"Daddy." Daria sat on his stomach.
"Huh? What?" Safarees eyes popped open, trying to focus his eyes. "What's the matter Toot?" he stretched and yawned.
"Then why did you wake me up?"
"I'm bored." Safaree blankly stared at her. He turned over letting Daria fall backwards onto the bed.
"Whoaaaaa." she let out as she fell. "Daddyyy." she said climbing onto his side.
"What time is it?" Daria looked at the clock then back at him.
"I don't know these things." she shrugged her shoulders. Safaree let out a huff and pulled Daria around into his arms. He kissed her cheek.
"What do you want?"
"Get up." she poked his arm.
"Daddy's tired." he still had his eyes were still closed. Daria lifted hie eyelid and got close to his face.
"Let's make cakes."
"Why do you always pancakes?"
"Cakes daddy." she tried her best to get him up with her tiny frame. Zaria walked in the room with her onsie matching her sisters and her bunny.
"Daddy I'm hungry." she rubbed her eye then climbed in the bed.
"What's new."
"Daddy!" Daria shouted sounding like her mother. He opened one eye. "Now!" she furrowed her eyebrows and poked his hip trying to get her point across that she was serious. In one swift motion Safaree grabbed Daria by her arms and had her pin to the bed.
"Who you talking to little girl?"
"Daddy noo." Daria said giggling. Zaria punched him in the arm, he looked to her.
"What you think you doing?" he he grabbed her and put her next to her sister. "So y'all was gonna gang up on me huh?" the girls continued to giggle as they tried with no avail to get away. All of a sudden Safaree was knocked off balance by Ethan jumping on his back. "Where you come from?" he asked looking at him. "Still got sleep in your eyes."
"Get em you guys." Ethan instructed. The girls jumped on top of Safaree beating their little fist against his chest.
"Ethan your supposed to be on my side." Safaree said looking hurt. Ethan shook his head no and mashed Safaree's face into the bed.
Safaree placed his hand over Ethans face and slightly pushed him causing Ethan to tumble backwards onto the bed. He rolled over tossing the girls to the side, he stood stretching. Ethan jumped like superman through the air and caught Safaree around the neck holding on like a monkey. The girls wrapped themselves around his legs.
"What are y'all doing?" he grabbed Ethan turning him upside down causing him to break out in a fit of giggles. "Are you two going to move or are you staying?" the girls tightened their grip, he shrugged ad began walking. "What do you want for breakfast little boy?"
"Oatmeal. Daddy I have to pee." Safaree put him down. "You need help?"
"No." he took off back down the hallway."
"Are you two cooking today?"
"We can't cook." Zaria said.
"You're silly daddy." Daria responded.
"What? If y'all not cooking then what do I keep you around for?" he picked them up one at a time then walked down the stairs. "I should put both of you out right now." He started walking towards the front door.
"Nooo daddy." they yelled trying to get down. He laughed.
"I'm just playing, daddy loves you to much." he kissed their cheeks. Ethan came down the stairs with Zarias bunny.
"Here Zaria."
"Thank you Ethan." she took it from him.
"Okay go watch cartoons while I fix your breakfast."
Safaree called Nicki while getting all his things out. They hadn't talked much in the past couple of days like they usually do. She called to talk to the kids but never had much to say to him.
"Hi." Nicki sounded sad.
"Yo nigga you been sounded depressed as hell lately, what the hell is wrong?" She rolled her eyes as if he could see her.
"Don't lie. Is it Damon? If you need me to have a talk with him then I will because obviously he is not holding it down and doesn't know it."
"Safaree it's none of your business, leave me and my relationship alone. You lost say so when you left me." It got quiet on the phone.
Safaree knew he had no come back to that because it was true but he still didn't wan't her down in her spirits.
"We're going out tonight."
"No we're not."
"Yes we are Nicki so cut the bull." he cracked an egg into a bowl.
"I'm not going anywhere but in in that bed of mine."
"I will drag you out of that house in whatever clothes you have on when I get there at eight, so I suggest you be presentable." He hung up the phone not giving her a chance to protest further.
That Afternoon
"Daddy I'm going to have a tea pawty." Zaria said. walking into his room.
"Oh yeah? When?"
"Now, in my room. You have to come."
"Okay." he turned off his TV and got off the bed.
"You have to dress up."
"Zaria, what I have on is fine."
"Okay what if I put on a tie?" Zaria put her finger to her chin as if she really had to think about what he proposed.
"Fine daddy." she said as if he were working her last nerve. Safaree shook his head and walked into his closet grabbing any tie and walked back out. Zaria looked at it.
"NO!" she walked in his closet staring up at the high rack searching for one she wanted him to wear. She pointed, "Dat one pwease." he hung up the tie he had and grabbed the black and pink tie.
Zaria grabbed his hand and pulled him to her room. Daria was already sitting at the small table with a hat on her head.
"Ethan come here." Zaria shouted. he walked f\over from his room.
"Come to my tea pawty."
"That's for girls."
"No it's not, tell him daddy."
"Boys go to tea parties Ethan."
"Make him come daddy." Safaree knew Ethan didn't want to play tea party but he had to do it when he was younger so Ethan would just have to deal.
"Come on Ethan."
"But daddy?"
"Don't 'but daddy' me, come on boy." Ethan slumped his shoulders and walked over to the chair and sat down frowning. Zaria was all smiles.
"Okay now Daddy you sit here." Safaree sat in the small chair with his knees basically to his chest. Zaria went and grabbed two hats out of her closet and placed one on Safarees head and one on Ethans. She went around poring 'tea' into everyone's cup then sat in her chair. "Okay now you may drink."
"There is nothing in here." Ethan grumbled. Zaria looked inside her small tea cup.
"Imagine." she said in a small voice. Safaree could tell she was sad her brother wasn't having fun with her. Zaria was the type of kid that wanted everyone to have fun and made sure no one was left out. She was a loving child.
"Yeah dude imagine." Safaree said to Ethan. SB picked up his cup sticking his pinky out and sipped. "Refreshing. How does yours taste Daria?" Daria picked hers up and sipped as well.
"It needs sugar."
"Give her some sugar Z-bear." Zaria perked up, then took her small spoon and dipped it in her imaginary sugar bowl giving her sister two scoops.
"Better?" Daria sipped again.
"Perfect." the two giggled. Safaree looked over at Ethan.
"How does yours taste?" Ethan picked up his cup hesitantly then sipped.
"Taste like..." he thought. "raspberries."
"Mines too." Safaree said.
"Pour me some more Zaria." She quickly got up and poured him another cup.
That Night
Safaree put his cologne on last, finishing off his look for tonight. He had on his black Armani suit, diamond encrusted cuff links, his diamond watch Nicki got him a couple of years back, and all topped off with his diamond earring. He trimmed up his gotee real nice.
"How do I look you two?" the girls looked up from playing on the floor of his bedroom.
"Cute." They said together. He gave a Chris Tucker smile.
"Thanks. Okay so when auntie Candi gets here you're not going to give her any problems are you?" they shook her head no. "When she says go to bed that's what your going to do right?" again they agreed. "And if I come back and she tells me otherwise i'm beatin butt tomorrow morning right." they frowned and shook their head no. Just then his doorbell chimed, indicating Candi had arrived. "All right let's get the door." they girls raced to the door then waited for Safaree to give the go to open the door. "Go ahead." Daria opened the door and Zaria jumped up grabbing on to Candi's waist.
"Hi babies. How are you?"
"Fine." they said.
"What up Cyan Mon?" he hugged her.
"Hey. You look handsome."
"Thank you I try to do what I can." He struck a pose.
"Get out my face fool." She walked passed him into the living room where Ethan was playing with his trucks. "Ethan, hows my big man?"
"Hi auntie Candi." he never looked up from his truck.
"Alright I'm about to head out. You have all the contact information in case something goes wrong, the name and phone number of the restaurant is on the island in the kitchen. They have eaten so they shouldn't get hungry but you know how Zaria can eat, so the fridge is stocked. Do what you want this is like your house too so do what you feel."
"Go have fun."
"Give me some love before I leave you three." they got up and gave him a hug. "I'll see you guys later." He left to go get Nicki.
Meanwhile @ Nickis
"Oh my God why won't this stupid strap stay up?" Nicki kept looking herself over and over in the mirror. She really didn't want to go anywhere tonight but knew Safaree would make good on his threat so here she was.
Nicki had on a long form fitting green dress that had a split that came mid thigh. Her hair was in loose curls. She wore her emerald earrings the kids got her for mothers day, a diamond tennis bracelet, and a diamond ring, that she had no clue where it came from. Her make-up was flawless, she finally had Day sit her down and teach her all the different techniques, so she didn't have to call her all the time. The doorbell rang.
"This will not be awkward." she told herself in the mirror before she headed downstairs to the door.
They made it to the restaurant with minimal conversation. Safaree tried to get her to talk but she wouldn't open up. He helped her out the car and into the restaurant.
"Just two?" Devin asked.
"Yes." Nicki assured.
"Right this way." they followed behind him. People pointed and stared at them. One girl waved, Nicki waved back smiling. Devin stood to the side showing them their table. Safaree held out the chair for Nicki.
"Thank you." She said slipping into the chair. Safaree took his seat.
"Here are your menu's and your server will be with you shortly." they looke over the menu's.
"Hi my name is Roman and I'll be your waiter for the evening, may I start you off with a drink?"
"I love your name." Nicki laughed.
"Thank you." he said.
"I'll have a watermelon Mojito." Nicki said.
"I'll have a rum and coke."
"Coming right up." he walked away.
"Do you see anything you like?" Safaree asked.
"The steak and shrimp sounds good."
"Yeah it does, I think I'll get the seafood gumbo."
"Oooo that sounds good too." Nicki looked torn now.
"I'll share if you share." he offered, she smiled.
"Here you go, a watermelon mojito for the lady and rum and coke for you sir. Okay do you know what you would like?"
"They steak and shrimp for her and the Seafood gumbo for me." they handed him their menu's and he was off to the kitchen. "So how's it going?" Safaree asked Nicki.
"Everything is fine. I'm ready to have my babies back, I miss them."
"Nope they are mine until I drop them off at Daycare tomorrow morning." he sipped his drink.
"I know. How is your deal going for your sneakers?"
"Good. Nike and Jordan want me."
"Really? Which one are you going to choose?"
"I talked them both into letting me have a shoe. So yes, the kid will have like five different commercials out at the same time. Which coon you know?" they both broke out into laughter.
"I'm really proud of you Safaree, you have really made things happen for yourself."
"None of this would be possible without you." Nicki shook her head no.
"You got that deal all on your own, all credit is yours. Safaree you have grown so much from that kid I met on the block so many years ago. You are a man now with dreams and goals and not just hopes and wishes."
"Thank you Nicki, it means a lot to hear you say that." he placed his hand over hers on the table. She stared at his hand, she didn't pull away, just stared. As she was about to speak Roman came back over.
"Do you need new drinks?" Nicki closed her mouth hoping Safaree didn't notice.
"Yes please." Nicki slid her hand from up under his.
"Alright I'll be back."
"So how are your lines going?" Nicki rolled her eyes.
"I'm on page 145 of the script. It's just hard getting the lines down without someone to run them with you. And AGAIN Damon had to fly out to Kentucky for business."
"NIcki you don't think he is--" Nicki through her hand up.
"Safaree, no I don't think he is cheating."
"Are you sure?"
"No one can ever be sure but I trust him."
"Okay, I was just asking." It got quiet, neither not knowing what to say to the other. The silence was killing Nicki.
"So do you have any new girls you looking at?"
"What ever happen to that Lisa girl?"
"We just didn't click. She wanted kids and I didn't." he shrugged. Roman dropped their drinks off then went to the kitchen to check on their food.
"Bummer I liked her. So you haven't set your sights on anybody?"
"I've tried but I just don't see anybody out there for me."
"Just keep searching you'll find Mrs. Right." Nicki picked up her phone.
"Alright here we go, Steak for you and Gumbo for you. Anything else I can get you?" Roman asked.
"Can I have some fresh ground pepper?"
"Sure I'll be right back."
"Oh so this pepper ain't good enough for you?" Nicki said picking up the pepper shaker?
This NICCA talking bout FRESH ground pepper...Ol Uppity ass! SMH
Safaree read her tweet.
"Shut up." he laughed.
"Here you go sir just tell me when." He ground the pepper a couple of times.
"That's enough."
"Enjoy your meal." They said grace and dug in. They didn't speak for a good five minutes.
"Damn Nicki breath." she snapped her head up making eye contact with him. "Nobody is going to take it from you." he smiled.
"I'm sorry but It's just so good. Let me taste yours." he scooted his bowl towards her and she tasted the gumbo. "That's good Faree." she grabbed another bite. "You always pick the good food." she went to put her spoon back into the bowl but he moved it out of her reach.
"I know and I would like to eat my meal that I chose."
"You said you would share."
"I did share." he began to eat his food.
"Two bites you greedy doof."
"Why I gotta be all that?"
"Because you are." she cut her steak.
Another bowl of gumbo and two cocktails later the two were ordering dessert.
"I want ice cream and a brownie."
"I want the chocolate cake with white chocolate icing with the chocolate and caramel drizzle."
"Oooo that sounds good."
"Everything sounds good to you." she giggled and clapped her hands.
"So, just know you sharing Nicca."
"Don't I always."
"Remember when you used to be chunky?"
"Remember when YOU used to be chunky? Why we bringing up my weight?" he got defensive.
"ZAMNNNN touchy touchy, geeze it was just a question." She threw her hands up.
"Here you go." Roman sat their desserts down along with the check. "Enjoy and have a nice night." he walked away.
"You know I like that Roman boy, he was very well mannered."
"Yeah." Safaree said with a mouth full of cake.
"Save some for me fatty." Nicki reached over with her fork but Safaree picked up the plate taking another fork full. He shook his head no. "Give me some."
"Shut up and give me a little piece."
"No, It's to good to share."
"Fine then I'm not sharing my brownie and ice cream."
"I don't want that no way." He slid another piece in his mouth.
"Safaree stop, give me some cake." Nicki was tipsy and a little louder then normal.
"Fine here." he forked off a piece and picked up holding it out for her to eat. She opened her mouth and he put it in but before he could remove his fingers she bit him. "OW! The fuck?"
"When I say give it to me just freaking do it, I don't beg for shit."
"Oh I remember a couple of times that you begged for something." he looked down at his finger then up at her grinning.
"Don't go there okay."
"Well don't lie." She pointed her finger at him and he mocked her.
"Can we go I need to get out of these shoes, I can't feel my pinkie toe."
"I think that's because of the liquor I believe but we'll go with your story."
"Yes, let's" Safaree payed in cash leaving Roman a big tip. He ate another piece of his cake then stuffed the rest in Nickis mouth. "This cake is good." he could barely understand her with her cheeks poked out so far. He helped her up so she could lean on him as they walked. "Are you okay to drive because I have no problem getting in a cab?"
"Naw I'm good." he pulled out his valet ticket. Once they got outside he handed it to the guy. Nicki shivered so Safaree took off his suit jacket and put it around her while they waited.
"I had fun tonight, thanks for making me come out."
"No problem, I need you to smile again." he hugged her. They got in the car and pulled off on their way to Nickis house.
Safaree walked Nicki up her walkway. She sobered up a bit in the car but was still fucked up. When they got to the front door she turned around and leaned on it.
"Do you really think he is cheating on me Safaree?"
"For his sake I hope not Nicki." He brushed a curl out of her face. She caught his hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Do you want to come in?" she looked up into his eyes. Safaree knew if he stepped over that threshold things would happen that she would later regret in the morning.
"I need to get home and let Candi leave." He kissed her on the forehead. "Don't forget tomorrow at one you have that appointment with Dr. Reynolds. I'll call and remind you in the morning. Goodnight Nic." he let go of her hand and forced himself away from her.
Nicki unlocked her door and disappeared inside. Safaree waited a couple minutes, Nicki flicked her bedroom lights indicating that everything was okay and he could leave. She watched from her window as he drove off down the street.
"Why can't he be you?" she heard her phone vibrate. She ignored it and went to shower. Once she had on her night clothes she checked her phone
I Love you baby. I will be home when you wake up. Have the sweetest dreams.
I love you to babe. Can't wait to see you.
Nicki sighed and succumbed to sleep.
*SO how'd ya like it? 0_o Do you think I use to much dialogue? Should I put more detail in it or is it good enough for you on detail? What are your predictions? COMMENT!*
Zarias Tie she picked out!

And her Tea set!

The cake SB and Nicki loved.

ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyye an unofficial date yuuuuuus .... i'm here for them realizing they want each other back!!!! oh may kay kYyyyyyyy w/they cute ass ANYWHORE 2 more chapters then Onikafaree!!! kayy ^_^ oh *ps* Nicki woulda been sooo cute in the first scene when they was fightin Safaree! *sigh* MAKE IT HAPPEN!
ReplyDeleteAmazing gworrrl!!!!
ReplyDeletelol Ethan that wasn't fair, u supposed to help yo dad! You cant be ganging up on a coon!
Aww I wanted to be at the tea party! And Zaria got good taste in fashion, that tie was swag!
Nicki I'm sorry to say this, but I think u preggrs cuz of how u been Eatin all that food, who da chubby one lol.
And I hope deamon...I mean Damon IS cheating on u, YEA I SAID IT! Cuz like I said u luv u sum rarer.
nice chapter, but I want to see it going down, hell I want some drama in this!!
And she was drinking... * side eye*
ReplyDeletei think it was great the way it was....i swear ya stories are the fcking bomb...but imma need yu to post like tomorrow...i cant stand when yu leave my ass hangin...smdh
ReplyDeleteThat cake look mad good, but thats off subject. I think Damon is cheating, I just feel it. Its cute how Safaree wanted to take her out to bring her cheer. She needs it. Them two def have feelings for each other. If only they'd just express them :(
ReplyDeleteBtw she shouldn't be drinking...I have a feeling she'll get results she don't want tomorrow at the doctor.
ReplyDeleteOmg the kids are too cute. Daria is to cute waking SB up cuz she bored. Nic and SB was acting like Onikafaree on that date :). Damon is hiding something if he not cheating then WTF is he doing?? *Hmmm Thinks* Any way Good ass Chapter
ReplyDeleteAw poor Nic still depressed, i just want her to be happy again. Yes im here for SB making her get out the house. Aww Zaria lil tea party, they are mad smart! Aw Ethan getting into it now, Z is happy now that he actually playing along. Aww they need to leave my lil greedy Z alone lol let her eat! Awww they date was the freaking cutest. Roman was a good waiter, he take his job serious lol. Not SB being boojie asking for ground pepper lol then Nicki busted him out on twitter lmao. Kml SB real touchy bout when he was chunky lol. HAHAHA Nicki want that cake... omg she bit him LOL. Im glad Nicki had funny, she know she think Damon cheating or she wouldn't have asked SB. I'll be glad when Damon gets caught cuz i know he up to something! Yes i've been waiting on this doctors appointment, i cant wait to see what happens.
ReplyDeleteIm hurt i didn't get a mention that u updated -_- *pouts* NEhoe this was a great chapter.
Post soon!
Oh Zaria was acting just like Nicki when she was talking to Safaree bout the tea party. She picked out a good tie, her tea set is to cute and that cake look hella good!
ReplyDeletePost like ASAP!
Weeeeeellllllllllll first off I freaking looooooooovvvvvvveeeeed it. Safaree relationship with the kids is soooooooooooo freaking cute. The dialogue was fine and when you write it is always detailed enough so that it paints a vivid picture, so I would say you're good in that department. Now what do I think will happen next, hmmmmmmmmmmmm I say first and foremost let's get rid of this fucking damon character. I'm sure with him gone everyone would feel better and could breathe. Lmaoooooooooooooooo I wonder if nic ass is pregnant again, cuz she sure was eating like she was. Bwahahahahahahaha and if she is, oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh shit that's gonna be some drama fo yo ass. Soooooooooooo to paraphrase this comment I think we all agree to kick damon ol can't put it down in the bedroom havin ass to the curb k? K! Great chapter post soon
ReplyDeleteShe is preggo. Deffo! And she and safaree both know he is cheating on her, but they just don't want to say it ! And awwwwwwwwwww. The girls are so CUTE. And Ethan! Bless! Love it! And btw, I love all of the dialogue. I prefer that :) xo
ReplyDeleteLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEDDDDD IT! Daria acts just like her mom when it comes to her attitude. Zaria acts like her mommy when it comes to being nice(and eating). Ethan acts like his mommy with his imagination. THEY ALL ACT LIKE THEIR MOMMY!!!
ReplyDeleteSafaree is sooooo nice. You can tell he still loves her though. He wanted to go in the house but he was looking out for her. That's love right there! ^_^ <3
Nicki shouldn't worry about the punk a$$ nicca Damon. -___- I can feel he's cheating(if he wasn't you need to make that happen). Why you have to go to the SAME SPOT EVERY OTHER WEEK(it feels like) for business? That's kinda fishy you know? smh. They aren't good for each other. Break Damon away from Nicki. I'm tired of him and how he has Nika crying and sad all the time. He needs to spend time with my Nika or go away all together. Why can't she just go back with Safaree? The bond they have is greater than Demon's I mean Damon's life. Point Blank.
She pregnant too. She was tryna eat EVERYTHING! Like... the hell? But she was drinking too...=\ If she is actually pregnant... It's Safaree's. The other nicca be shootin blanks. WOOOOOOOOOMP!!
Me love smiling Nika more than sad Nika. Safaree makes smiling Nika. Damon make sad Nika. Smiling Nika=Safaree=Onikafaree=Me Happy! Get it?
SMILING NIKA=SAFAREE=ONIKAFAREE=ME HAPPY!!! =D LUUUUVVVVV Add again asap(pwease) with that equation in your mind. It'll be perfect! lol
Yes I think you do well with the detail you can always paint a visual detail.I liked the dialogue as well :) First I think Nicki might be pregnant due to her always crying and her being all greedy.I just hope it's SBs not Damons.Also ain't that much buisness in the world in the same state that's what power point and video conferences are for 0_o.His ass is up to something let's get him out the picture and back to onikafaree.I was dead at SB asking if Nicki wants him to talk to Damon,Where they do that at lol.The little unofficial date was cute and I like the fresh pepper part.The kids are so adorable I love how they interact with each other.I usually try not to bother people and let them write as they please but I'ma need that update ASAP lol
ReplyDeleteZamn that cake looked good as hell(sorry I haven't eaten yet) anyway idk if D man idk how to spell his name idk if he's cheating but if he's not he works too much or somethin poor Nicki I think she thinks something is up that's why she's so sad and lmaooooo the kids cute! But they DEF got a straight up mini Nicki on their hands yup! I am SOOOOO ready for this appointment!! But idk if you're gonna change it up b/c everyone thinks she's pregnant or if youre gonna go with what everyone wants. But let's get rid of D man and bring back Onikafaree full force in ALL their explicit glory!!
ReplyDeleteawe that was mad cute! Awe, my poor HB. They just need to be together already cause oh boy is cheating he probably got a whole other family some where ol fucker but ahhhh post soon Martha pwease!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis chapter= AMAZING!!! Nicki had an appetite lol she ate everything. smh I hope Damon know that if he is cheating on her and she find out that's his balls !!! and im glad Safaree got Nicki to go out. I cant lie they are cute together :) oh yeah and i wonder what they are going to find out at that appointment
ReplyDeleteI think Damon is cheating on her, tbh. :|
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you should leave the dialogue but add more detail ^____^ K.
AW! The kids are mad cute! They all have parts from Safaree and Nicki's personalities in them. Damon's making Nicki upset.. mi no likey :( Damon's disgusting self is cheating, and even Nicki knows it. Oh and she's got to be pregnant all that food... but she drank. ;/ Safaree is such a gentleman taking her out and all'at. ^_^ Onikafaree soon? Yeah no? think about it? k. Lmfao.
ReplyDeleteI love your writing, I think you use the right amount of dialogue and detail. It's perfecto!
I think he cheat'n to BUT PLEASE go check out my blog !!
that cake look good as fuck! lol errr i want cake now.. and awwwwww they cute.. :)) onikafaree was great.. smh i hope "farm boy" get his shit right cuz i like him.. but i loved the chater.. and MY ethan is soooooooo cute i wubb that lambchop :)).. could have been longer stank butt! that is awl muah post soon boo mama!
ReplyDeleteMan the triplets are theee absolute cutest, aaah I love them. Onikafaree plus the triplets as one happy family would be everything!! *Hint Hint*
Im glad they went on a date, Nicki really needed that because SOMEBODY isn't ever around *cough cough* Damon AND he's not doing any good for her.
Safaree hasnt found anyone hes interested in because NO ONE is like Nicki and will never be. So thats yet another sign of Onikafaree needing to get back togerher!
And IF Nicki is pregnant it WILL be by Safaree just so were clear ok?? OK!!
Last thing..im reay pushing for Onikafaree so its either shes pregnant by Safaree, or not pregnant at all!!
Alright greeeeeeat great chapter!! POST VILLY VILLY SOON!!!
Oh yea the detail was great and keep the dialogue. BRING ON THE DR'S appt, too!! And s/o to Roman the waiter for being so great with them greedy children, Lmao. Ok that's it for real this time! Post soon!
ReplyDeleteOnikafaree bisssshes!!
The triplets are too cute!
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling Damon is cheating! /: that mothafuckaaa!
If he isn't I kinda want him to find out about nic nd sb hooking up or like catch them or something. Im excited for this doctor appt!
if shes pregnant idunno i want it to be sb's cuz that will equal DRAMA but they already have 3..
LOOOL but the dialogue and detail is good!
Post soon barb<3
I loved this chapter. I'm happy to see Nicki happy & happy that Safaree was the one to make it happen. I do still feel some type of way about Damon...I wonder what Safaree would do IF he was cheating. Let's hope he's not. Anyway, post soon :) Xoxo
ReplyDeleteNo, the dialogue was perfect. Not too much. This was a good chapter. I love that Safaree made Ethan play tea party lmfaooooo and im glad he made Nic go out. I was tired of seeing be miserable. ummmmm....Damon is making me suspicious *side eyes him* i wanna believe that he is just busy, but idk O.o EYE WANNA KNOW!!!!!! L0l
ReplyDeleteI think it was greattttttttttt! *Tony the tiger voice* loved it! ^_____^
ReplyDeleteI think the dialogue is fine as is. LMAOOOOO at Ethan and Safaree playing tea party!! Too cute! These kids are too adorable for words!! I wanna kidnap them and have them all to myself! Lmao. And Nic and SB's forced date was MOD cute. They need to get tf back together!! They need each other! And on that note....DAMON IS FUCKING CHEATING ON ONIKA!!! I can FEEL it. Nic and SB betta BEAT his ass when she find out too! Lmaooo. Anywaydoe, great chapter! Can't wait till the next one!
Your Twife @CandaceMinaj
It's great! Detail is good! I'm from Kentucky! I still don't like this Damon guy! The kids are so adorable! Glad Safaree got Nic out and smiling! That cake looks GOOD! Great job Martha!-Flawlessbarb
ReplyDeleteThis Is Was Cute! I Mean... Damon Is You Cheating Nigga? Lmfaoo! Post Soon Boo, - Your Boo, @XoMyOnika Xoxo
ReplyDeleteLove this chapter can't wait for the next chapter especially the doctor's appointment. The detail was great and keep the dialogue coming as it adds to the story and makes it more interesting. We need to get onikafaree back together and get rid of Damon cheating ass i don't like him for her period!!!!!!!!! i recently found your stories less than a week ago and i must say is the best onikafaree story i've read so far. I've read from Beautiful Mistakes straight into Bound to you going to bed at 3 and 4 am. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEthan is mad cute!! I'm loving this story and I'm all caught up now soooo yea what's the ETA on that next chapter!!
ReplyDeleteCheckout my blog
DAMON IS CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FCK HIS ASS!!!
ReplyDeletethat Date...Safaree shoulda came in...omfg ugh I miss them being together..come on gworl!!! get it togetha
ReplyDeletedamn that cake look good!!! BITCH I AM SCREAMING!!!!! why his smile gotta be like Chris rock biotch lmfaoooooooo zaria is so cute! ethan is such a boy! safaree is so sweet. and im mad nicki is drinking and she hasnt got checked on yet like wtf! i hope candi had fun with the babies! i wish they would just admit it all fuckin ready that they are in freakin love kay!