Safaree?" Nicki's eyes got big.
"It's a feeling."
"Well lose the feeling you jackass." she looked at the wall shaking her leg.
"I can't help it. I mean you seen the way you have been eating Nicki. And you threw up the other morning, explain that."
"I ate something bad the night before." he shook his head. Dr. Reynolds came back into the room.
"Alright for the news." She looked over the file.
"So what are the results?" Safaree asked.
"You're anxious like you're the father." She chuckled. Nicki and Safaree eyed each other.
"So?" Nicki asked closing her eyes.
"Relax you're not pregnant." Both sighed in relief.
"Thank God." Safaree said turning his fitted to the back and rubbing his face.
"If that's all you wanted you can leave now. Make sure you ask Kelly in the front for the date of your next physical, I know it's coming up."
"Thank you Mrs. Reynolds. Tell Dr. Crawford I said hello."
"I'll let him know. " She smiled and left the room.
"You ready." Safaree asked.
"Yes." She grabbed her purse and lead the way out.
"Yeah ma I know." he said.
"You've known for the past couple years and said nothing. It's not right."
"I'm going to tell her but in my own time."
"You are playing with other peoples lives."
"Don't you think I know that?" he yelled into the receiver.
"Who do you think you are speaking with?"
"Sorry ma."
"Now you need to tell her sooner before later. I've spoken my peace, I'll talk to you later in the week."
"I love you."
"I love you to son. Remember what I said." He hung up the phone.
*A little shorter than usual...okay A LOT shorter but writers block is a bitch. But hey you got something right??? No...well fuck it all to hell and DEAL. Leave me some comment please, you know I love them. I think more than likely I will be posting on weekends because I have all English classes and I have papers to write for them and school comes first. Sorry if that upsets you but i hope you understand. I hope you liked this interlude. Smooches until next time.*
*OH and I had a little contest for the Damon picture not everyone knew about it, I know but for those who did DM your emails and you will get a one shot that I wrote. No one found a picture I liked but i appreciate you participating so you will all will receive the story. The next photo I will be needing is one for Nina, Safaree's little sister. She is now around 22-23 so remember that, go back and look for her description in the chapter 'Be Thankful' of Beautiful Mistake. So e-mail me at OnikafareeStories@yahoo.com with the subject Nina Photo. You can send as many pictures as you would like until the deadline. Which will be announced at a later date. You may start sending the pictures when ever you like. Make sure to put your twitter name or just your name so i will know who you are. Goodluck!*

Well I am kind of glad she isnt pregnant
ReplyDeleteDamon I guess that was sweet eh I still dont like him though
And who the hell is that on the phone...hmmmm either damon has a secert or sb is still in love with nicki??? Hmmmm
And I def understand school comes first good luck with your courses!
Ugh. Damon comin home tryna be all nice and sweet and alladat but I'M NOT HERE FOR IT, FOH!!!! DamonNika<<<<<<<<<<<-__- I mean Nics always cute in all but if its not Safaree<<.
ReplyDeleteLmbo @ Safaree being "nervous as a whore in the church house." Hahaha!!!!
:O Noooooooooo!!!!! I dont want her to work things out w/ Damon >:(!!! *pouts and fights air*
And not them yellin @ Dr. Reynolds for those results! Poor she, LOL!!
Soooo she's not pregnant .__. Oh well, thats ok...I guess!
Great interlude, I loved it!!!!!!!! Cant wait for the next chapter.
PS: it may not seem like Damons cheating, but...he is ok? Ok. *SPEAKS IT INTO EXISTENCE* >:D Lmaoo!!!
first off BOO MAMA you cant be tossing threats at my ROD you know what it is dont play! anystank hoe like mmhmmmmm i knowed it... i knowed it i knowed it i knowed it! and FARM boy better not yell at his mama like that no more who he think he is! but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she not preggers and everytime i see the name april i think its me.. lol i know its not but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy thinking it is :)).. lol anystankhoe err every weekend i guess ill deal long depressing sigh.. great story and FARM BOY better not fuck me over im kinda on his team... kinda... not really but he better get his shit together wit his sexy self :))
ReplyDeleteI didn't even read it and It said she wasn't PREGGERS!!!
I have nothing to say but I will read the whole thing now -.- * in a pissed attitude* fucking damon fucking up errthang...
Lol at safaree being nervous lika a whore in a church house Aww man I kinda wanted her to be preggers but that's okay cus Damon is cheating and nicki will find out Damon really needs to disappear
ReplyDeleteWait who tf was on the line at the end of this??? Is that Damon, oh brother dont tell me he messin around...has kids? aids?? wtf is gooood
ReplyDeleteWell i still think Damon is cheating, or doing something sketchy. o_- I know what he's trying to do, being all romantic n shit tryna make Nic forget he was away and that he upset her. Stupid fuck boy. Aw she's not pregnant ;/ but errrm make suhhhin suhhhin happen w| Onikafaree? Ahviteeeeee. You had me HOWLING at 'sweating like a whore in a church house' LMFAAAAO. Nar, but what was that phonecall about? Hmmmmm. Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah girl! School comes first.. we understand. ^.^
*removes earrings* don't have me walk out Sunday School lol waddup waddup.
ReplyDeleteAnyways yay for the chapter. :D
I'm glad she's not pregnant cuz yea they can't handle that right now.
I think Damon cheating or he got some secret. -_- lemme n the story n whup his behind (I'm n church) lol
Can't wait for the next chapter :D *looks at watch* is it here yet? Lol
I am glad Nicki ain't pregnant. But on the other hand, with that phone call I think it is Damon and his mother. Is he like having another woman or married woman? O__o Idk that what in my mind. But I loved the suspense and everything in this chapter Martha :) Post sOon babe!
ReplyDeletedude is not as cute as Safaree and I know dis nigga aint got no baby or nothing but imma wait matter of fact im about to call you later so answer yo phone heffa and im kinda glad she's not pregnant so the others can grow up a lil more and it wont be too hectic.....know what I mean?! yeah you do but okay ttyl!
ReplyDeleteI've got to say this...BEST WRITER IN TM, HANDS DOWN! Your honestly the best at this shit I love reading your story and get beyonce excited when theres a new chapter. Amazing job.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, so happy nicki isn't preggo. Keep up the good work, j can't wait
Great Chapter, I'm so damn glad she not pregnant lord Knows I am. I still don't like Damon and I don't like that fact that he came back home tryna be all lovey dovey Like Ewwwwww (If he ain't Safaree get ya hands off of my darling) Corny I know. Can't wait Till OnikaFaree get back on track.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I don't think Damon is cheating possibly hiding something but tbh I don't even think that's him in the last part
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmm I'm HERE for this suspense
Still tryna fill Damon out
Post asap
Who was that at the end of this? :OOO. At first i thought it was Safaree. But idunno it seems like it could be Damon..I wonder what he's hiding. I've changed my mind about him cheating when i read the beginning of the chap, he doesn't seem suspicious.. YET. But yeah i'm kinda glad & not glad she's that she's not prego. Anyway, post soon :)
ReplyDeleteWTF!!! WHAT HE GOTTA TELL HA!???? AND NOT PREGNANT? WAIT NOT PREGNANT? LET ME SAY DAT 1 MO TIME NOT PREGNANT? that aint wat we spoke of!! awwww helll naw! Damon need to keep his crazy ass away grrrrrr he is fuckin shit up! and nicki is so called in love with the nigga hmph! we'll see about that!
ReplyDeleteOnika Davenport tho..? NO! I hate Damon, his cheatin ass.(IDK if he cheatin but he guilty until proven innocent!) -__- Glad she not pregnant forreal tho.